The ninth annual Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (STI Forum) will be held from Thursday, 9 May, to Friday, 10 May 2024. The Forum will be convened by the President of ECOSOC, Her Excellency Paula Narváez, who had appointed two co-chairs – Her Excellency Christina Markus Lassen, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Denmark to the United Nations, and Her Excellency Inga Rhonda King, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to the United Nations. As per its mandate, the Forum will be prepared by the UN interagency task team on STI for the SDGs (IATT), convened by UN DESA and UNCTAD, and the 10-Member Group of High-Level Representatives appointed by the Secretary-General.
As in previous years, the theme of the STI Forum will be closely aligned with that of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), to be held from Monday, 8 July, to Wednesday, 17 July 2024, under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council, but will have an exclusive focus on the role and contributions of science, technology and innovation to sustainable development. The 2024 HLPF will hold in-depth reviews of five SDGs: Goal 1 - End poverty in all its forms everywhere; Goal 2 - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture; Goal 13 - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts; Goal 16 - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels; and Goal 17 - Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.
Accordingly, the theme for the STI Forum 2024 is: “Science, technology and innovation for reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: the effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions”.

H. E. Christina Markus Lassen
H.E. Christina Markus Lassen, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Denmark to the United Nations, Co-Chair of the 2024 STI Forum
H. E. Inga Rhonda King
H.E. Inga Rhonda King, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to the United Nations, Co-Chair of the 2024 STI Forum
All science-policy briefs and case studies have now been uploaded. Updated session notes (under "documentation") also include direct links these contributions.
Congratulations to all the successful authors who have passed the peer-review process. Thank you so much!
The final programme (with speakers) and all session notes are now available under the tab "documentation"
Please find the Background Note for the STI Forum 2024 prepared by the United Nations 10-Member-Group.
Please find the letter from ECOSOC to Member States on the appointment of new co-chairs for the STI Forum in 2024.
Please find the STI Forum 2024 Letter of Invitation from ECOSOC to Member States.
Pre-Conference Activities
Background Notes
Outcome Document
Provisional agenda
Participation of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) stakeholders
Registration for representatives of non-governmental organizations and other relevant stakeholders closed on 21 April, 5PM, EDT.
Interested participants not able to attend the meeting in person will be able to follow the discussions on UN WebTV.
Please Note:
- The STI Forum will be held from 9-10 May 2024. Side Events will be held from 8 – 10 May.
- Information about how to collect Special Events Tickets and access the UNHQ will be shared with registered participants closer to the event.
- Representatives of NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC and in possession of valid UN Grounds passes will be able to access the Conference rooms without the need for Special Events Tickets.
- Please note that all registered participants are responsible for making their own travel arrangements (visa, transportation, accommodation, etc) and related costs, as applicable.
A selected number of stakeholder representatives will be able to make interventions at the meetings of the Forum. Information about how to apply for speaking slots will be shared with registered stakeholders in the lead up to the STI Forum. Only selected speakers will be contacted by the Secretariat.

Briefing to Member States and Stakeholders
5 March 2024, 3:00pm-4:00pm, ECOSOC Chamber, UN Headquarters, New York
The co-chairs of the 9th Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals held a briefing for Member States and STI stakeholders on Tuesday, 5 March 2024, from 3 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the ECOSOC Chamber, UN HQ, New York.
The briefing was recorded via the UN Web TV and is available here:
To learn more about the priorities for the 2024 STI Forum, please visit the following statements made during the briefing:
- FAO Statement for the STI Forum 2024 Briefing to Member States and Stakeholders
- ITU Statement for the STI Forum 2024 Briefing to Member States and Stakeholders
- Business and Industry Major Group (BIMG) Statement for the STI Forum 2024 Briefing to Member States and Stakeholders
- Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY) Statement for the STI Forum 2024 Briefing to Member States and Stakeholders
- Scientific and Technological Community Major Group (STCMC) Statement for the STI Forum 2024 Briefing to Member States and Stakeholders
In connection with the 2024 STI Forum, from 8 May to 10 May 2024, 46 side events were organized by Member States, UN entities, Intergovernmental Organizations and accredited non-governmental stakeholders, and selected representatives of universities, laboratories, scientific and engineering organizations.
