High Impact Initiatives
Bringing SDG Solutions to Scale
The SDG Summit in September 2023 provides an opportunity to secure the breakthroughs and momentum needed to change course and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. The UN development system (UNDS) is fully committed to its success.
The United Nations development system will seek to rally all actors behind a set of high impact initiatives aimed at demonstrating that transformative progress is possible despite challenging global circumstances and at mobilizing further leadership and investment to bring progress to scale between now and 2030.
The selected initiatives will facilitate a strengthened offer from the UN development system in partnership with government and an array of key stakeholders on crucial dimensions of SDG acceleration: six major SDG transitions, five critical means of implementation and the transversal priority of gender equality.
For more information on the selected high impact initiatives and to contribute, click on the links below and contact the relevant high impact initiative focal point.
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