Paragraph 70 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development announced the launch of a "Technology Facilitation Mechanism" (TFM) in order to support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Its goal is to facilitate multi-stakeholder collaboration and partnerships through the sharing of information, experiences, best practices and policy advice among Member States, civil society, the private sector, the scientific community, United Nations entities and other stakeholders.
All components of the TFM are operational:
- IATT: A United Nations Interagency Task Team on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs
- 10-Member group: Group of High-level Representatives of Scientific Community, Private Sector and Civil Society appointed by the Secretary-General
- STI Forum: Annual Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs
- 2030 Connect: An online platform as a gateway for information on existing STI initiatives, mechanisms and programs
Since its launch, the fully multi-stakeholder TFM has engaged thousands of scientific and technological stakeholders, many of which have not previously been actively engaged with the UN. Participation in TFM activities has continuously increased and widened. Through the summary of its STI Forum, the TFM provides formal mandated input in support of the HLPF’s SDG review and its mandated science-policy function. The Integrated Policy Analysis Branch DESA/DSDG has served as Secretariat for the IATT and the 10-Member Group and all components of the TFM since their inception.
The figure below summarizes the key mechanisms on science, technology and innovation and maps the main channels for engaging multi-stakeholders in the UN process:

10th Multi-stakeholder Forum on STI for the SDGs will take place on May 07-08 2025, at UN HQs, in New York, USA.
Regular updates by IATT members on their most important events, publications, and capacity building efforts on science, technology and innovation for the SDGs
IATT members are expected to use this form for the purpose of updating IATT colleagues on their most important STI-related activities. It might also help finding potential collaboration partners and co-funding for joint work.
Submit updates here.
Work overview and updates on STI for SDGs Roadmaps
For the latest overview and updates, see here.
Showcasing National STI4SDGs Roadmaps
Ghana, Serbia, Kenya, India, Ethiopia
The Global Pilot Programme on STI for SDGs Roadmaps
The United Nations Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) launched the Global Pilot Programme on Science, Technology and Innovation for SDGs Roadmaps in July 2019. The first phase of the Programme included an initial group of five pilot countries. Under this phase, roadmaps are piloted in Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Kenya, and Serbia. Most recently, in February 2021, Ukraine also joined the Programme bringing the number of pilot countries to six. In addition, both the European Union and Japan joined the Global Pilot Programme to strengthen international partnerships on STI for SDGs roadmaps. These pilots are implemented following the guidance of the "Guidebook for the Preparation of STI for SDGs Roadmaps".
The outcomes of these pilots will be used to generate lessons that will improve the guidelines. The results of the first pilot phase will be presented at the Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs, New York, 2021.
The programme will provide inputs to the Guidebook and the development of roadmaps in a number of countries. The Guidebook has been developed by STI experts and representatives from UN IATT and other key strategic partners.
To date, more than 20 countries have expressed interest in joining the programme. They will be accepted into the programme as resources to support their participation become available.
Science, technology and innovation are critical elements needed by all countries to achieve the SDGs. STI roadmaps for SDGs are policy and planning tools leading to actions that can accelerate the attainment of the SDGs. They are integrated into national plans and are highly adaptable to different country contexts. The demand to further promote the deployment of STI for SDGs roadmaps was triggered by the need to accelerate efforts to close the digital divide and support the digital inclusion of disadvantaged groups especially following the COVID-19 pandemic. The Partnership in Action will serve as a platform to strengthen the development and implementation of STI4SDGs roadmaps through the Global Pilot Programme.
The initiative to develop STI for SDGs roadmaps is being carried out by UN-IATT members including UN-DESA, World Bank, UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNIDO, FAO, UN-ESCAP, ESCWA, WIPO and UNSG Office of the Envoy on Technology, among others. Substantial support has been provided by international stakeholders, including the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, the Global Sustainable Technology and Innovation Conference Series, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the Government of Japan, and COVIDEA. The African Union Commission has expressed support for the implementation of roadmaps in African countries.
For more information on the Global Pilot Programme on Science, Technology and Innovation for SDGs Roadmaps, please contact Mr. Wei Liu, UN-DESA (liuw[at]un.org).
Online Information Repository for the STI Roadmaps Work
Note: each STI roadmap listed in the document will be categorized into the specific sustainable goals it is targeting on.
I. About the Information Repository for STI Roadmaps for SDGs:
As one of the key deliverables of the Roadmap workstream of UN Inter-agency Task Team, an online information repository platform below is created by compiling and making available a selection of STI or STI related roadmaps from organizations and agencies both within the UN system and beyond. The purpose of such a platform is to foster an efficient and effective access to and exchange of information among stakeholders on recent work that is supportive of the development of STI roadmaps for SDGs. With this aim, this platform will become an online resourceful portal on the state of STI policy setting frameworks and will contribute to enhancing the capacity of member states in integrating STI in development processes.