An open call for side event applications was issued in mid-February. Applications received by 8 March were considered in the selection process. Selection of side events was guided by the following criteria:
- Side events must be closely related to the theme of the 2024 STI Forum;
- Side events should ensure gender and geographic balance and strive for meaningful participation of stakeholders, including civil society, women, youth, indigenous peoples, academic and scientific communities, among others;
- Side events should highlight concrete success stories and examples of innovations, solutions and technologies that support the implementation of one or more SDGs, especially those under in-depth review in 2024 (SDGs 1, 2, 13, 16 and 17);
- Preference was given to side events organized by coalitions of actors including UN Member States, UN entities, Intergovernmental Organizations and recognized stakeholder networks, associations, Major Groups and Other Stakeholder constituencies.
Side-event organizers all committed to the responsibilities outlined in the Side Events Guidelines. Further logistical guidance for side event organizers could be found in the FAQs for Side Event Organizers.
17 In-Person Side Events Inside UNHQ:
The in-person side events included in the programme below were open to all STI Forum participants on a first-come-first-served basis, up to the capacity of the conference rooms. No side-event-specific registration is required. Please refer to the General Participant Guide for detailed guidance on how to participate in the 2024 STI Forum for different types of participants.
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Disclaimer: Official intergovernmental meetings at UNHQ conference facilities have higher priority over side events. Although rare, side events may have to be cancelled by the Department of General Assembly and Conference Management last minute if an urgent intergovernmental meeting needs to use the conference room.
Virtual Side Events and Off-Site Side Events:
29 virtual or off-site side events were convened in connection with the 2024 STI Forum, many of which required registration to access their respective virtual platforms/ off-site venues. Please check the programme below for further details:
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Media advisory
UN Forum to harness the power of science, technology and innovation
to advance sustainable development while addressing the climate crisis
Media accreditation OPEN until Friday 3 May 2024
WHAT: The 9th Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (2024 STI Forum)
World leaders will join science and technology communities, academia, civil society, private sector and young people to discuss ways to harness the power of science, technology and innovation to accelerate progress across the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The Forum will give special attention to the Sustainable Development Goals under review at the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in July 2024, namely SDG 1 (No poverty), SDG 2 (Zero hunger), SDG 13 (Climate action), SDG 16 (Peace, justice, and strong institutions), and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the goals). The event will also examine the challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence (AI) in advancing climate action and SDG progress.
In addition to a ministerial and seven thematic sessions, the Forum will include a reception and innovation showcase, as well as over 40 side events taking place from 8 to 10 May at both UN Headquarters and off-site locations, and virtually.
The Forum is convened under the auspices of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
WHO: The Forum will feature high-profile speakers such as the below, and more:
- Paula Narváez, United Nations ECOSOC President;
- Dennis Francis, United Nations General Assembly President;
- Li Junhua, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations;
- Selwin Hart, Special Advisor to the Secretary-General and Assistant Secretary-General of the Climate Action Team;
- Joyeeta Gupta, Professor of Environment and Development, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Amsterdam and Professor on Sustainability, IHE Delft Institute for Water Education;
- Carlos Henrique Brito Cruz OBE, Senior Vice-President, Research Networks, Elsevier
WHEN: 9-10 May 2024 (with side events 8-10 May 2024)
THEME: Science, technology and innovation for reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: the effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions
WHERE: United Nations Headquarters in New York
Trusteeship Council Chamber
Follow live on UN Web TV (official programme):
The two-day Forum preparations are led by the two Co-chairs H.E. Christina Markus Lassen, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Denmark to the UN, and H.E. Inga Rhonda King, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to the UN, supported by the UN interagency task team on STI for the SDGs (IATT) and the 10-Member Group of High-Level Representatives appointed by the Secretary-General.
