The 2024 Partnership Forum of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) was held on 30 January 2024 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York under the theme of “Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: the effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions”. The Forum placed a special emphasis on the Sustainable Development Goals that will be reviewed at the 2024 HLPF, namely Goal 1 (no poverty); Goal 2 (zero hunger); Goal 13 (climate action); Goal 16 (peace and justice); and Goal 17 (partnership for the Goals).
In accordance with resolution 75/290A, the 2024 ECOSOC Partnership Forum was focused on the exchange of new ideas, expectations and priorities for the work ahead for ECOSOC and the HLPF on the aforementioned theme. It will showcase and discuss forward-looking actions by countries and all relevant stakeholders through innovative partnerships that could mobilize commitments and actions to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and address new challenges.
The concept note can be accessed here
The information note is available at this link here.
The open call for stakeholder interventions closed on 19 January 2024.
Almost 230 applications were received and reviewed by the Secretariat. All selected potential speakers have now been contacted by the UN Secretariat.
Concept Note
Additional Resources
Tuesday, 30 Jan
SDG Action Segment for SDG1 and SDG2
SDG Action Segment for SDG 13 and SDG 16
The SDG Action segments focused on showcasing and demonstrating how innovative partnerships could be scaled up to drive SDG implementation while highlighting their crucial role in fostering collaborative action across stakeholders and sectors. SDG Action segments were organized by select partners from the UN system working in collaboration with member States and other relevant stakeholders.
The segments will aim to feature:
- Discussions on the enabling factors that can help foster, improve, and scale up multi-stakeholder partnerships on the SDGs, including on finance, technology, data, capacity building, trade, and statistics.
- Examples of existing innovative partnerships and collaborative stakeholder engagement mechanisms that are driving progress on the SDG under focus.
- Multi-stakeholder voices from all sectors with a balance of gender and geographical representation of speakers.
- Opportunities with strong potential for new partnerships related to the focus SDG.
- Leverage learnings from relevant High Impact Initiatives.
Outcomes and outputs
- Increased understanding, engagement, and commitment by all actors on the multi-stakeholder partnership approach in driving implementation of the SDGs.
- Key messages and recommendations that can help scale up impactful SDG focused multi-stakeholder partnerships (to be reported during the closing segment of the ECOSOC Partnership Forum).
- Summary of proceedings (to be posted on the ECOSOC Partnership Forum website).
More information
2024 ECOSOC Partnership Forum Official Side Events Programme:
In-person Side Events taking place inside UNHQ: Click here
In-person Side Events taking place outside UNHQ: Click here
Virtual Side Events: Click here
In-person Side Events taking place inside UNHQ:
Time (EST) | Location Inside UNHQ | Title | Organizers | One-line description | Event webpage | Summary |
1:15 – 2:30 PM | Trusteeship Council Chamber | Resilient prosperity: Strategic partnerships to advancing Science, Technology, and Innovation in Small Island Developing States | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Small Island Developing States Unite of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
| This side event focuses on scaling up strategic partnership to advance Science, Technology and Innovation in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) towards a resilient future. The side event aims to explore and promote effective partnerships in science, technology and innovation to facilitate resilience prosperity and to achieve sustainable development in SIDS. | Click here | Click here |
1:15 – 2:30 PM | Conference room B | CoCreating the Future with new thinking, culture, digital innovation and local pacts for the future | International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges IAAI GloCha; UN Habitat Youth Programme; International Youth Conference | At this side event there will be presented the multi-stakeholder partnership for global challenges action empowerment GloCha and GloCha’s systemic solutions for citizens' and youth climate/SDGs action empowerment, like e.g. the DigitalArt4Climate Call for Music and Art in support of the UN Summit of the Future, the individual SDGs/climate action app and the “Local pacts for the Future” program. | Click here | |
1:15 – 2:30 PM | Conference room 7 | Partnerships for Localization: rescuing the SDGs through coalitions in times of crises | Local Authorities Major Group gathered within the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments; United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA); Children and Youth Major Group; Spain (tbc) | Presenting innovative partnerships and high-impact coalitions led by local and regional governments, this side event will emphasize the vital connection between multistakeholder governance connecting the local to the global and the acceleration of the localization of the 2030 Agenda, in particular to eradicate poverty and protect human rights and peace in times of crises. | Click here |
In-person Side Events taking place outside UNHQ:
Time (EST) | Location Inside UNHQ | Title | Organizers | One-line description | Event webpage |
