Displaying 1531 - 1548 of 2123
2123 results
Restoring marine ecosystem services by rehabilitating coral reefs to meet a changing climate future

Improve the Ability on Marine Observation and Early-warning and Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Capacities

Reducir el uso de plsticos desechables en la Isla de Utila por medio de la realizacin de 8 charlas informativas ( cuatro 2017 y cuatro 2018), para reducir el uso de los mismos.

Research and capacity development to support livelihood and food security and safety in African Coastal Communities

Strengthening Marine Protected Areas to Conserve Marine Key Biodiversity Areas in the Philippines (SMARTSeas PH Project)

Fostering biodiversity action in the outermost regions and overseas countries and territories of EU Member States (BEST)

Implement pilot project on landscape planning in the narrow coastal zone, defined in the National Strategy for Integrated Coastal Zone Management of Montenegro, prepared by the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism in cooperation with UN Environ

Mainstreaming Biodiversity into the Management of the Coastal Zone in the Republic of Mauritius

Estudio de valoracion de la resiliencia al cambio climatico de los ecosistemas costeros y los efectos sobre la diversidad

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