Key links
Forum website:
Official programme: Official Forum Programme (9-10 May 2024)
Side events: Side Events (8-10 May 2024)
Social Media
Please follow us on the 2024 STI Forum using hashtags: #Tech4SDGs and #SDGs
On Facebook: and on X:
Media accreditation
Please note that media accreditation closes on Friday 3 May 2024.
Media representatives applying independently are required to submit an application form, including a letter of assignment from a bona fide media organization, samples of their work and a government-issued ID. Instructions are available on the website of the Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit.
Requests for delegation media, including journalists and official photographers and videographers, should be submitted by Missions and Organizations enrolled in the eRegistration system, which is available through the e-deleGATE portal (instructions).
Please note that all media representatives must apply for accreditation in advance, as there will not be on-site accreditation.
For more information, please visit the UN Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit’s website or contact them at or +1 212-963-6934.
Media contacts
UN Department of Global Communications
Bingjie Wang:[AT]
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Meng Li: li39[AT]
Helen Rosengren: rosengrenh[AT]
Thank you to all authors of science-policy briefs submitted to the STI Forum 2024. The following science-policy briefs have successfully passed the peer-review organized by IATT.
Note: The views expressed in the briefs are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the United Nations or its senior management.
Session 1: More and more effective funding and capacity for SDG related research and innovation in all regions (SDG17)
- Buyel, J., et al., “Using plant molecular farming to increase regional biomanufacturing capacity across the globe for fast, resilient and cost-efficient medicine supply”.
- Carmona-Mora, P., et al., “Capacity building of young science leaders to empower regional agents of change”.
- De Brito Cruz, C. H., “Research Funding Organizations and the UN Sustainable Development Goals”.
- Gloinson, E., et al., “Vaccines for all? Opportunities and challenges for vaccine-related technology transfers to LMICs”.
- Mikova, N., “How technological and new societal trends may influence the European sustainable energy transition: analysis of policies, methodologies and impacts”.
- Nagar, S., “Artificial Intelligence in Scientific Research: Lessons for SPIs”.
Session 2: Strengthening scientific cooperation, technology and knowledge sharing and accelerating innovation for integrated climate action (SDG13)
- Al-Thobaiti, F., “The financial impact of regulations aiming to unify government digital platforms: Insights from Saudi Arabia”.
- Bakthavatchaalam, V., “Engineering Education and its Current (Un)suitability in Addressing Sustainable Development Goals”.
- de Boer, F., et al., “Cultivating Sustainability in Fashion Industry Using Agriculture Residue”.
- Díaz, S., “Living Nature – State of the field and bases for action”.
- Ferreira, N., et al., “The Role of Waste Valorization in the Transition to the Circular Economy”.
- Fidler, K., “Flooding and Vulnerable Communities: Working Toward Proper Preparation and Protection via RS and GIS Developments”.
- Fouch, E., “Using Natural Language Processing to Make the United Nations 2030 Connect Platform More Accessible”.
- Gupta, J., Bosch, H., and van Vliet, L., “AI’s excessive water consumption threatens to drown out its environmental contributions”.
- Gupta, J., et al., “Reinforcing the SDGs to live within safe and just thresholds”.
- Jones, E., and Ramesh K., “Metal Recovery from E-Waste Using Flash Joule Heating and Super Critical Fluid Extraction”.
- Mackey, B., Kormos, C., and Young, V., “Maximizing Climate-Biodiversity Synergistic Outcomes: Prioritizing ecosystem integrity in SDG 13”.
- Mikova, N., “How technological and new societal trends may influence the European sustainable energy transition: analysis of policies, methodologies and impacts”.
- Nagar, S., “Artificial Intelligence in Scientific Research: Lessons for SPIs”.
- Scrivener, K., “Towards a Strategic Roadmap for Decarbonizing Building Materials”.
- Suga, T., et al., “Expanding the functionality of integrated ocean observing systems to address marine ecosystem change”.
- Tabañag, I., “Plastik sa Kapaligiran: Addressing Mismanaged Single-Use Plastics”.
- Thang, C., et al., “Hybrid Renewable Energy System Featuring Pem Green Hydrogen in Regions with High Solar and Wind Density”.