II. Guidebook for the Preparation of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) for SDGs Roadmaps
The primary focus of this work is to support the countries and exchange views on a common guidance, principles and possible frameworks/ methodologies for country and international level STI roadmaps for the SDGs. To these ends, the team led by DESA and the World Bank, supports a collective effort by a group of champion countries and through a multi-stakeholder collaborative approach among the UN Inter-agency Task Team, non-UN partners and stakeholders.
Following over two years’ preparation and consultations, the final version of the Guidebook on Development of Science, Technology and Innovation Roadmaps for the SDGs is available. The Guidebook has been translated into Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Japanese.
To further facilitate the implementation of the Guidebook, DESA prepared the Operational Note based on the Guidebook on the STI roadmaps.
Our near-term goal is to translate the Guidebook into six official languages of the UN and other languages, reflecting comments and feedback received as well as incorporating lessons from experiences of pilot countries, subject to the availability of resources.
The Guidebook and the Operational Note will be living documents, periodically updated to reflect country pilot experiences and inputs from key stakeholders, as more countries embark on designing and implementing STI for SDGs roadmaps over the next years. We welcome your contributions, engagement and feedback throughout the process.
III. Global Pilot Programme on Science, Technology and Innovation Roadmaps for SDGs:
The United Nations Inter-Agency Task Team on Science, Technology and innovation for the SDGs (IATT) together with key TFM partners launched a Global Pilot Programme on Science, Technology and Innovation Roadmaps for the SDGs. Based on the involvement in the consultative process on the initiative, IATT and the TFM partners would like to seek your interest to participate as pilot countries in this Programme. The confirmed pilot countries will be invited to the next key events on the STI Roadmaps where the countries would present the 1st phase of the Global Pilot Programme. For more information about the programme, please see:
Since the implementation of the Global Pilot Programme, IATT and the TFM partners have developed two background papers, one on International Cooperation and another on methodologies, which, serve as key inputs to the Guidebook, inform IATT’s continuous dialogues with national authorities leading roadmap pilots, and prepared grounds for solidifying respective pilot design as well as peer learning.
IATT and the TFM partners have also prepared the Progress Report of the Global Pilot Programme which took stock of the state of country pilots, to draw out lessons and implications from the current implementation and to suggest ideas for the way forward. The Background Papers and the Progress Report are available below:
- Progress Report of the Global Pilot Programme on STI for SDGs Roadmaps 2021 (full version)
- Progress Report (executive summary): the Global Pilot Programme on STI for SDGs Roadmaps
- Interim Report: the Global Pilot Programme on STI for SDGs Roadmaps, July 2020
- Background Paper: International STI Collaboration and Investment for the SDGs, June 2020
- Background Paper: Overview of the Existing STI for SDGs Roadmapping Methodologies, June 2020
IATT Policy Briefs on STI4SDGs Roadmaps:
Policy Brief #1 Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs Roadmaps – Framework and Working Method
Policy Brief #2 Assessment of STI capabilities to meet prioritized SDGs
Policy Brief #3 Assessment of Human Capital Needs for STI R&D and Other STI Skills
Policy Brief #4 Harnessing Ghana youth innovation potential for the SDGs
Policy Brief #5 Financial Flows to Promote Technology Transfers and Gender Inclusiveness for SIDS
Policy Brief #6 Localised Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) for SDGs Roadmaps in Ukraine
Policy Brief #7 Enhancing the sustainable development component in the Action Plan of the STI for SDGs Roadmap in Serbia
IV. Reference List for the STI Roadmaps:
A. References from UN Agencies:
1. DESA and the World Bank
- UNCCD. Terms of Reference of the Science-Policy Interface. 7 Dec. 2017, https://knowledge.unccd.int/sites/default/files/inline-files/SPI Terms of Reference_110717.pdf.
- UNCTAD STIP Review Framework, 2011 http://unctad.org/en/Docs/dtlstict2011d7_en.pdf
- Update in CSTD, Effectively harnessing science, technology and innovation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, 2018: http://unctad.org/meetings/en/SessionalDocuments/ciimem4d17_en.pdf
- CSTD-UNCTAD. Strategic Foresight for the Post-2015 Development Agenda: 23 Feb. 2015, http://unctad.org/meetings/en/SessionalDocuments/ecn162015d3_en.pdf.
SDG17 SDG8 SDG9 SDG10 SDG7 SDG11 SDG13 - UNCTAD. Digital Tools for Foresight. Oct. 2017, http://unctad.org/en/PublicationsLibrary/ser-rp-2017d10_en.pdf.
SDG1 SDG2 SDG3 SDG4 SDG6 SDG7 SDG8 SDG9 - UNCTAD. The Role of Science, Technology and Innovation in Ensuring Food Security by 2030. May 2017, http://unctad.org/en/PublicationsLibrary/dtlstict2017d5_en.pdf.
