Measuring the Impact of Ministerial Programs on the SDGs
Since the inception of the SDGs, the government of Benin has shown tremendous political will and a desire to innovate. The government has developed a unique tool to capture and quantify the impact of each ministry on the SDGs.
This tool analyzes the extent and depth to which the SDGs are included in the Annual Working Plans (AWP) of each ministry in order to allocate budget<br />
to those interventions that have the highest SDG impact. To quantify each ministry’s contribution to the achievement of one or more of the SDGs, approximately 6,000 activities were mapped and analyzed per ministry.Three criteria were assessed based on the type of activity and its likelihood to impact the SDGs: 1) nature of activity, 2) adaptability of the respective SDG indicator, 3) localization of the activity. Given the SDG priority of leaving no one behind, activities which increased access to various goods and services were categorized as highest impact. A score was assigned depending on how directly the activity related to its SDG indicator. Finally, the geographical scope was assessed.
1. Collect the Annual Working Plans (AWP) of each ministry
2. Enter them in an application (we developed) with web link
3. Organize a workshop where all the Ministries representative (Director of Sectorial Planing) are present, and we go through the application to ake sure that all the entries are corrects
4. Produce the various table and graph for each Ministry and each SDG
5. Validate the report
6. Produce a report for the Ministries Council
7. The Ministries Council chaired by the President of the Republic congratulates the Ministries that did well and encourage the other Ministries to do better next time.
are still highly underrepresented.
Therefore, one of the main findings of the tool is the need for the ministries to focus more on these other categories of activities, which have a more direct impact on the population’s wellbeing. This recommendation has already been transmitted to the ad hoc committee of the Presidency so that each ministerial plan will be aligned to reflect this need in the 2019 plans. Overall,Benin’s new tool allows its government to make more informed policy
and budgetary decisions by mapping the relation between its current activities and prioritized SDG targets, thereby allowing for
the restructuring of activities to ensure a continued and positive impact on the achievement of the SDGs.
The practice, better that budget sensitivity to SDG assess the sensitivity of Activity to SDG. The advantage is the it helps to identify activity that cost huge amount of money but don't have strong effect on SDG and those activities can be reformulated or simply deleted from the AWP.<br />
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It's like a dashboard that shows the various Ministries how relevent is the road they are taking to the SDG by appreciating the relevancy of their activities to the SDG and assess this relevancy through a mark or a degree.
SDGS & Targets
Deliverables & Timeline
Resources mobilized
Partnership Progress
Name | Description |
14.2 | By 2020, sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid significant adverse impacts, including by strengthening their resilience, and take action for their restoration in order to achieve healthy and productive oceans |
14.5 | By 2020, conserve at least 10 per cent of coastal and marine areas, consistent with national and international law and based on the best available scientific information |
17.14 | Enhance policy coherence for sustainable development |
Action Network

- Africa
Geographical coverage
Website/More information
Contact Information
Alastaire ALINSATO, Director General of the coordination and the Monitoring of the SDGs