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United Nations Departamento de Asuntos Económicos y Sociales Desarrollo Sostenible
Displaying 1567 - 1584 of 2123
2123 results
Database of support policies to fisheries - The Fisheries Support Estimate (FSE)
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Global Ocean Refuge System
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Science for deep-ocean sustainability
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Beach Cleanup
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Coastal Fisheries Initiative/LAC: Producing a change shift towards an integrated, inclusive and sustainable approach to fisheries management and development
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Humpback Whale Research Project, Bermuda
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Bottlenose dolphins in the Sicilian Channel. Increasing knowledge through research activities and People awareness on the marine environment conservation
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Reimaanlok Looking to the Future: Strengthening Natural Resource Management in Atoll Communities in the Republic of Marshall Islands, Employing Integrated Approaches (RMI R2R)
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Coastal Environmental Protection
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Proposal to prohibit the use of large scale driftnets in the area of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
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An innovative financial mechanism to support the effective management of MPAs in the Mediterranean basin; a public-private commitment in a regional approach for local beneficiaries.
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OA- Africa (Ocean Acidification- Africa)
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Protection of marine turtles and nesting beaches through the involvement of the local population
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Goal 7, 14 and 13 commitment
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Eco tourism activities in mangrove and coral island in Vidathaltivu Mannar
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Addressing the causes of aquatic wild meat for sustainable development
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Ocean Acidification Framework
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