SDG2 SDG9 - UNCTAD. New Innovation Approaches to Support the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Apr. 2017, http://unctad.org/en/PublicationsLibrary/dtlstict2017d4_en.pdf.
4. UNDG:
- UNDG. Applying FORESIGHT and ALTERNATIVE FUTURES to the United Nations Development Assistance Framework. Oct.2016, https://undg.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Final-DOCO-foresight-paper.pdf
5. UN Women:
- UN Women & UN Global Pulse. Gender Equality and Big Data. Available UNDG Website, Feb. 2018, http://undg.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Gender-equality-and-big-data-en.pdf.
6. World Bank/UN-DESA:
- UN-IATT on STI for SDGs, IATT Background Paper: Science, Technology and Innovation for SDGs Roadmaps, June 2018, https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/19009STI_Roadmap_Background_Paper_pre_STI_Forum_Final_Draft.pdf
7. UNDP:
- UNDP, Handbook for Conducting Technology Needs Assessment for Climate Change, Nov., 2010, https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/1529e639caec4b53a4945ce009921053.pdf
SDG9 SDG13 - UNDP, The SDG Accelerator and Bottle Neck Assessment (ABA), 2017, http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/librarypage/sustainable-development-goals/sdg-accelerator-and-bottleneck-assessment.html
- GCPSE-UNDP, Foresight Manual: Empowered Futures for the 2030 Agenda, Jan., 2018, http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/librarypage/capacity-building/global-centre-for-public-service-excellence/ForesightManual2018.html
- UNECA, Africa's Blue Economy: A policy handbook, March 2016, https://www.uneca.org/sites/default/files/PublicationFiles/blueeco-policy-handbook_en.pdf
- ESCWA thirtieth session Beirut, June 2018, "Technology for Sustainable Development: Creating Decent Jobs and Empowering Youth in Arab Countries" https://www.unescwa.org/sites/www.unescwa.org/files/events/files/technology_for_sustainable_development.pdf
SDG8 SDG9 SDG17 - The Broken Cycle: Universities, Research, and Society in the Arab World; 2014 https://www.unescwa.org/sites/www.unescwa.org/files/page_attachments/broken_cycle_study_-_english_version.pdf
SDG4 SDG8 SDG9 SDG17 - Perspectives on the Digital Economy in the Arab Region; 2017 https://www.unescwa.org/sites/www.unescwa.org/files/publications/files/perspectives-digital-economy-arab-region-english_0.pdf
SDG8 SDG9 SDG17 - Innovation Policy for Inclusive Sustainable Development in the Arab Region; 2017 https://www.unescwa.org/sites/www.unescwa.org/files/publications/files/innovation-policy-inclusive-sustainable-development-arab-region-english_0.pdf
10. UNEP:
- UNEP, Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) Guidebooks, http://www.tech-action.org.redigering7.sitecore.dtu.dk/Publications/TNA-Guidebooks
SDG1 SDG6 SDG7 SDG13 SDG14 SDG15 - UNEP, Applications of the Sustainability Assessment of Technologies Methodology: Guidance Manual, 2012, https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/8649/IETC_SAT_Manual_Nov_2012.pdf?sequence=3&isAllowed=y
- UNESCO, Global Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Instruments (GO-SPIN), Training and Resources: https://en.unesco.org/go-spin/training-resources
- Proposed Standard Practice for Surveys on STI Policy Instruments, STI Governing Bodies, STI Legal Framework and Policies http://www.unesco.org/new/fileadmin/MULTIMEDIA/HQ/SC/pdf/GO-SPIN_Survey.pdf
SDG4 SDG5 SDG7 SDG8 SDG9 SDG10 SDG13 SDG16 - UNESCO's Medium-Term Strategy for 2014-2021 http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0022/002278/227860e.pdf UNESCO,
- Comprehensive Strategy for the Management of Social Transformations (MOST) Programme (2016-2021), Jan. 2016, http://www.unesco.org/new/en/social-and-human-sciences/themes/most-programme/browse/1/ ;
SDG4 SDG5 SDG8 SDG9 SDG10 SDG16 - UNESCO, UNESCO MOST Action Plan 2016-2021, March 2017, http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0024/002472/247282E.pdf
SDG4 SDG5 SDG8 SDG9 SDG10 SDG16 - IOC-UNESCO, IOC Medium-Term Strategy 2014-2021, March 2014, http://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=12902
SDG9 SDG14 - UNESCO, Measuring Gender Equality in Science and Engineering: The SAGA Science, Technology and Innovation Gender Objectives List, 2016, http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0024/002450/245006E.pdf
SDG5 SDG9 - UNESCO, Measuring Gender Equality in Science and Engineering: The SAGA Toolkit: Working Paper 2 http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0025/002597/259766e.pdf