Session 3: Bridging the science, technology and innovation divides to eradicate poverty and end hunger (SDGs 1 and 2)
- Arora, P., “The Failed Science Diplomacy of "Lab to Land” in the Culturing of Macroalgae and Food Security”.
- Bakthavatchaalam, V., “Engineering Education and its Current (Un)suitability in Addressing Sustainable Development Goals”.
- Burgaz, C., et al., “Good Practice Government Policies on Food Systems to simultaneously address undernutrition, obesity and climate change”.
- Escudero, V., and Riepl, F., “Unlocking skills dynamics: Harnessing big online data and NLP methods in emerging economies”.
- Falomi, F., and Erguler, G., “Unlocking the Full Potential of Agricultural Transformation in LDCs: The role of traditional and emerging technologies”.
- Ferreira, N., et al., “The Role of Waste Valorization in the Transition to the Circular Economy”.
- Lüdert, J., “Strengthening the Science-Policy-Society Interface: An Analytical Framework for Science Diplomacy in an Era of Accelerating Technological Change”.
- Mooney, K., “The Local Production of Essential Drugs: A Roadmap for Sustainable Health in Low- and Middle-Income Countries”.
- Rani, U., Gobel, N., and Dhir, R., “Development of AI: Role of “invisible workers” in the AI value chains”.
- Ude, R., et al., “Nanofertilizers: A Green Window of Opportunity for Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa”.
- Zee, C., et al., “Providing Food Security through Hydroponic Systems”.
Session 4: Building ecosystems for science, technology and innovation to drive economic growth and sustainable development in Small Island Developing States
- Alwahsh, S., and Bakthavatchaalam, V., “Exploring Sustainability Challenges in the UK Aerospace Industry: Insights from a qualitative research”.
- Arora, P., “The Failed Science Diplomacy of "Lab to Land” in the Culturing of Macroalgae and Food Security”.
- Bostrom, A., and Nayyar, S., “The Summit of the Future: Health Technologies for the Common Good”.
- Chrisdameria, D., et al., “Encouraging a Just Energy Transition Through Wave Energy Converters in Small Island Developing States (SIDS)”.
- Isagah, T., “Responsible and Inclusive Urban AI: Opportunities and challenges for advancing Sustainable Development Goals”.
- Jimenez, S., et al. “Towards a sustainable future for health equity: a policy brief on strengthening the science-policy-society interface in a low- and middle-income country for Biotechnology Research and Health Systems”.
- Lüdert, J., “Strengthening the Science-Policy-Society Interface: An Analytical Framework for Science Diplomacy in an Era of Accelerating Technological Change”.
- Lui, R., “Precision Health: Emerging innovations for children and adolescents”.
- Piesik, S., et al., “Nature-Based Industrial Revolution for Inclusive Sustainable Development”.
- Umar, A., “Metaverse and Other Technology Bundles for UN SDGs – Opportunities and Challenges”.
Session 5: Harnessing the power of digital innovation for sustainable peace and resilience in the context of climate change (SDG 16)
- Al-Thobaiti, F., “The financial impact of regulations aiming to unify government digital platforms: Insights from Saudi Arabia”.
- Carlsen, H., “AI assisted scenario building for sustainable development”.
- Fidler, K., “Flooding and Vulnerable Communities: Working Toward Proper Preparation and Protection via RS and GIS Developments”.
- Francis, S., “Navigating the Intersection of AI, Surveillance, and Privacy: A Global Perspective”.
- Gupta, J., Bosch, H., and van Vliet, L., “AI’s excessive water consumption threatens to drown out its environmental contributions”.
- Gupta, J., et al., “Reinforcing the SDGs to live within safe and just thresholds”.
- Gupta, J., et al., “SDG 16 and water (re)allocation: Promoting the rule of law for water justice”.
- Karinge, J., Njende, I., and Nyamekye, S., “Machine Learning for Climate Intelligence and Weather Forecasting in the Tropics”.
- Luthra, R., “Artificial Intelligence and Ethical Considerations in Neurotechnology”.
