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United Nations Département des Affaires Économiques et Sociales Développement Durable
Displaying 1549 - 1566 of 2123
2123 results
Marine Protected Areas in the UK and our Overseas Territories
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UK Commitments on Marine Litter
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Eco Labeling/ Catch Certification
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Finalization of Fijis Maritime Boundaries and ECS Claims
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Enhance fishery management, control and surveillance in Uruguay and South Atlantic Ocean
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Enhance the Tropical Coastline Seascape of South Tarawa through community based approach
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10% de reas Marinas Protegidas
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Cleaning the coast of the Persian Gulf
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Marine Protected Areas in Kattegat
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Deploying dedicated Space technologies and assets for Ocean applications
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Evaluacin de reas costeras marinas para la implementacin de proyectos de desarrollo para la gestin sostenible aprox. 25 proyectos por ao.
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Responsible Research and Innovation for ocean conservation and sustainable blue growth
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Promoting enhanced access and use of global marine biodiversity information
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Evaluacin del estado de los ecosistemas costeros y marinos de 2 provincias (Puerto Plata y Montecristi).
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Marine Information and Data for Users -
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Aplicacin del Acuerdo de Nueva York
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Desarrollo de capacidades para el fomento de la pesca sostenible
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Sea Pact funding support for Blue Ocean Gear's development of a smart crustacean trap
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