- UNESCO, UNESCO Science Report: Towards 2030, 2015, http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0023/002354/235406e.pdf
SDG4 SDG9 - UNESCO, UNESCO Moving forward the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, 2017, http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0024/002477/247785e.pdf
SDG1 SDG4 SDG5 SDG6 SDG9 SDG10 SDG13 SDG14 SDG15 SDG16 SDG17 - UNESCO, How Do We Identify Great Opportunities? A Knowledge Lab to Evaluate and Improve the Use of Foresight in Addressing Societal Changes, Jan. 2015, http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0023/002321/232109e.pdf
SDG4 SDG9 SDG10 SDG17 - UNESCO, Transforming the Future: Anticipation in the 21st Century, 2018, http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0026/002646/264644E.pdf
SDG4 SDG9 SDG10 SDG17 - UNESCO, 195 states agreed to common global norms and standards in the Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers, 2017
12. UN Water
- UN Water, World Water Data Initiative Roadmap, Feb. 2017, http://www.unwater.org/publication_categories/world-water-development-report/
13. ITU:
- ITU, AI Global for Good Summit Report, 2017, https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/AI/Documents/Report/AI_for_Good_Global_Summit_Report_2017.pdf
14. CELAC and FAO:
- CELAC & FAO, Innovation for Sustainable Rural Development, 2017, http://www.fao.org/3/a-i7769e.pdf
15. WIPO:
- WIPO, Methodology for the Development of National Intellectual Property Strategies: The Process, 2014, http://www.wipo.int/edocs/pubdocs/en/wipo_pub_958_1.pdf
SDG8 SDG9 - WIPO, Methodology for the Development of National Intellectual Property Strategies: Baseline Questionnaire, 2016, http://www.wipo.int/edocs/pubdocs/en/wipo_pub_958_2.pdf
SDG8 SDG9 - WIPO, Methodology for the Development of National Intellectual Property Strategies: Benchmarking Indicators, 2016, http://www.wipo.int/edocs/pubdocs/en/wipo_pub_958_3.pdf
16. WHO:
- UNTCAD & WHO, Global Strategy and Plan of Action on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property, 2011, http://www.who.int/phi/publications/Global_Strategy_Plan_Action.pdf
SDG3 SDG9 SDG17 - WTO, WHO &WIPO, Promoting Access to Medical Technologies and Innovation – Intersection between Public Health, Intellectual Property and Trade, 2012, https://www.wto.org/english/res_e/booksp_e/pamtiwhowipowtoweb13_e.pdf
SDG3 SDG9 SDG17 - The FAO-OIE-WHO Collaboration: A tripartite Concept Note, April 2010, http://www.oie.int/fileadmin/Home/eng/Current_Scientific_Issues/docs/pdf/FINAL_CONCEPT_NOTE_Hanoi.pdf
17. World Bank:
- World Bank, RISE – Regulatory Indicators for Sustainable Energy: Methodology, http://rise.esmap.org/scoring-system
SDG7 SDG9 - World Bank, Public expenditure reviews in science, technology, and innovation : a guidence note (English) http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/561851468165876446/Public-expenditure-reviews-in-science-technology-and-innovation-a-guidence-note
SDG9 SDG16 - World Bank, Agricultural Innovation Systems: An Investment Sourcebook, 2012, http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTARD/Resources/335807-1330620492317/9780821386842.pdf
18. IMF:
- IMF, Technology and the Future of Work, 2018, http://www.imf.org/external/np/g20/pdf/2018/041118.pdf
III. References from Non-UN Agencies: a. Other Intergovernmental Organizations:
19. International Energy Agency:
- Energy Technology Roadmaps – a guide to development and implementation https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/121079TechnologyRoadmapAguidetodevelopmentandimplementation.pdf
20. OECD:
- OECD, OECD Science, Technology and Innovation Outlook 2021, http://www.oecd.org/sti/oecd-science-technology-and-innovation-outlook-25186167.htm SDG9
- OECD, OECD Science, Technology and Industry Policy Papers (Series), http://www.oecd.org/sti/
SDG9 - OECD, Reviews of Innovation Policy (Series), http://www.oecd.org/sti/inno/oecd-reviews-of-innovation-policy.htm
SDG9 - OECD, Frascati Manual 2015: Guidelines for Collecting and Reporting Data on Research and Experimental Development, 2015, http://www.oecd.org/sti/inno/frascatimanualproposedstandardpracticeforsurveysonresearchandexperimentaldevelopment6thedition.htm
SDG9 SDG17 - OECD, The Ocean Economy in 2030, 2016, http://www.oecd.org/futures/oceaneconomy.htm
SDG9 SDG14 - OECD, Agricultural Innovation Systems, 2013, https://read.oecd-ilibrary.org/agriculture-and-food/agricultural-innovation-systems_9789264200593-en#page1
21. African Union:
- NEPAD-AU, NEPAD Strategic Plan 2014-2017, 2014, http://www.un.org/en/africa/osaa/peace/nepad.shtml
