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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Capacity-building for SDGs implementation at subnational level in Mexico


    One of the lessons learned from the Millennium Development Goals was the importance of localization to guarantee that no one stay behind, however, there is a big challenge for the local decision-makers to implement development strategies that includes every person. As part of the SDGs localization, and considering Mexico’s commitment to the 2030 Agenda achievement, the UNDP office in Mexico has decided to develop a capacity-building strategy that could help the actors of development to implement the 2030 Agenda into their own context. The practice is based on UNDP’s previous experiences in online training.

    Objective of the practice

    This practice responds to two main objectives: on one hand, UNDP is interested on raising awareness about the 2030 Agenda with the development actors (public servers, members of academia, civil society organizations and private sector, and general citizens) and, on the other hand, UNDP Mexico is willing to provide information to those stakeholders on how to implement specific actions focused on sustainable development. In this sense, the practice objective is to build capacity among sectors about 2030 Agenda in order to consolidate an integral strategy that contributes to the mainstreaming of SDGs in the planning and management processes. <br />
    Considering that each group (public servers, civil society organizations and academia) requires specific information to include the 2030 Agenda approach in their labor, UNDP decided to create a specific online course to each of them. In this sense, the public servers are capacitated on the 2030 Agenda approach; the logical framework methodology for the programmes and policies design; results-based planning and budgeting; and open government components and standards. The objective of this course is to develop and strengthen the local servers capacities to design, implement and monitor the development actions, while including the 2030 Agenda approach in their interventions. <br />
    In the case of civil society organizations, the online course is focused on the 2030 Agenda approach, the human rights importance for focalizing efforts and the logical framework methodology for projects design. For academia, the course is intended to emphasize the importance of generating data and researchs about the SDGs principal topics. Additionally, it considers tools to integrate the 2030 Agenda approach in the class planning, so teachers can spread its importance with their students and engage them with the topic. In this sense, both courses are meant to raise awareness about the 2030 Agenda and how can anyone contribute to its achievement from their everyday work. <br />
    The three online courses consider 50 hours of training, in which 10 hours are in-person training, while the remaining 40 hours are online. During the online training, the students have an online tutor, who is responsible of solving doubts and evaluate their tasks and homework. The training includes a practical exercise in which the students have to develop a project or program with the logical framework methodology and incorporating the 2030 Agenda approach on it. <br />
    UNDP Mexico have already trained 275 local servers (state and municipal) from the State of Mexico and will train 60 state public servers from Yucatan and 30 municipal public severs from Campeche.<br />
    UNDP recognizes that there is a big challenge to met all the development actors from all the regions of Mexico by this strategy, as the country still have remote locations that do not have internet connection facilities, nonetheless, the strategy considers in situ workshops as well as documents like handbooks to provide training without connectivity. This is a practice that could be successfully replicated in every context.

    The main stakeholders are the public servers, as well as civil society organizations and academic institutions. UNDP is currently exploring the possibility to create a specific course for private sector members.
    For the partnerships, UNDP directly invite the Ministries of Planning and Evaluation of local governments, as well as civil society organizations and academic institutions. The strategy has a pedagogical structure; however, some partners are willing to emphasize topics that are relevant for the students and therefore, the practical exercise could have an adaptation. At the end of every training, UNDP receives students’ retro to improve the practice.
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    For the implementation of the practice, UNDP design the courses contents and elaborate each of the course modules by the participation of experts in the different themes. Additionally, UNDP Mexico collaborated with virtual education experts to adapt the contents.
    In parallel, the online software was adapted for the courses and the tutors received training on the different topics. Once everything was settled, the first generation of students received training. It consisted in a group of 250 municipal public servers and 25 state public servers of the State of Mexico.
    After this first generation was graduated, UNDP started a process of content adaptation in order to improve the course quality, considering the retro we received from the students.

    The first generation of students was mainly conformed by municipal public servers, which recently started their three years administration. They received training during the period they were supposed to elaborate their Municipal Development Plan, hence the course contributed to the integration of the 2030 Agenda in those plans. This results a big step for the local capacity-building as well as the institutional changes.
    Enabling factors and constraints
    The enabling factors of the project were particularly related to the interest of the State of Mexico’s Planning Committee to incorporate the 2030 Agenda in the municipal development planning. Because of that, they decided to fund the training for the people responsible of the planning from the 125 municipalities of the state.

    As every training, UNDP Mexico is aware that every practice is perfectible, so we are in constant change to improve this capacity-building strategy.

    Other sources of information
    Online webpage:
    Financing (in USD)
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    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 August 2018 (start date)
    31 December 2019 (date of completion)
    UNDP Mexico
    1. Latin America and the Caribbean
    Geographical coverage
    This practice is being implemented for the capacity-building of public servers from the State of Mexico, Campeche and Yucatan in Mexico. The strategy is open to all public servers and to members of civil society organizations and academia.
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    Cynthia Martinez, Miss