- Piesik, S., et al., “Nature-Based Industrial Revolution for Inclusive Sustainable Development”.
- Roehrl, P., “Human rights-based principles for AI governance and business”.
- Sharma, R., “Protecting Worker Earnings in the Technology-Driven Gig Economy: Policy Approaches for Sustainable Stability and Fairness”.
Session 6: Advancing sustainable development with women-centered science and technology solutions
- Akinbi, J., “Addressing Disparities in Maternal Mortality: An Analysis of Pain Management Protocols and Their Impact on Global Maternal Health Equity”.
- Bakthavatchaalam, V., and Sa, M., “Empowering Female Participation in Engineering Research: Unmasking Constrains and Developing Gender-Sensitive Research Policies”.
- IATT, "SHE in STI 2024 - Closing the Gender Gap in Science, Technology, and Innovation: Select initiatives from UN system entities".
- She in STI: Women breaking barriers
- Kunitake, Y., and Bredikhina, L., “Discussions on the Legal Policies in the Metaverse: From the Perspective of Diversifying Self-Expression”.
- Moon, A., Oh, E., and Ji, S., “Empowering Female STEM Talent for STI: Policy Implementation and Implications”.
Session 7: STI partnerships for accelerating structural transformation in African countries, Least Developed Countries and Landlocked Developing Countries
- Alwahsh, S., and Bakthavatchaalam, V., “Exploring Sustainability Challenges in the UK Aerospace Industry: Insights from a qualitative research”.
- Bostrom, A., and Nayyar, S., “The Summit of the Future: Health Technologies for the Common Good”.
- Gmyrek, P., Berg, J., and Bescond, D., “Generative AI and Jobs: Policies to Manage the Transition”.
- Lui, R., “Precision Health: Emerging innovations for children and adolescents”.
- Nyhan, M., and Marshall, K., “The Ethical Application of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Supporting Education for Sustainable Development Globally”.
- Petrovics, D., “The Institutionalization of Energy Communities for a Just and Democratic Energy Transition”.
- Scrivener, K., “Addressing Urgent Residential and Infrastructure Needs for Sustainable Growth in the Global South”.
Thank you to all authors of case studies submitted to the STI Forum 2024. The following case studies have successfully passed the peer-review organized by IATT.
Note: The views expressed in the case studies are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the United Nations or its senior management.
Session 1: More and more effective funding and capacity for SDG related research and innovation in all regions (SDG17)
- Accone, T., “Illuminating 'unknown' domains of impact and uncovering new practices and pathways for transformative innovation for children”.
- Camba, M., “Sacol Island: A Smart Village in Zamboanga City”.
- Espaldon, M., et al., “Institutionalizing Integrated Crop Monitoring and Forecasting (ICMF) towards a Smarter Philippine Agriculture”.
- Gupta, J., et al., “Carbon Countdown: Market Disruption for a True Zero-Emission Future”.
- Querijero, N., et al., “Procurement Practices and Policies in the Philippines and the Implications to Public Research and Development”.
- Pendere, A., “Projet de Stratégie de Transformation Numérique pour l'Afrique (2020-2030) : une aubaine pour la Société centrafricaine de télécommunication (Socatel)”.
- Tagawa, K., “It’s not rocket science - Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) can unleash sustainable industrialization in Africa”.
- Van der Weken, D., and Geleyn, I., “Flemish climate action in developing countries”.
Session 2: Strengthening scientific cooperation, technology and knowledge sharing and accelerating innovation for integrated climate action (SDG13)
- Barbosa, S., et al., “The Geographic Information System and the provision of information to the public transport user: a study based on the Integrated Transport System of Florianopolis”.
- Carafa, A., “Storing CO2 in the Ocean: Emerging Technologies, Challenges, and Enabling Factors”.
- Dutta, U., “Case Studies from Underserved South Asia: An Initiative to Advance Human Ingenuity in Under-Resourced Contexts”.
- Erokhin, D., and Komendantova, N., “Application of science, technology and innovation solutions to increase participation in climate change adaptation”.
