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United Nations Département des Affaires Économiques et Sociales Développement Durable
Displaying 1567 - 1584 of 2123
2123 results
Preventing and significantly reducing marine litter in EU Member States' waters
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Good Practice Guidelines for Nature-based Tourism Excursions
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Establishing electronic notification systems for the effective use of fishing gear
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Eliminate Plastic Litter in our Oceans
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CoopeTrcoles R.L. - Jeannette Naranjo Gonzalez
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Capacity-building for Artisenal Fisherman
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Establecimiento de los lineamientos para la creacin de Planes de Ordenamiento Pesquero
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Crear, reforzar, socializar y establecer planes de gobernanza de las reas marinas protegidas y zonas de recuperacin pesquera de Guanaja
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3 reas Marinas Protegidas del caribe de Honduras cuentan con instrumentos que permiten la sostenibilidad financiera de las acciones de manejo
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Combatting litter
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Mitigating the threat of marine litter through beach and waterway cleanup on all seven continents
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Thailand makes an effort to protect marine environment from marine debris and land-based pollution
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Strengthening Resilience of Marine and Coastal Ecosystems through the Reduction of Pollution to the Marine Environment
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Supporting in particular Small Island Developing States to reduce their vulnerability to climate change and building a more resilient ocean economy.
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Programa de acuicultura sostenible de ostras, pargos, tilapias, camarones, entre otros
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Capacity Building in support of the Ocean Economy
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New Caledonia Towards Sustainable Blue Growth
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