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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development



    The A B C and 1 2 3 ON SKILLS FOR THE SDGs-PRENEURSHIP, as a best practice program that is being implemented is aimed at informing and empowering all citizenry on the mandate, contents and skills for the Global Goals. The mass education, is targeted at informing , mobilizing and equipping the general populace towards responsible action and holding even the authority accountable towards implementation of the SDGs. <br />
    Please kindly refer to for more information.

    Objective of the practice

    The objective of the A B C and 1 2 3 ON SKILLS FOR THE SDGs-PRENEURSHIP Campaigns , is to mobilize and empower ordinary citizens within the Niger Delta region, Nigeria , Africa and the Globe towards reaching the furthest behind and accelerated action in realizing the global goals. It is an innovative and holistic approach of mass mobilization, empowerment and responsible action towards accountability in achieving the 2030 Agenda. <br />
    The priority of the program is to use innovative ways in making sure that NO ONE IS LEFT BEHIND as well as empowering all with the right skills towards driving the Global Goals. To achieve these objectives, we have overcome many challenges which includes&quot;<br />
    1- General mass ignorance of the Global goals and the SDGs,<br />
    2- Negetive apathy of people and even officials, 3- Lack of qualified manpower and volunteers,<br />
    4- Low funding availability, <br />
    5- Inadequate resources especially digital materials and mobility to drive the campaigns for a wider coverage. To overcome these challenges, we have to adopt some innovative approaches such as : <br />
    1- The use of local languages and channels to reach out and educate the masses, <br />
    2- Exposure through training on the global transformation and benefits that could be derived through the SDGs in order to stimulate interests of the masses<br />
    .3- Strategic public and private partnership to reach out, mobilize and empower the people, <br />
    4- To overcome lack of funds for execution, we adopted innovative funding approach such as the use of volunteers and part-time workforce, scaling down major budget items and improvising with local materials. <br />
    5- Still, the use of online and digital platforms also reduce the cost of our campaigns and activities drastically.

    To implement this project, we have public and private partnership with government, intervention and development agencies, NGOs and Civil Societies as well as the academia in reaching out to and empowering the youths, women and the general populace on the Skills for the SDGs-Preneurship. We engaged most stakeholders through special SDGs, YOU AND THE WORLD at 2030 consultations meetings, rallies and joint campaigns.
    Also, the use of the social media serve as a most cost effective means of stakeholders participation.
    The implementation of this program has lead to several positive and trans-formative results. Today for instance, many schools around the Niger Delta region of Nigeria are now welcoming the establishment of SDGs Volunteers clubs as a means of equipping the youths force towards responsible living and actions.
    Two, our LET'S GO DIGITAL AFRICA Campaigns has resulted in the impacting and inculcating of digital problem solving skills in most of our youths and women.
    The knowledge on the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda has increased significantly among the people especially within rural and urban communities and within schools, colleges and universities.
    Still, a number of innovations have been developed as we engage stakeholders on the programs- THINKERS AND CREATORS FOR HUMANITY. This program has been held and anchored at Ozoro Town, Delta State, Niger Delta region, Nigeria in partnership with the Global People's Summit to mark the 3rd Anniversary of the SDGs . Please refer to the Global People's Summit schedule, activities or map . You could also access it at
    Due to the relevance of this initiative and innovation, we have been invited to feature and participate in the Largest Lesson on the SDGs by the Global Festival of Action at Bonn, Germany in 2017 and 2018 respectively. Again check and confirm this from the Global Festival of Action activities schedules.
    Today, we have a spread across Nigeria , Africa and the globe of participants under going training and mentor-ship on SDGs through our online school where we offer tuition free courses on the SKILLS FOR SDGs-PRENEURSHIP at .
    While the manual and blue-print on SKILLS FOR SDGs-PRENEURSHIP is available and could be accessed at
    Enabling factors and constraints
    The enabling factors that helped in the implementation and success of the program so far include:
    1- Our exposure and participation in the yearly HLPF at UN Headquarters , NY, USA.
    2- The use and deployment of digital tools and technologies,
    3-Strategic public and private partnership,
    4-Improvisation with local resources and materials to overcome low funding,
    5-The use and engagements of SDGs volunteers and part-time work force trained and mentored through this program. Also, to achieve the target and plan for this project, we have adopted a number of innovations such as :
    A- The HETAVED DIGITO EDU-PRENEURSHIP - where tuition free Learning- Working and Earning Digital Entrepreneurship Education is inculcated on the participants mostly youths and women for new skills for new jobs and income to overcome poverty, extreme hunger and social challenges
    .B- The HETAVED Aquaculture Village to train and empower small holders farmers with skills for "AQUACULTURE IN A BOX" business concept to promote green inclusive economy through the use of our Invented and Patented HETAVED organic floating fish feeds,
    C- The weekly meet up, training and campaigns- LET'S GO DIGITAL AFRICA Campaigns that serves as a recruitment ground for new SDGs volunteers and social/digital entrepreneurs empowerment.
    Again, please kindly refer to our presentation for further information at
    Sustainability and replicability
    The A B C AND 1 2 3 ON SKILLS FOR SDGs-PRENEURSHIP program is highly sustainable and replicable. Presently, from the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria, we are already duplicating the programs in some regions of Nigeria, Africa and even global. The project has been adopted in many local government authorities in Nigeria and in the republic of Cameroon. This is made possible through the strategies and innovations in approach/implementation such as:
    1-The universality of approach through the digital tools and platforms,
    2-The use of local resources and trained SDGs volunteers as man power,
    3- Innovative projects components such as the LET'S GO DIGITAL AFRICA Campaigns,
    The Hetaved Aquaculture in a Box business concept at,
    Hetaved digito edu-preneurship concept at
    and etc.
    4- The program blue-print and manual that are easily accessible and applicable from online sources at
    5- The tuition free online courses on the SDGs at,
    6- Low budget and cost which is raised locally through creative projects and local donors.
    7- Attractive, innovative and simple way of programs presentations such as:
    8- Strategic public and private partnership with inclusive implementation approach involving Government, private, NGOs, Civil Societies , Academia etc . Please kindly refer to

