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United Nations Departamento de Asuntos Económicos y Sociales Desarrollo Sostenible
Displaying 1657 - 1674 of 2123
2123 results
Create an evaluation and monitoring system of the Blue Fund that is aligned with Goal 14 targets
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Strengthening Marine Protected Areas in South-East China to conserve globally significant coastal biodiversity
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Full deployment of European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) by 2020
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Oceans and Us Conference at the UN
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Peruvian Coastal Atlas
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Development of a Multi-Organism and Multi-Level Biomarker System for Biomonitoring of Marine Ecosystem Health
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Turkey's Marine Litter Action Plans to Reduce Sea-based and Land-based pollution loads
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Plastic Mining Cooperation is committed to start the Plastic Mining recycling program on all SIDS member states by 2025.
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Port Waste Management Plan for the Port of Port Louis
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Science-based Ecosystem, Species, and Biodiversity Protection
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Protecting the Oceans from Land Based Pollution.
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Development and implementation of additional marine actions under the National Strategy for the Conservation of Threatened Species
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Strengthening the construction of the Chongn Colonche Bio-corridor.
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Develop Sustainable Ocean Economy
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Strengthening the Marine Management Unit of the Department of Wildlife Conservation in Sri Lanka
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Ocean-based economies to fight climate change: Ocean Energy Resources Assessment for Maldives (OpERATE)
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Swedish support to FAO for developing countries implementation of Port State Measures Agreement, the Global Registry and technical consultations for the marking of fishing gear.
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Conservation and Management of Cetaceans
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