- Inácio, J., “Integrating Energy Grids: A Must in the Fight Against Climate Change in the Developing World”.
- Kotani, M., “Building a circular society through comprehensive approaches”.
- Lagura, R., and Marasigan, A., “The LaRuS Model as a Science Model that can Address SDG Challenges”.
- Liao, Z., et al., “Exploration and Practice of Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Model”.
- Lima, A., et al., “Health, Environment and Climate Change: A Brazilian case”.
- Lui, R., “Renewable Energy: Emerging technologies and innovations to reduce climate change”.
- Maglangit, F., et al., “Manure to Treasure: Converting animal wastes to valuable products by black soldier fly”.
- Min, J., et al., “Insights from the case studies on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus and its STI implications for the SDGs in Mekong region”.
- Palma-Torres, V., et al., “Seeking an Alternative Natural All-around Oil: Prospects of Tamanu Oil Production in the Philippines”.
- Saks, S., “Adapting to Sea Level Rise in Small Island Developing States: Employing IoT Technology, Leveraging Coastal Infrastructure and Ecosystem-based Adaptation, and Continually Engaging the Public”.
- Vieira, G., et al., “Environment and Wellbeing: Assessment of Quality of Life Through Vegetation Index in a Neighborhood of a Small-Medium-Sized Brazilian City”.
Session 3: Bridging the science, technology and innovation divides to eradicate poverty and end hunger (SDGs 1 and 2)
- Agaton, C., and Guno, C., “Promoting Sustainable Agriculture Using Solar Irrigation: Case Study of Small-Scale Farmers in the Philippines”.
- Barroga, K., et al., “Inventory and Profiling of Grassroots Innovators in Ligawasan Marsh Towards SDGs 2024”.
- Calderon, M., et al., “The Price is Not Right: The Case of Almaciga Resin in the Philippines”.
- Dutta, U., “Case Studies from Underserved South Asia: An Initiative to Advance Human Ingenuity in Under-Resourced Contexts”.
- Espaldon, M., et al., “Institutionalizing Integrated Crop Monitoring and Forecasting (ICMF) towards a Smarter Philippine Agriculture”.
- Liao, Z., et al., “Exploration and Practice of Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Model”.
- Mustafa, L., “Mapping of Affordable and Transferrable Food Security-related Technologies - IsDB-FAO-IFAD Partnership”.
- Ngila, J., Matheri, A., and Mbohwa, C., “STI Solutions to Accelerating Implementation of SDGs: Case Studies in Africa”.
- Peramo, E., Piedad, E., and de Leon, F., “Advancing National Development through AI: Policy Recommendations for Enhancing AI Research and Applications in the Philippines”.
- Uket, J., “Driving Climate Smart Technologies for Food Security and Poverty Reduction in Nigeria Through the Ward Based Technology Cluster Programme: A case study of the Federal Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology (FMIST), Abuja, Nigeria, illustrating national STI policy to address SDGs implementation challenges”.
- Vermouth, A., Mdumuka, J., and Rojas, C., “Bridging the Gap: Web3 Technologies for Sustainable Food Systems”.
- Walag, A., et al., “Improving community-based drug rehabilitation outcomes through early diagnostics of client’s treatment motivation and satisfaction”.
Session 4: Building ecosystems for science, technology and innovation to drive economic growth and sustainable development in Small Island Developing States
Session 5: Harnessing the power of digital innovation for sustainable peace and resilience in the context of climate change (SDG 16)
- Barbosa, S., et al., “Application of Multi-Criteria Analysis Model to Evaluate Integrated Transport Systems (ITS): A case study in Florianópolis, Brazil”.
- Chadidjah, A., “Enhancing Innovative Solution to Address Findings Arising from the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 16 Achievements”.
- Crawley, F., et al., “UNESCO Open Science framework for sharing data in times of crisis”.
- Saks, S., “Adapting to Sea Level Rise in Small Island Developing States: Employing IoT Technology, Leveraging Coastal Infrastructure and Ecosystem-based Adaptation, and Continually Engaging the Public”.
