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United Nations Departamento de Asuntos Económicos y Sociales Desarrollo Sostenible
Displaying 1531 - 1548 of 2123
2123 results
APRU network of experts, future leaders and policy makers addressing the health of the Pacific Ocean and its marine and coastal resources
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Protect 30% of Seychelles marine and coastal waters more than 400,000 square kilometers of improved protection and ocean management.
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Nature Seekers- Leatherback Sea Turtle By-Catch Project- GEF SGP Trinidad and Tobago
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Blue economy for a healthy Mediterranean- Measuring, Monitoring and Promoting an environmentally sustainable economy in the Mediterranean region
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Multi-stakeholder efforts to enhance socio-ecological landscape resilience in Pakistan's Indus Delta area.
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Comprehensive and sustainable community-based sea turtle conservation programme on Maio Island, Cabo Verde
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Blue Growth Summer School
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Development of a national strategy to combat marine litter
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Promoting Sustainable Fisheries: National Awareness Programme in Support of the First Temporary Octopus Fisheries Closure in Mauritius (Funded by the GEF Small Grants Programme implemented by UNDP)
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Support to the Government on Marine and Coastal Resource Management and Sustainable Livelihoods in Northern Sri Lanka
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Protection and Management of All Marine Mammal Species in Fiji
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Investigacin, Evaluacin, Prevencin, Reduccin y Control de Fuentes Terrestres y Marinas de Contaminacin al Mar.
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Promote, inspire, and accelerate sustainable solutions and practices
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Supporting the International Alliance to Combat Ocean Acidification
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Support a resilient ocean-based society in SIDS through water access and renewable energy
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Facilitating learning an sharing of good practices within and beyond UNESCO Biosphere Reserves How do UNESCO Biosphere Reserves in the Baltic Sea Region contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda?
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Providing world-class research and training to support the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
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Evaluacin de manglares, arrecifes, playas, praderas marinas para una valoracin de los servicios ambientales de ecosistemas costeros y marinos: 3 provincias costeras, 1 por ao.
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