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United Nations Departamento de Asuntos Económicos y Sociales Desarrollo Sostenible
Displaying 1585 - 1602 of 2123
2123 results
Climate Change adaptation for small islands
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Ocean Acidification Mediterranean Hub (OA Med-Hub)
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Protecting, conserving and restoring whale populations in the Pacific islands
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Marine conservation through Ridge-to-Reef approach in Grenada
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Sharing experiences with other Regional Seas Organisations
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Integration of the concept of maritimization and use of Marine Spatial Planning as basic tools for the promotion of the Blue Economy in Madagascar
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Seychelles blue bond: transitioning to sustainable artisanal fisheries and strengthening value chain benefits through innovative finance and partnerships
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Establishment of a Marine Protected Area (MPA) at the coastline of Plakias, Crete
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Innovative management solutions for minimizing emissions of hazardous substances from urban areas in the Baltic Sea Region
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Reducing solid waste of Pangkor Island polluting the sea through Innovative 3R program (reduce, reuse & recycle) business model, GEF-SGP funded project.
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Fortalecimiento organizacional y de capacidades de 3 organizaciones comunitarias dentro de la Zona Especial de Manejo Zona Sur de Veraguas.
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Eradicating Fish Bombing in Sabah by 2020
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Scuba SEEP
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Restoring marine ecosystem services by rehabilitating coral reefs to meet a changing climate future
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Departamento de Biologa, Bioqumica y Farmacia
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Progressing Implementation of the New Song for Coastal Fisheries Pathways to Change
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Improve the Ability on Marine Observation and Early-warning and Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Capacities
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