- Tanderup, N., Mollerup, A., and Rosenberg, A., “Strengthening government institutions to deliver on the SDGs: How digital transformation can enhance democratic institutions and public governance”.
- Tolentino, P., et al., “Making space for Philippine rivers”.
Session 6: Advancing sustainable development with women-centered science and technology solutions
- Asum, J., and Cimene, F., “Women and Food Security: A Southern Philippine Experience”.
- Pessina, M., et al., “Transforming Lives and Landscapes: The Innovative Journey of Fokus Frauen Switzerland and Casa de Maria in Northeast Brazil”.
Session 7: STI partnerships for accelerating structural transformation in African countries, Least Developed Countries and Landlocked Developing Countries
- Cham, I., “Accelerating the Deployment of Cost-Effective and Affordable Technologies through the Technology Deployment Cooperation Program (TDCP)”.
- Decena, R., and Jadman, M., “CLINN-GEM para sa Katawhan, Kinaiyahan, ug Kalambuan: A call for support and promotion of the Community-led Integrated Non-Cyanide, Non-Mercury Gold Extraction Method (CLINN-GEM)”.
- Doherty, M., and Kelly, W., “Technical Standards as Tools for Cohesive Governance and Policies for the SDGs”.
- Min, J., et al., “Insights from the case studies on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus and its STI implications for the SDGs in Mekong region”.
- Moreno, M., et al., “Implementation of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Instruments towards the Sustainable Development Goals”.
- Mustafa, L., “Accelerating Capacity of Telehealth in Afghanistan – Promoting Inclusive Health Services in Fragile IsDB Member Countries”.
- Mustafa, L., “Mapping of Affordable and Transferrable Food Security-related Technologies - IsDB-FAO-IFAD Partnership”.
- Ngila, J., Matheri, A., and Mbohwa, C., “STI Solutions to Accelerating Implementation of SDGs: Case Studies in Africa”.
- Pendere, A., “Projet de Stratégie de Transformation Numérique pour l'Afrique (2020-2030) : une aubaine pour la Société centrafricaine de télécommunication (Socatel)”.
- Tagawa, K., “It’s not rocket science - Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) can unleash sustainable industrialization in Africa”.
- Travaly, Y., Ranaivozanany, H., and Konstantinidi, A., “From good will to action: Accelerating the development and implementation of AI governance for sustainable finance”.
- Uket, J., “Driving Climate Smart Technologies for Food Security and Poverty Reduction in Nigeria Through the Ward Based Technology Cluster Programme: A case study of the Federal Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology (FMIST), Abuja, Nigeria, illustrating national STI policy to address SDGs implementation challenges”.
- Vermouth, A., Mdumuka, J., and Rojas, C., “Bridging the Gap: Web3 Technologies for Sustainable Food Systems”.
Part One: May 9th 2024, 10:00 - 13:00
Part Two: May 9th 2024, 15:00 - 18:00
Part Three: May 10th 2024, 10:00 - 13:00
Part Four: May 10th 2024, 15:00 - 18:00
Member States
- Belize
- China
- Georgia
- Indonesia
- Mexico
- Philippines
- Russian Federation
- Serbia
- Türkiye
- Türkiye Session 1
- United Kingdom
- United States of America
- Arab African Council for Integration and Development UAE
- Association Luxembourgeoise pour les Nations Unies
- ASTM International
- Commission on Science and Technology for Development
- FAO, Dr. QU Dongyu
- JICA, Dr. TANAKA Akihiko
- Fundación Luz María
- Institute Electronic and Electrical Engineering
- International Associates of World Peace Advocate
- International Association of University Professors and Lecturers
- International Organization of Employers
- ITU Secretary General
- International Panel of Mesoscience, Professor Jinghai Li
- Major Group Children and Youth Session 5
- Major Group Children and Youth Session 6
- Millennium Campus Network
- Nanjing World Youth Development Service Center
- National Research Foundation, Dr Mgwebi
- The National University of Ireland – University College Cork
- The World Academy of Sciences
- UN Tourism
- World Federation of Neurology
ECOSOC President
Closing Statement by ECOSOC President (Spanish)