Solution17 for Climate Action in Africa
Creative Youth Community Development Initiative
Non-governmental organization (NGO)
Solution17 for Climate Action in Africa, a project of Creative Youth Community Development Initiative was birthed to spark creativities among young people in building the Future We Want through Climate Action Enterprises to promote natural environment and prosperity in different communities. The project which commenced on January 2020 at the Covenant University, Nigeria, explores creative and innovative capacities of students and youths through proper understanding of sustainability, their environment and the current global threat (COVID-19); to produce SDG based solutions for social impact and profit. The practice promotes entrepreneurship, start-ups development, Innovation and green economy
Project Plan was divided into Milestones (Initiation, Planning, Execution, Performance/Monitoring, Implementation of start-ups) and Activities (below). Timeline was assigned against each activity so as to meet stipulated deadline and budget/resources against each milestone. Project Impact monitored and measured quarterly via the project objectives: . 1. Feb-Mar 2020: Application opened/closed 2. Mar: Specialized Training on 'Design Thinking/PM 3. May 1-20: Screening Exercise by the REFINERS. 4. May 20: 47 Qualifiers emerged 5. Jun 2: Qualifiers Pitched to Refiners/Advisory Team 6. Jun 2: Global Movement Launched 7. Jun 3: 17 Finalists Unveiled 8. Jun 26: ThePitch to the Office of Senior Special Assistant to the President of Nigeria on SDGs 9. Jun 30: Presentation of FINALISTS to UN DSG office 10. July 10: Virtual Reality Innovation Hub 11. Aug 10: Implementation of Start-ups + Monitoring & Data Management 12. Sept 25: Art for Climate Change launched by UN DSG 13. Dec: Solution17 Green Recovery birthed 14. Feb 2021: Design of Digital Platform 15. Apr: Launch of SDG Trading Platform 16. Apr: Opening of Virtual Gallery ‘Art for Climate Change’ 17. May: Youth Summit: ‘replication & scaling” 18. May: Presentation of 272 New Innovators 19. July: New session begins… continues till 2030 Upon completion of the planning stage, the world was hit by COVID-19 Pandemic. Project was reworked, physical engagements cancelled, and project theme was updated to “Climate Crisis; A Race We Must Win- Lesson Learnt from COVID19 to Fight Climate Crisis” Resources: 1. Financials - $7234 and $2170 was received from Covenant University and PPC Ltd respectively 2. Training materials, Facilities, Staffs and Project budget covered by CYCDI till date 3. Human Resources: Refiners and Volunteers
Results/Outputs/Impacts 1. Project produced 17 start-ups with projection to create minimum of 5 million innovators by 2030 2. Launched Solution17 Hybrid Hub to transform ideas to green enterprises 3. Launch a S17 digital platform to onboard Solution17 SDGs community for 18 months between Q2 of 2021 to Q3 of 2022 to aid financial transaction & marketplace 4. Generate campaign tool-‘Art for Climate Change’ to promote Global Movement Against Climate Crisis (Launched in Q2 2020) whilst creating platform for green community engagement and trade for wealth creation from Q4 of 2021 5. A tech ENM Model created for effective replication and scaling across communities The practice has scaled up to include: I. Children – transform climate action enterprises to relatable artworks as campaign tools II. Youth - idea generators III. Rural community: beneficiaries/agro food traders/door-to-door campaigners IV. Universities- researchers/refiners/hosts V. Commercial bank - host of Solution17 Green/trainer/data and account management
Prior to Project Take-off, the budget included: 1. Accommodation (10days) for 30 stakeholders (Finalists, Team Members, Production Crew & Staffs) 2. Media, Coverage + Documentary 3. Transportation, Feeding + others, totally $15,000. Technology and COVID-19 reduced the cost of the itemized elements by 50%. The remaining 50% covered the cost of virtual space by ZOOM, production logistics at the Hub and Covenant University In addition, the quality of deliverables was outstanding as we had unlimited access to project actors; especially the 6 climate change artists that were camped at the Innovation Hub for over 120 hours to convert the enterprises to ARTS!
Solution17 for Climate Action began in 2020 (Decade of Action) and It will continue till September 2030. The following elements are in place to ensure sustainability: 1. Relationship with Host University -Covenant to drive the project till 2030. 2. Entrepreneurship Network Marketing Model to grow the community from 289 members to minimum of 5million innovators and green entrepreneurs by 2030. 3. Commitment of our partners PPC Limited (Private Sector), Entreps (Global SDGs network) ThisDay Group (Media) to promote the practice globally 4. We are currently developing Solution17 digital platform to facilitate access to green financing, co-founders and partnerships to enable growth 5. The National #ClimateAction program which targets over one million undergraduates will begin in Nigeria by June 2021. A total of 105 team members are currently working on 17 start-ups in 17 local communities in Nigeria. Lessons learnt from these communities created Solution17 Green/Solution17 Green Recovery.
UN Deputy Secretary-General Video text Message by UN DSG Amina Mohammed at the Launch of Art for Climate Change- Documentary- Keynote Address by UNIC Ronald Kayanja- Enterprises of ARTS- Presentation of Solution17 Climate Ambassadors- Solution17, A model for the Future- Pitch to Presidency- Presidency Pledged support for Climate Action- Art for Climate Change unveiled - Partnerships- Social Media -
COVID-19 impacted the implementation of the projects in two ways: 1. Inability to secure funding to support the enterprises, this was mitigated by the establishment of Solution17 Green 2. Inability to mobilise the local communities to support execution within their domain; mitigated via Solution17 Green Recovery (GR) GR is a Community Cooperative System that seeks to alleviate the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on thousands of beneficiaries in selected Local communities where Climate Action Enterprises are implemented GR is a component of Solution17 Green designed to leverage on agribusiness value chains, trading and culture of saving for the future; to support livelihood, increase economic growth and protect natural environment. The entire system is supported by Solution17 Green Digital Flow System which incorporates Savings, trading and COVID-19 Prevention Information to eliminate the pain points created by the pandemic and build back better
SDGS & Targets
Deliverables & Timeline
Resources mobilized
Partnership Progress

Other beneficiaries
Beneficiaries: Students, Young Graduates, Rural Communities and Children. The General public benefit socially, economically, environmental through massive campaign to promote #LeaveNoOneBehind Key Stakeholders 1. 17 Finalists + teams 2. Creative Youth Community Development Initiatives 3. United Nations Information Centre, Nigeria 4. Covenant University 5. UNDP Nigeria Partnerships 1. Covenant University, Nigeria 2. PPC Limited 3. Entreps 4. ThisDay Group
More information

Contact Information
Foluke , Chief Executive Officer/Project Director