8:30 - 9:30 AM | 5th floor, Church Center of the United Nations, 777 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017 | Youth for the Future: Networking Session | MGCY, SPI Youth platform, South-North Scholars, Ágora, Student Platform for Engineering, Education and Development (SPEED), Chemicals and Waste Youth Platform, Media X Caribbean, World Vision International (venue support), Caribbean Regional Youth Council, Commonwealth Health Youth Network, Global Youth Health Caucus, March for Our Planet , AEGEE-European Students Forum
| This meeting is being hosted by MGCY and partner youth organizations to provide a space by and for youth where we can learn about youth-led projects and strategize on youth engagement at the Partnership Forum. During the event, a briefing/capacity building will be provided about what to expect at the Partnership Forum and how young people can maximize their time during the day. | Click here |
Virtual Side Events:
Time (EST) | Format | Title | Organizers | One-line description | Event webpage | Sumary |
7:00 - 8:15 AM | Virtual | Change you can see: the sustainability and intersectionality of providing solar lights to off-grid Filipino communities | One Million Lights Philippines and One Million Lights ISM | A discussion on how solar energy contribute to alleviating energy poverty and intersectionality, further working towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development | Click here | Click here |
8: 15 – 9:30 AM | Virtual | Addressing policy coherence and finance gaps in the pursuit of SDG Localization and multilevel governance | UN-Habitat | This event will deep dive into multilevel governance for SDG Localization, specifically looking into the elements of financing and policy coherence for the effective delivery of the SDGs. | Click here | Click here |
8: 15 – 9:30 AM | Virtual | Best Practices in Education for Sustainable Development Pedagogy and Curriculum | Global Schools Program; UN SDSN | This event will showcase innovative examples of school-led work on Education for Sustainable Development, presenting practical case-studies on curriculum, pedagogy, and whole-of-school initiatives that promote sustainable development learning outcomes in students at the primary and secondary levels. | Click here | Click here |
8:00 - 9:15 AM | Virtual | Building Partnerships for Monitoring SDG 16.10.2 | UNESCO | UNESCO CI sector will present its work in monitoring and reporting SDG 16.10.2 (the number of countries that adopt and implement constitutional, statutory and/or policy guarantees for public access to information) and partnerships which enable to make progress on SDG 16.10.2. | Click here | |
8: 15 – 9:30 AM | Virtual | Building Resilience in youth vulnerable to economic, social and environmental shocks and disasters | SDSN; UNITAR; UNESCO; UCD; LSE; CLEANTECH Bulgaria and AIIDEV Africa.
| In this side event, we will discuss the emerging trends pertaining to the involvement and attainment rates of youth in upper secondary, tertiary education, and vocational training, as well as their progression into gainful employment. The increasing issue of youth non-engagement is of global concern | Click here | Click here |
8: 15 – 9:30 AM | Virtual | Business for a Sustainable Future: Addressing Poverty, Creating Jobs, and Ensuring a Just Transition | Business and Industry Major Group; ILO; UNDP | This side event aims at showcasing how business can actively contribute and partner in achieving the SDGs, with a focus on poverty reduction, job creation, and foster a just transition, ensuring equality and justice for all. | Click here | Click here |
8: 15 – 9:30 AM | Virtual | Circular Economy for SDGs: Inspiring Transformations Towards Sustainable, Resilient, and Innovative Solutions | UNCTAD, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development; AlterContacts, an NGO in Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC | In this virtual side event, participants from around the world will explore the circular economy as a holistic framework that reinforces the principles of the 2030 Agenda, addressing poverty eradication, resilience, and innovation in the face of multiple crises. | Click here | Click here |
8: 15 – 9:30 AM | Virtual | Conflict disputes and its effect on poverty in conflict affected area: A closer look on Africa region and the role of UN Major group | UN Major group for Africa; Maat for Peace, Development and Human Rights | The E-Symposium will focus on illuminating the strong relationship between Goals 1 on ending poverty and Goal 16 on peace, and how they affect each other. The event will examine how all of this will negatively affect the progress of SDGs in this area on the long term. | Click here | Click here |
8: 15 – 9:30 AM | Virtual | Education- and Health-For-All To Achieve United Nations’ 2030 Agenda | Women's Health and Education Center (WHEC) | The aim of this Side Event is to understand the potential of social and economic impacts, that quality education and improved health can bring in achieving peaceful co-existence | Click here | Click here |
9:15 - 9:30 AM | Virtual | Ensuring Collective Resilience through Cross-sectoral and Transboundary Partnerships | UN Major Group for Children and Youth | |||
8: 15 – 9:30 AM | Virtual | High Level Policy dialogue on Deciphering Nexus of Poverty eradication, Food security and Climate Change through Multistakeholder Partnerships | India Water Foundation | This side event is about identifying linkages of poverty, food insecurity and climate change and how partnerships can accelerate the achievement of 2030 and beyond. | Click here | Click here |
