Since the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) were adopted in 2015, many governments, UN entities, international and regional organizations and stakeholders have gained in-depth knowledge and expertise and taken innovative steps towards implementing this ambitious global framework.
Many inspiring breakthroughs and success stories are showing results and impacts all over the world, and several good practices can be replicated and scaled up to address existing gaps and constraints. Bringing this global expertise to scale will be critical to support recovery efforts from the COVID-19 pandemic and to accelerate progress towards the Decade of Action to deliver the SDGs.
NEW---Check out the latest SDG Good Practices Special Leaflet for 2022 HLPF!
Second Open Call for SDG Good Practices, Success Stories and Lessons Learned in the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda
New publications is now available here.
The second open call for SDG good practices, success stories and lessons learned in the implementation of 2030 Agenda was closed on 14 March 2021. The purpose of this call was to highlight examples of good practices, including those that could be replicated or scaled-up by others across the globe.
The results of the Second Open Call are now available here:
Click the "SECOND OPEN CALL" tab above for more information.
Find a summary about the SDG Good Practices and a few selected examples from the databank here.
Having questions? Check the FAQ for more information.
First Open Call for SDG Good Practices (2018 – 2019)
The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) launched a call for submissions of good practices, success stories and lessons learned by all stakeholders in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs and the results are made available in an online database of more than 500 good practices.
Read more about the SDG Good Practices and the First Open call here.
The outcomes of the first round of SDG Good Practices open call are available here.
Summary of outcomes of the first open call (PDF)
A digital publication "SDG Good Practices-A compilation of success stories and lessons learned in SDG implementation (First Edition)" is available.
*Disclaimer: The SDG good practices online registry provides an opportunity to Member States, the UN system and other stakeholders to showcase SDG-related good practices and success stories. Kindly note that the views presented do not represent those of the United Nations and that the United Nations does not endorse the accuracy or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or outcomes provided by stakeholders to this platform. The United Nations reserves the right to review submissions and delete proposed SDG good practices at any given time if any content/input is perceived as not aligned with the United Nations Charter and/or the principles and purposes of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Check out the latest SDG Good Practices Special Leaflet for 2022 HLPF!
SDG Good Practices-A compilation of success stories and lessons learned in SDG Implementation-SECOND EDITION is now available! Download here to check the 21 SDG Good Practices selected from the submissions during the second open call.
Thank you for your interest in the Second Open Call for Good Practices, Success Stories and Lessons Learned in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
All submissions have been reviewed by the UN Inter-Agency-Team and the results are now available.
Please, check here for the outcomes of the Second Open call for SDG Good Practices.
Find a summary about the SDG Good Practices and a few selected examples from the databank here.
The second open call for SDG good practices, success stories and lessons learned in the implementation of 2030 Agenda was closed on 14 March 2021. The purpose of this call was to highlight examples of good practices, including those that could be replicated or scaled-up by others across the globe.
The results of the Second Open Call are now available here.
First Open Call for SDG Good Practices, Success Stories and Lessons Learned in SDG Implementation (2018-2019)
n 2018, UN DESA launched an open call for good practices, success stories and lessons learned in SDG implementation.
More than 700 submissions were received from Governments, the United Nations system, civil society, the private sector and other stakeholders around the world. The submissions were reviewed by a team of experts from around 20 United Nations entities. The outcome of the open call was made available in 2019 in the form of an online platform showcasing more than 500 SDG good practices, with clear evidence of results and impact.
Read more about the first open call.
A digital publication "SDG Good Practices-A compilation of success stories and lessons learned in SDG implementation (First Edition)" , which features 16 SDG Good Practices from across the globe in response to the first open call.
Second Open Call: Towards the Decade of Action to Deliver the Sustainable Development Goals
SDG Good Practices, success stories and lessons learnED in the implementatIon of the 2030 Agenda
SDG Good Practices
Five years into the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), many Governments, UN entities, international and regional organizations, and stakeholders from all sectors, have accumulated experiences and lessons learned towards the implementation of the SDGs.