    So far, we have come to see and learn from this program some basic lessons that could boast the implementation this project. Among these are:<br />
    1- There is the need to contextualize the SDGs into local contents and contexts for the understanding of local people as owners and drivers of the Global Goals,<br />
    2- To drive the SDGs and achieve the 2030 Agenda, from our experience, majority of the efforts and resources should be channeled on motivating, training and empowering of the youths force who are naturally zealous and energetic to move and drive the Global Goals.,<br />
    3- Inno-native approach should be key in harnessing and using of local resources and personnel as volunteers towards achieving the global goals, <br />
    4- Building bridges and strategic partnership with relevant stakeholders is a priority in implementing and achieving successful outcomes,<br />
    5- The mastering and use of the digital tools, technologies and space has catalytic impact and effects in scaling even local SDGs actions and project implementations., <br />
    6- Funding for SDGs projects must be sought out locally among local actors before reaching out to international and global bodies<br />
    7- In the implementation of the SDGs and 2030 Agenda programs, there is need to add practical projects as demonstrations of the theoretical concept . In this way, the SDGs could be easily translated into local sustainable businesses. Please again, refer to the Book: SKILLS FOR SDGs-PRENEURSHIP- How to turn the Global Goals into Local Sustainable Businesses at<br />
    8- Mass education to us and from experience so far must and should precede SDGs projects implementation. Through mass literacy and mobilization, the people are easily informed and carry along to full scale involvements.

    Other sources of information
    We have some of our publications and campaigns materials available which inlude:
    1- A B C AND 1 2 3 ON SDGs CAMPAIGNS
    2-SKILLS FOR SDGs-PRENEURSHIP- How to turn the global goals into local sustainable businesses
    and etc which could be accessed at OR
    Staff / Technical expertise
    Trained, mentored and empowered SDGs Volunteers, local Funding up to 35,000 USD
    No progress reports have been submitted. Please sign in and click here to submit one.
    Name Description
    14.1 By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution
    14.2 By 2020, sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid significant adverse impacts, including by strengthening their resilience, and take action for their restoration in order to achieve healthy and productive oceans
    14.3 Minimize and address the impacts of ocean acidification, including through enhanced scientific cooperation at all levels
    14.4 By 2020, effectively regulate harvesting and end overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and destructive fishing practices and implement science-based management plans, in order to restore fish stocks in the shortest time feasible, at least to levels that can produce maximum sustainable yield as determined by their biological characteristics
    14.5 By 2020, conserve at least 10 per cent of coastal and marine areas, consistent with national and international law and based on the best available scientific information
    17.14 Enhance policy coherence for sustainable development
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    14 February 2017 (start date)
    05 November 2025 (date of completion)
    A B C and 1 2 3 of The SDGs CAMPAIGNS for Sustainable Living
    1. Africa
    Geographical coverage
    Project executed in Niger Delta region of Nigeria, Africa and Global through online, digital and offline channels
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    Dr. AMOS OBI, Principal Innovator/ Strategic Director