8: 15 – 9:30 AM | Virtual | How measuring quality of life can enhance inclusive decision-making and accelerate the implementation of the Agenda 2030? | UN-Habitat; UNESCWA | The discussion will explore how measuring quality of life can support inclusive decision-making at the city level and accelerate the measurement and delivery of SDGs. It will focus on the themes linked to SDG 16, and in particular on the target relating to responsive, inclusive and participatory and representative decision-making. | Click here | |
8: 15 – 9:30 AM | Virtual | Journey Towards Prosperity: Empowering Africa's Tourism for Sustainable Development | African Tourism Board; African Union; Global Indian Network; Kalo Africa Media; Cleavenard Media | Journey towards Prosperity: Empowering Africa's Tourism for Sustainable Development | Click here | Click here |
8: 15 – 9:30 AM | Virtual | Network of Partnerships for Local Action in Mexico | Ministry of Economy, Government of Mexico; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ministry of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development; German Development Cooperation in Mexico (GIZ); Sustainable Development Solutions Network Mexico (SDSN); Global Compact Mexico; MyWorld Mexico; Makesense Americas; The United Nations in Mexico; The Partnerships Accelerator for the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA); The United Nations Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD) | The Network of Partnerships for Local Action enhances multistakeholder collaboration for the implementation of the SDGs at the local level in Mexico. This side event will provide insights into the network's work approach and showcase impactful local partnerships addressing poverty reduction and crisis response in the country, aligned with the Forum's theme | Click here | Click here |
8: 15 – 9:30 AM | Virtual | Shaping a resilient future for people and the planet: Transforming landscapes, lives, and livelihoods through multi-stakeholder partnerships | NGO Committee on Financing for Development, Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund (DBA Women First International Fund), Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Vivat International, World Vision International, Sisters of Charity Federation, Man Up Campaign, STUF United Fund, New Humanity, Africa Development Interchange Network, The Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd and International Association of Charities | The event will share best practices, challenges, and recommendations from the perspective of multi-stakeholder partnerships, where civil society organizations are either taking the lead or actively engaged in, contributing to meaningful progress toward achieving SDGs 1, 2, and 13. | Click here | |
8: 15 – 9:30 AM | Virtual | Strategic SDG Partnerships: Keys To Global South Sustainable Development | University of Nairobi | |||
8: 15 – 9:30 AM | Virtual | Accelerating SDG16+: Innovative Action & Partnerships to deliver on the 2030 Agenda | International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance; TAP Network; Pathfinders for Peaceful Just and Inclusive Societies | This event will highlight action, innovative partnerships and policy solutions that practically advance SDG16 and its interlinkages across the SDGs, including on climate and poverty. Drawing on various stakeholders, this event will amplify best practices in the lead up to HLPF, mainly at national and local levels, and link to the Summit of the Future. | Click here | |
8: 15 – 9:30 AM | Virtual | Shaping a resilient future for people and the planet: Transforming landscapes, lives, and livelihoods through multi-stakeholder partnerships | NGO Committee on Financing for Development, Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund (DBA Women First International Fund), Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Vivat International, World Vision International, Sisters of Charity Federation, Man Up Campaign, STUF United Fund, New Humanity, Africa Development Interchange Network, The Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd and International Association of Charities | The event will share best practices, challenges, and recommendations from the perspective of multi-stakeholder partnerships, where civil society organizations are either taking the lead or actively engaged in, contributing to meaningful progress toward achieving SDGs 1, 2, and 13. | Click here | |
8: 15 – 9:30 AM | Virtual | The road to Zero Hunger: A review of Youth Engagement in Food Systems Transformation towards achieving SDG2 | Welthungerhilfe e.V. (WHH); Africa Climate and Environment Foundation; World Food Forum (WFF); ProVeg International; MGCY - Major Group of Children and Youth | The side event aims to facilitate an intergenerational dialogue, assessing progress in meeting youth demands, identify roadblocks, and underscore the vital role of youth in achieving the targets of SDG 2. | Click here | Click here |
8: 15 – 9:30 AM | Virtual | Unite to Ignite: Accelerating the transformational power of partnerships for the SDGs and beyond | The 2030 Agenda Partnership Accelerator (an initiative by UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs and The Partnering Initiative); Partnerships 2030 (Germany/GIZ); the Global Forum on National SDG Advisory Bodies | The session will look at two key areas of partnering: 1) partnering skills and organisational fitness for partnering and 2) how we can scale up partnerships. | Click here | |