What are the inspiring breakthroughs and success stories that are showing results and impacts? What are the good practices that can be replicated and scaled up? What are the gaps and constraints and how should we address them? Looking ahead, what steps should we take to accelerate progress?
To help answer these and other questions, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) launched a first call for submissions of good practices, success stories and lessons learned by all stakeholders in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs and the results are made available in an online database of more than 500 good practices. To search the submissions including by sorting them by individual SDGs, click here and select the "SDG Good Practices (first call)" checkbox under the "Action Network & Databases" section in the left column.
A second open call for SDG good practices, success stories, and lessons learned was conducted from 2 December 2020 to 14 March 2021. The purpose of this call was to highlight examples of good practices, including those that could be replicated or scaled-up by others across the globe.
More than 700 completed submissions were reviewed. The outcomes are available here:
A new publication, SDG Good Practices- A compilation of success stories and lessons learned in SDG implementation-Second Edition, curated to highlight a sample of selected initiatives from different stakeholders featured in the second open call for SDG Good Practices is now available. The 21 SDG Good Practices contained in the publication shared their lessons learned and identified practices that can inspire and be replicated worldwide.
A dedicated inter-agency team comprised of experts from across the United Nations System analyzed each of the submissions and decided whether they would be approved to be identified as SDG Good Practices. Members of the Inter-Agency Team represented the following 24 United Nations Entities: CBD, ECE, ECLAC, ESCAP, ESCWA, FAO, IAEA, ILO, IMO, IOM, ITU, UNCTAD, UN DESA, UNDP, UNDRR, UNEP, UNFPA, UN-HABITAT, UNIDO, UNITAR, UNODC, UNU, UNWOMEN, WTO. UNDESA expresses its deepest gratitude to all experts who collaborated with this Initiative.
Review criteria included: SDG-Specific; Results-focused; Inclusiveness; Accountability, Sustainability and Replicability. Please, check details about review criteria here.
Governments, UN entities, international and regional organizations, and stakeholders from all relevant sectors and regions could submit proposals. Submissions of good practices, e.g. policy, programme or project, should be directly related to the achievement of one or more of the seventeen. Submissions should show inspiring breakthroughs, lessons learned, and success stories related to the implementation and follow up of the Sustainable Development Goals at any level (global, regional, national and sub-national).
Registration is now closed.
After the submissions and the analysis by the inter-agency task team, results were made available online for easy access and broad dissemination.
Where applicable, the submissions will serve as inputs to thematic preparations for sessions of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). Submissions will be promoted by UNDESA/DSDG on a regular basis.
The online portal for submission is closed on 14 March 2021.
Outcomes were published in June 2021:
Still have questions? Check the FAQ or send a message to with the subject “SDG Good Practices”.
Explore and search the outcomes of the second open call (2020-2021) for SDG Good practices here (choose SDG Good Practice second call in the menu on the left side)
To explore and search for the first open call (2018-2019) for SDG Good Practices, check our online database (choose SDG Good Practice first call in the menu on the left side)
Additional Resources
Background documents
Check out the latest SDG Good Practices Special Leaflet for 2022 HLPF!
SDG Good Practices-A compilation of success stories and lessons learned in SDG Implementation-SECOND EDITION is now available! Download here to check the 21 SDG Good Practices selected from the submissions during the second open call.
Thank you for your interest in the Second Open Call for Good Practices, Success Stories and Lessons Learned in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
All submissions have been reviewed by the UN Inter-Agency-Team and the results are now available.
Please, check here for the outcomes of the Second Open call for SDG Good Practices.
Find a summary about the SDG Good Practices and a few selected examples from the databank here.
The second open call for SDG good practices, success stories and lessons learned in the implementation of 2030 Agenda was closed on 14 March 2021. The purpose of this call was to highlight examples of good practices, including those that could be replicated or scaled-up by others across the globe.
The results of the Second Open Call are now available here.