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United Nations Département des Affaires Économiques et Sociales Développement Durable
Displaying 1549 - 1566 of 2123
2123 results
A Series of SIDS In-country Technical Assistance for Sustainable Development Roadmaps
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UN-Oceans: Raising awareness of relevant regulatory and policy frameworks and its members activities in support of their implementation, as a foundation for conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas and their resources
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Developing SDG Objectives and Metrics with and for the Ocean Business Community
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Management of marine environment around the Korean Peninsula
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Fostering collaboration in Brazil towards ocean conservation based on the transition to the Circular Economy - Mission Ocean Brazil
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Belgian long term vision for the North Sea 2050
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Promover mejores prcticas de uso y conservacin de suelos en la Isla de Utila
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Incluir a 3 escuelas mas en el programa de educacin ambiental
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Implementar el programa de control y vigilancia en la Isla de Roatn con apoyo de la empresa privada
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Global standardization of Micro X-ray Computer Tomography (MXCT) technique to quantify density of marine calcifierfs carbonate test
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Increase ocean literacy and ocean education globally
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The Northern Mozambique Channel Initiative
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Community and Stakeholder Based Coral Reef Restoration In Bira & Harapan Islands, Thousand Islands, Jakarta
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Enhancing research and awareness on the impact of ocean acidification and climate change on tropical marine ecosystems
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Declaracin de reas de recuperacin pesquera
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Implementar campaa educativa a 25 centros educativos en Municipio de Roatn y Santos Guardiola
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Reducir y prevenir la contaminacin por desechos slidos en el rea costero marina Motagua-Omoa
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