8: 15 – 9:30 AM | Virtual | WSIS Action Lines for Advancing the Achievement of the SDGs | WSIS Forum co-organisers (ITU, UNESCO, UNDP, UNCTAD) | This side event aims to showcase how WSIS initiatives contribute to the 2030 Agenda across various sectors. It seeks to facilitate a meaningful dialogue on the role of WSIS, emphasising its commitment to addressing the digital divide and broader socio-economic challenges. The side-event will feature perspectives from government, international organization, civil society, private sector, and other stakeholders. | Click here | Click here |
8: 15 – 9:30 AM | Virtual | Youth Leadership and Partnership for the 2030 Agenda | International Labour Organization; Network of Youth for Sustainable Initiative | The side event will focus on the significance of meaningful youth engagement and partnership in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly focusing on decent work for youth and initiatives by the ILO and NGYouthSDGs to address youth unemployment in Nigeria. | Click here | Click here |
1:15 – 2:30 PM | Virtual | Impact of the “Sembrando Vida” (Sowing Life) Program on Poverty Reduction in Mexico and Central America | Ministry of Economy of Mesic- Executive Secretariat of the National Council for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development | The “Sembrando Vida” (Sowing Life) Program of the Mexican Government's Welfare Secretariat has a role to play in achieving the SDGs. This program aims to rescue farming in the countryside, promote reforestation, reactivate the local economy, regenerate the social fabric, and build sustainable communities | Click here | Click here |
1:15 – 2:30 PM | Virtual | MyWorld Carnival 2030: Scaling festive public celebrations to promote sustainable tourism and a global youth employment strategy. | Create 2030; Arizona State University Global Institute of Sustainability and Innovation; United Nations Association of the USA | This side event focuses on scaling festive public celebrations to promote sustainable tourism and a global youth employment strategy | Click here | |
1:15 – 2:30 PM | Virtual | Navigating Climate Finance Workshop: Perspectives from youth-led initiatives | Climate Investment Fund (CIF), YOUNGO; UNICEF LAC Regional Office | The Climate Investment Funds workshop, integrating UNICEF and YOUNGO expertise, offers a dynamic, inter-organizational, and intergenerational space to explore climate finance complexities, emphasizing children and youth empowerment, and creation of collaborative solutions, with the aim of fostering financial literacy as transformative approach to climate action advocacy. | Click here | Click here |
1:15 - 2:30 PM | Virtual | Shifting systems towards sustainable futures - by bridging ancestral roots, circular digital innovation & entrepreneurship for advancing Everyone a Changemaker world. | Asociación Civil Hecho por Nosotros co - host Stanford Angels & Entrepreneurs | The side event aims to explore critical discussion points around Holistic models, Systemic change, regenerative and circular economic models, collaboration and innovative technological and financial inclusion, providing concrete examples of innovative solutions that have accelerated progress toward the 2030 Agenda, particularly the eradicate poverty through sharing good local practices SDG 1. | Click here | Click here |
The 2024 ECOSOC Partnership Forum was a key opportunity to galvanize Member States and all other key stakeholders, including the UN system, international financial institutions, as well as international organizations, parliamentarians, local governments, NGOs, the private sector, civil society, scientists, academia, women, youth and other stakeholders, early in the ECOSOC cycle.
To inform the preparations for the 2024 ECOSOC Partnership Forum, UN DESA has convened a global online stakeholder consultation from 9 October to 3 November 2023 to solicit relevant written views, experiences and proposals from all stakeholders. Key messages and takeaways from the consultation are presented in the summary report below.
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To review all public responses received:
(Disclaimer: The summary report intends to present a synthesis of views and opinions expressed by stakeholders in an online consultation held between 9 October and 3 November 2023 and does not necessarily reflect those of the United Nations. Reference herein to any specific organization, partnership, process, service, website, or otherwise, does not imply endorsement or recommendation from the United Nations and shall not be used for advertising or service endorsement purposes. Hyperlinks in the report are included as a convenience to readers. The United Nations has no control over external sites and is, therefore, not responsible, or legally liable for their content. The United Nations reserves the right to delete any input at any given time if its content is perceived as not aligned with the United Nations Charter or the principles and purposes of the 2024 ECOSOC Partnership Forum.)
The Partnership Forum will brought together governments and other stakeholders to debate new ideas and solutions on the main theme of the ECOSOC and the HLPF “Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: the effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions”. In order to support inclusive preparations, the ECOSOC President, H.E. Ms. Paula Narvaez, has established an informal Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Group to advise her on the organization of the 2024 ECOSOC Partnership Forum.