22. European Union:
- European Commission, Concurrent Design Foresight: Report to the European Commission of the Expert Group on Foresight Modelling, 2015, http://ec.europa.eu/research/swafs/pdf/pub_governance/concurrent_design_foresight_report.pdf
SDG9 SDG11 SDG16 SDG17 - EU Innovation for Sustainable Development Network, Introduction to the Project Content, http://www.inno4sd.net/sdgs/introduction/introduction-to-the-project-content.kl
SDG9 SDG17 - Foodsecure Navigator, A policy framework for food and nutrition security, http://navigator.foodsecure.eu/Guidance/PolicyFramework.aspx
SDG2 SDG9 SDG17 - European Commission, 2035: Paths towards a sustainable EU economy: Sustainable transitions and the potential of eco-innovation for jobs and economic development in EU eco-industries 2035, Dec. 2015, http://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/bitstream/JRC97936/reqn…
b. Other non-UN entities
23. University of Cambridge:
- Robert Phaal, Cambridge Road-mapping, https://www.cambridgeroadmapping.net/roadmapping/ ; https://www.cambridgeroadmapping.net/toolkits/ ; https://www.cambridgeroadmapping.net/architecting/ ; https://www.cambridgeroadmapping.net/roadmapping-as-process/
24. WBCSD:
- WBCSD, SDG Sector Roadmaps – a set of guidelines to provide a structured framework and approach that companies can follow, April 2018, https://www.wbcsd.org/Programs/People/Sustainable-Development-Goals/SDG-Sector-Roadmaps/Resources/SDG-Sector-Roadmaps
- WBCSD, Chemical Sector SDG Roadmap, July 2018, https://www.wbcsd.org/Programs/People/Sustainable-Development-Goals/Resources/Chemical-Sector-SDG-Roadmap
25. International Science Council,
- International Science Council, High-Level Strategy of the International Science Council, https://council.science/publications/high-level-strategy
26. IREA:
- IREA, Renewable Energy Innovation Outlook (Series), http://www.irena.org/publications/Our-Collections#renewable_readiness_assesments
27. ICEF:
- ICEF, Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF) roadmaps, https://www.icef-forum.org/roadmap/
28. IIASA:
- IIASA, ITWI2050 Report: Transformations to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, July 2018, http://pure.iiasa.ac.at/id/eprint/15347/1/TWI2050_Report_web-071718.pdf
29. JST:
- JST, Challenges to Development and Implementation of STI Roadmaps for SDGs - Expert Group Meeting International Workshop (Tokyo EGM), May 2018, https://www.jst.go.jp/sdgs/pdf/20180509/20180509_session7_3.pdf
30. International Development Research Centre
- Gault, Fred, Innovation Strategies for a Global Economy – development, implementation, measurement and management https://idl-bnc-idrc.dspacedirect.org/bitstream/handle/10625/44851/IDL-44851.pdf
31. Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
- IGES, Sustainable Development Goals Interlinkages and Network Analysis: A practical tool for SDG integration and policy coherence https://pub.iges.or.jp/pub/sustainable-development-goals-interlinkages
- SDG Interlinkages Analysis & Visualization Tool (V2.0) https://sdginterlinkages.iges.jp/visualisationtool.html *interlinkages of SDGs at targets levels for several countries (mainly Asia)
32. World Federation of Engineering Organizations
- ASCE Five-Year Roadmap to Sustainable Development https://www.asce.org/Sustainability-Roadmap/
- ICE Sustainability Route Map https://www.ice.org.uk/knowledge-and-resources/sustainability-route-map
In 2012, the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (“Rio+20”) called for identifying options for a technology facilitation mechanism , in its outcome document A/RES/66/288 - The Future We Want.
Member States continued discussions on the way forward, in particular in the form of eight “workshops” and “structured dialogues” convened by the President of the General Assembly in 2013 and 2014. In line with Resolution A/RES/68/310 and Resolution A/RES/69/214 para 12 , the Secretary-General proposed in paragraph 125 of his Synthesis Report to take into account the recommendations emerging from the structured dialogues, specifically to “establish an online, global platform building on and complementing existing initiatives, and with the participation of all relevant stakeholders.” In order to support the Secretary General’s proposal, the Interagency Working Group on a Technology Facilitation Mechanism (IAWG) was initiated by the DESA and UNEP at the end of 2014. The group is open for participation by all ECESA Plus entities. At present it comprises DESA, UNEP, UNIDO, UNCTAD, UNESCO, ITU, WIPO, and the World Bank Group.
The group’s work is structured around four work streams where it identified opportunities to collectively achieve greater impact within the scope of existing mandates:
- the mapping of existing the technology facilitation initiatives including support for policy formulation and strengthening of technological capabilities and innovation systems;
- identifying areas of synergy and areas of possible cooperation within the UN system on technology-related work;
- developing options for a possible online knowledge hub and information-sharing platform; and
- cooperating with relevant stakeholders on building STI capacity building.
In this connection, two side events have being organized by the IAWG: one in June 2015 in New York during the Post-2015 Development Agenda negotiation, and one in July 2015 in Addis Ababa during the Third International Conference on Financing for Development. The primary objectives of the first event were to brief Member States and other stakeholders on the progress to date of the IAWG on the mapping exercise, the development for options for an online platform, and on enhancing coordination and coherence of UN system capacity building work on science, technology and innovation. The second event presented a joint interagency statement endorsed by eight Heads of Agencies, and focused on how the United Nations system is prepared to coordinate its initiatives including capacity-building efforts on science, technology and innovation in support of the sustainable development goals.
Member States have clearly indicated in the OWG proposal and the FfD process that technology development, dissemination and transfer and the strengthening of scientific and technological capabilities of all countries represent key elements of the Means of Implementation of the post-2015 development agenda. In particular, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda includes a decision to establish a technology facilitation mechanism which would be launched at the UN Summit for the adoption of the Post-2015 Development Agenda in order to support the SDGs. The mechanism comprises a multi-stakeholder forum on STI for the SDGs; an online platform as a gateway for information on existing STI initiatives, mechanisms and programs; and a UN interagency task team on STI for the SDGs which will promote coordination, coherence, and cooperation within the UN System on STI related matters, enhancing synergy and efficiency, in particular to enhance capacity building initiatives. The platform will also engage stakeholders from civil society, the private sector, and the scientific community.
Given the Science Technology Innovation-related decisions contained in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the Post-2015 Development Agenda, the IAWG now reconstitutes as the Inter-Agency Task Team, stands ready to support pro-actively Member States’ ambitions to establish the envisaged technology facilitation mechanism, and consider how best to reach out to other partners in what must become a truly multi-stakeholder endeavour going forward. A strengthened UN system interagency working group, or task team, on STI for the SDGs together with strong multi-stakeholder engagement could play an important role in effective delivery, in support of the future implementation of the post-2015 development agenda and the SDGs.
Recommendations of the Secretary General Report A/67/348
The present report has been prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution A/66/288 of 27 July 2012 which endorsed the outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, entitled “The future we want”. Paragraph 273 of this resolution requests “relevant United Nations agencies to identify options for a facilitation mechanism that promotes the development, transfer and dissemination of clean and environmentally sound technologies” and requests me to “make recommendations regarding the facilitation mechanism to the 67th Session of the UN General Assembly”. The report summarizes recent trends, provides an overview of the proposals received and outlines my recommendations for the functions, format, and working methods of a technology facilitation mechanism, as well as on a potential process forward to improved technology facilitation.
Suggestions by UN organizations
All fifty-three UN organizations of ECESA Plus were invited to make proposals on the functions, format and working methods of a potential technology facilitation mechanism, to outline their contributions to such mechanism, and to indicate partners they considered essential to be involved. Twenty-two organizations and bodies provided contributions/suggestions, ECA, ECE, ESCAP, ECLAC, ESCWA, DESA, IAEA, IMO, ITU, OHRLLS, UNCDF, UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNFCCC, UNIDO, UNOPS, UNDP, UN-Women, UNEP, World Bank, WIPO, and WTO. More material will be posted here in due course
Rio+20 Compilation Document
Over 200 of the submissions made the Rio+20 compilation document contain various proposals on science and technology for sustainable development. In particular, the following stakeholders listed below made significant proposals in this area.
Political Groups
Group of 77 and China, EU, CARICOM, Pacific Island Forum, PSIDS Regional preparatory meetings:Africa Region, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Asia and the Pacific Region, Arab Region, Europe Region
Member States
Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria (EU submission), Belarus, Belgium (EU submission), Benin, Bolivia, Bhutan, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria (EU submission), Burkina Faso, Canada, Central African Republic, Chile, China, China (Beijing Symposium), Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Holy See (Observer State), Honduras (Workshop on Sustainable Tourism), Hungary, Iceland, India, India (Delhi Ministerial Dialogue), Indonesia (with Bandung Declaration as an annex of its input), Ireland, Israel (national and Meeting on Greening Agriculture), Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Lao, Latvia, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Singapore (Regional 3R Forum in Asia), Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan (Preparatory Conference “Towards the UN Conference on Sustainable Development: Water Cooperation Issues”), Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, UK, Ukraine, Uruguay, USA, Venezuela.
UN system and IGOs
A Blueprint for Ocean and Coastal Sustainability (IOC/UNESCO, FAO, IMO, UNDP), Advisory Group of the UN International Year of Cooperatives, Advisory Group on Environmental Emergencies (AGEE), Alpine Convention, Asian Development Bank, Collaborative Partnership on Forests, Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, ECESA Plus Cluster on Social Development, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Inter-Agency Consultative Group for SIDS, Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC), Inter-Parliamentary Union, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions (AICESIS), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), International Labour Organization (ILO), International Maritime Organization (IMO), International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Olympic Committee to the United Nations, International Organization for Migration (IOM), International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), International Telecommunication Union (ITU), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), North-East Asian Subregional Programme for Environmental Cooperation (NEASPEC), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), Rome-based agencies (FAO, IFAD, WFP and Bioversity International),.South Centre, Specialist Group on Soils and Desertification of the IUCN Commission on Environmental Law, Theme on the Environment, Macroeconomics, Trade and Investment (TEMTI) of the Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP), IUCN - International Union for the Conservation of Nature, UN Group on the Information Society (UNGIS), UN Interagency Committee for the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (IAC DESD), UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB), UN-Water, UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI), United Nations Development Group (UNDG), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), United Nations Environment Management Group (EMG), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), United Nations Global Compact, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR), United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), United Nations Open-ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Population Division (DESA), United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), United Nations SG's Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation (UNSGAB), United Nations Statistics Division, United Nations University - Institute for Water, Environment & Health (UNU-INWEH), United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS), United Nations Volunteers (UNV), World Bank, World Health Organisation (WHO), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), World Meteorological Organization (WMO), World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), World Trade Organization (WTO).
Major groups - consensus documents
Scientific and Technical Community; Local Authorities (ICLEI, C40, nrg4SD, ECO-City Builders, and UCGL); Women; Children and Youth; Workers and Trade Unions (International Trade Union Federation); Farmers; Business and Industry (Business Action for Sustainable Development 2012); Indigenous Peoples (Indigenous Peoples' International Centre for Policy Research and Education, Indigenous Environmental Network, Indigenous Information Network), among others;
Major groups - selected individual docs
Categories: Academic Institutions, Business and Industry, Children and Youth, Coalitions and Partnerships, Foundation, Indigenous People, Scientific Community, Women. Groups: Third World Network, Stakeholder Forum, WWF, CIEL, Eurostep, Earth Institute, ICTSD, Arab NGO Network for Development, Climate Action Network International, Observatorio Mexicano de la Crisis, RESO-CLIMAT Cameroun, C40, Eco-Accord, Commons Action for the UN, INFORSE, Sustain US, 350.org, Institute for Essential Services Reform, Business and Industry, Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability, PDMA, World Resources Forum, European Youth Meeting, European Students' Forum, ETC Group, AGEDI, Alzheimer's Disease International, APRN, Boston University (Pardee Center), Information Habitat, CONFEA, Oikos, among others.
Overview of proposals
Proposals for a technology facilitation mechanism:
Suggestions by UN organizations
- ECA - Options for a technology facilitation mechanism
- ECE - Options for a technology facilitation mechanism
- ECLAC - Options for a technology facilitation mechanism
- ESCAP - Options for a technology facilitation mechanism
- ESCWA - Options for a technology facilitation mechanism
- IAEA - Options for a technology facilitation mechanism
- IMO - Options for a technology facilitation mechanism
- ITU - Options for a technology facilitation mechanism
- UN Women - Options for a technology facilitation mechanism
- UNCTAD - Options for a technology facilitation mechanism
- UNDP - Options for a technology facilitation mechanism
- UNEP - Options for a technology facilitation mechanism
- UNFCCC - Options for a technology facilitation mechanism
- UNIDO - Options for a technology facilitation mechanism
- WTO - Options for a technology facilitation mechanism
- 08-09 Oct. 2024: Workshop on building capacity and exploring resources for implementing STI4SDGs roadmaps, UNCC, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- 12-13 Oct. 2023: Workshop on building capacity and scaling up adoption of STI4SDGs Roadmaps in Africa
- 11-13 Jan. 2023: Expert Group Meeting on Science, Technology, and Innovation for the SDGs - Meeting of the IATT and 10-Member Group under the TFM in preparation for the Multi-Stakeholder Meeting on Science, Technology, and Innovation for the SDGs 2023
- 20 October 2022: Special Event on STI Roadmaps: The role of digital technologies in agriculture production and consumption
- 12 July 2022: HLPF Side Event: Assessing Innovation Ecosystems in Sub-Saharan Africa: the Path Towards Localised STI for SDGs Roadmaps
- 9 July 2021: High-level Dialogue on the Partnership in Action on Science, Technology and Innovation for SDGs Roadmaps
- 3 May, 2021: High-level Side Event on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) for SDGs Roadmaps
- 17 Nov. 2020: UN 75th GA Side Event on STI for SDGs Roadmaps
- 5-6 March 2020: Smart Specialisation for Sustainable Development Goals - Localised Science, Technology and Innovation Roadmaps for transformation and development, Brussels
- 9-17 Dec 2019: United Nations – MoST Joint Capacity Building Workshop on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals
- 27 Feb- 01 Mar 2019: Workshop on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs @ Bangkok, Thailand
- 27-29 Nov 2018: Third Expert Group Meeting on STI Roadmaps for the SDGs @ Brussels, Belgium
- 8 - 9 May 2018: Second Expert Group Meeting on STI Roadmaps for the SDGs @ Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan
- 15-19 April 2018: UN-WIDE Capacity building pilot course in technology for development: ‘Innovation Policies for SDGs in the Arab region’, Amman, Jordan.
- 26 - 27 Mar 2018: First Expert Group Meeting on Science, Technology and Innovation Roadmaps for SDGs @ UNHQ, New York
- 29 Jan 2018: Briefing on the Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (STI Forum 2018) @ Conference Room 3, UNHQ, New York
- 29 Nov-1 Dec 2017: Workshop on Science, Technology and Innovation for SDGs
- 4 - 7 Dec 2017: High-level Study Visit to China on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs
- 18 - 19 Nov 2017: High-level Conference on Financing for Development and the Means of Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Co-organized by FfDO)
- 6-8 November 2017: Workshop on Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) for the implementation of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- 15-16 May 2017: 2nd STI Forum, New York (IATT)
- 08-12 May 2017: Commission on Science and Technology for Development, Twentieth Session (UNCTAD)
- 23 - 25 January 2017: CSTD inter-sessional panel, Geneva, Switzerland (UNCTAD)
- March 2017: Meeting of foundations and other STI funders, New York (ICSU, DESA)
- March 2017: Meeting on Science, Technology and Innovation for advancing the Agenda 2030 with focus on health, Rio de Janeiro (Fiocruz)
- March 2017: Technology roadmaps for the SDGs, Vienna, Austria (DESA, UNEP, IIASA and 10-MG)
- 1-30 January 2017: UNIDO-UNEP Climate Technology Centre and Network Regional (CTCN) Forum, Caribbean
- 25-26 January 2017: Expert Group Meeting for the 10-Member Group on Preparing for the 2017 STI Forum and the online platform assessment, Paris, France (ICSU, DESA and UNEP)
- 27-30 March 2017: Global Manufacturing & Industrialization Summit, Paris-Sorbonne University, Al Reem Island, Abu Dhabi, UAE
- January – March 2017: UNIDO-UNEP 5th Global Network Conference on Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production
STI Forum
UN Headquarters, New York, May 7-8, 2025: 10th Multi-stakeholder Forum on STI for the SDGs
UN Headquarters, New York, May 9-10, 2024: 9th Multi-stakeholder Forum on STI for the SDGs
UN Headquarters, New York, May 3-4, 2023: 8th Multi-stakeholder Forum on STI for the SDGs
UN Headquarters, New York, May 5-6, 2022: 7th Multi-stakeholder Forum on STI for the SDGs
UN Headquarters, New York, May 4-5, 2021: 6th Multi-stakeholder Forum on STI for the SDGs
UN Headquarters, New York, May 9-10, 2020: 5th Multi-stakeholder Forum on STI for the SDGs, postponed to 2021
UN Headquarters, New York, May 13-16, 2019: Forth Multi-stakeholder Forum on STI for the SDGs
UN Headquarters, New York, June 4-7, 2018: Third Multi-stakeholder Forum on STI for the SDGs
UN Headquarters, New York, May 15-16, 2017: Second Multi-stakeholder Forum on STI for the SDGs
UN Headquarters, New York, June 6-7, 2016: First Multi-stakeholder Forum on STI for the SDGs
Interagency Team
Online Platform
The UN Inter-agency Task Team on STI4SDGs and the 10 Member Group are working together to support and leverage partnerships for the implementation of the Technology Facilitation Mechanism. Building on the existing workstreams, together with Member States and other key partners, they initiated the following partnerships. The partnerships provide venues for facilitating interaction, matchmaking and the establishment of networks between relevant stakeholders and multi-stakeholder partnerships to identify and examine technology needs and gaps, including scientific cooperation, innovation and capacity-building, and also to help facilitate development, transfer and dissemination of relevant technologies for the Sustainable Development Goals.
Background papers/Special studies
Preparatory Process Meeting Reports
Key documents
Outcome Document
Background Notes
SDGs Learning
Background documents