On 15 November 2023, Members of the Multi-Stakeholders Advisory Group attended a virtual Expert Group Meeting (EGM) to provide inputs to the Partnership Forum programme and share information about new research, analysis and tools that could support in leveraging partnerships on the SDGs under review at the 2024 HLPF and examples of partnerships that could be featured during the 2024 Partnership Forum.
An overview of all Members of the Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Group on the 2024 ECOSOC Partnership Forum is available here.
Participation of representatives from non-governmental organizations and Other Stakeholders
Registration for in-person participation of representatives of non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders is now closed.
Access to the UNHQ and Special Events Ticket (SET)
All in-person participants MUST be in possession of either a valid UN grounds pass or a Special Events Ticket issued by the United Nations to enter the United Nations Headquarters.
If you have a valid UN grounds pass: no action is needed. You can use your grounds pass to enter the UNHQ.
If you do not have a UN grounds pass AND you have received confirmation of your registration, you will need to pick up your Special Events Ticket. Please bring your government-issued photo ID (must be issued by a UN Member State) to collect your ticket at the following location/time:
When: Tuesday, 30 January, 8.45 am – 11:00 am
Where: UN Visitors Center, 801 1ST Avenue, New York, NY 10017 (West side of 1st Avenue between 45th and 46th streets)
Please note: you can only collect your Special Event Ticket during the above time window. The Secretariat will not be able to facilitate any late comers/requests.
Please, be prepared for lines to collect SETs and for security screening.
SPECIAL NOTICE: Access to the Opening Session and the Plenary in the Trusteeship Council Chamber
- Due to the large number of registrations received, a Secondary Access Pass is required for NGOs and other stakeholders (both those with a UN Grounds Pass and SET holders) to access the Trusteeship Council Chamber during the Opening Session and the morning plenary (10 a.m. -1 p.m.)
- Secondary Access Pass will be distributed by UN Secretariat staff at the “Sputnik” area in the visitors’ lobby after the security screening, on a first-come first-served basis, starting at 9:15am on 30 January until all Secondary Access Passes have been distributed. When you arrive at the lobby area, please look for UN staff holding a “2024 ECOSOC Partnership Forum” sign.
- Each participant can collect only one Secondary Access Pass. Secondary Access Passes are transferable among participants.
- After collecting a Secondary Access Pass, stakeholders should proceed to the 3rd floor to access the Trusteeship Council Chamber (TRI) using the escalators that are located near the UN guided tours area. Participants with mobility issues may pass the security door at the end of visitors’ hall and take elevator to second floor, provided they have communicated it to the secretariat in advance. (Click on map).
- Please note that all sessions of the 2024 ECOSOC Partnership Forum will be on webcast.
- No Secondary Access Pass is required to access the SDG Action Segment sessions held in the afternoon of 30 January or side-events.
Stakeholders Interventions
Time permitting, official representatives from non-governmental organizations in consultative status with ECOSOC will be invited to make short oral statements on the main theme of the Forum during the plenary session (10:30AM - 1:00 PM - in person only at UNHQ in New York).
The open call for stakeholder interventions closed on 19 January 2024. Almost 230 applications were received and reviewed by the Secretariat. All selected potential speakers have now been contacted by the UN Secretariat.
Preference was given to statements to be delivered on behalf of groups of organizations, including major groups and other stakeholder constituencies.
Opening Session
- H.E. Ms. Paula Narvaez, President of ECOSOC
- Ms. Amina Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General (delivered by Mr. Li Junhua, Under Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs)
- Ms. Mariana Mazzucato, Professor of Economics of Innovation and Public Value, University College London (UCL)
- Ms. Charitie Ropati, Arctic Youth Ambassador / Girl Rising Fellow / Recipient of the WWF-US 2023 Conservation Leadership Award
Closing Session
- Mr. Li Junhua, Under Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs
- H.E. Ms. Paula Narvaez, President of ECOSOC
Member States
- Belgium (on behalf on the European Union)
- Botswana (on behalf of LLDCs)
- Colombia
- Maldives
- Malta
- Mexico
- Nepal (on behalf of LDCs)
- Poland
- Portugal
- Qatar
- Spain
- Suriname
UN System and IGOs
- International Development Law Organization (IDLO)
- International Organization of Employers (IOE)
- International Organization for Migration (IOM)
- Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC)
- Children and Youth International
- Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CoNGO)
- Fundação Abrinq pelos direitos da Criança e do Adolescente (Abrinq Foundation)
- The Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC)
- International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
- International Federation on Ageing (IFA)
- International Center for Research on Women
- International Organization of Employers (IOE)
- United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG)
- Womens Entrepreneurship Day Organization (WEDO)
- World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO)