Argentina 2020: SDGs targets alignment to new vulnerabilities and people-centered political priorities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In September 2015, Argentina made its pledge to the 2030 Agenda and started to implement it in January 2016. In December 2019, a National Inter-institutional Commission and a monitoring and reporting process were in place. When President Fernández assumed people-centred policies based on state leadership, democracy and social justice were put in place in order to “leave no one behind” in a scenario of social vulnerabilities and economic weaknesses conditioned by unsustainable external debt later worsened by COVID-19 pandemic. Due to these changes in circumstances, policies and priorities, a new alignment process was launched in June 2020 to incorporate global targets into national strategies.
As President Fernandez highlighted when assuming in December 2019, putting Argentina on its feet requires restoring policies that reach everyone starting with the last ones. The targets alignment and prioritization process was steered and technically supported by the NSPCC. In June 2020, it called for the National Inter-institutional Commission to revisit and review global targets considering above mentioned criteria. It was integrated with delegates of the Prime Minister Office, 20 ministries and the National Statistic and Census Institute. Initially, the process involved the revision of official targets in force until December 2019. To do this, the NSPCC assigned SDGs targets according to ministries competencies, requested competence confirmation and targets continuity definition. Once targets continuity was defined, indicators were revisited with monitoring and reporting purposes in 2021. Later, SDGs targets not previously included were allocated. Competence verification and target prioritization were required. For those targets prioritized, indicators were selected from the global monitoring framework to develop technical sheets to calculate them for reporting. At the end of each phase, prioritized targetsand their indicators are sent to the NSPCC President endorsed by the highest authority of the organism as an expression of the political commitment with the2030 Agenda. The NSPCC also required the members of the Commission to link strategic political interventions of each organism to SDGs targets in order to later calculate budgetary resources mobilized. The Commission worked virtually(plenary session and group meetings) due to mobilization restrictions because of COVID-19. The Commission constitutes a transversal institutional mechanism in the Government which enables a comprehensive view of problems and interventions.
Main quantitative and qualitative results, outputs and impacts produced are:· - Global goals linked to national priorities.· - SDGs targets included in the monitoring framework endorsed by ministers. - A more robust, integrated and coherent monitoring framework.· - “Leaving no one behind” mainstreamed in SDGs alignment and measurement.· - Alignment between SDGs goals, targets, indicators, interventions and budgetary resources mobilized.· - The National Inter-institutional Commission consolidated as a forum for discussion and exchange in relation to the implementation and monitoring of the 2030 Agenda at the national level.· - The NSPCC positioned as the leading agency in the implementation and monitoring of 2030 Agenda. -- - Participation in meetings of the Community Practice for countries that present Voluntary National Reports organized by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.· - Actions related to national alignment and prioritization disseminated through the NSPCC website.
Enabling factors: -Presidential endorsement to the 2030 Agenda.· -High-level political commitment to the 2030 Agenda.· -The recognition of the National Inter-institutional Commission as the strategic steering institutional mechanism to implement, monitor and report about progress towards SDGs targets. -Early alliance with the National Statistic and Census Office.· -Existence of a National Metadata. Constraints· -Implementation of isolation measures to prevent COVID-19 impeded face-to face meetings surpassed with virtual meetings, electronic exchanges and phone conversations.· -Only formal high-level political commitment. The NSPCC highlighted in the meetings of the Commission the need of a permanent articulated work of the political and technical referents. -The weight of the foreign debt and the severity of the socioeconomic situation placed the fight against its consequences and hunger at the center of government action. This link with the 2030 Agenda and with the commitment to "leave no one behind" facilitated the convocation and the work of the Commission.
The sustained steering role of the NSPCC in the implementation and monitoring of the Millennium Millennium Summit and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development shows an important degree of institutionalization that guarantee that this alignment will continue to be done in accordance with 55 paragraph of the 2030 Agenda. In the same way, it is expected that the recognition of the National Inter-institutional Commission as the ambit of targets adaption to national circumstances and progress analysis contributes to its settlement and to continue increasing its follow up and analytical capacities. There are no transportable models from one institutional context to another. Anyway, we do encourage the adoption of a political and technical approach to 2030 Agenda implementation to position SDGs in the national political priorities.
The alignment developed in this experience is expected to influence highlighting issues to go along with political measures put in place to accelerate production, income and social wellbeing recovering from the economic and social scenario pre COVID 19 and COVID-19. Also, it provides an orientation to building back more inclusively reaching the furthest behind first and later everyone. Similarly, it provides a coherent framework and agenda to build alliances.
SDGS & Targets
Deliverables & Timeline
Resources mobilized
Partnership Progress

Other beneficiaries
Key actors involved in the alignment process are the Prime Minister Office, 20 ministries at national level and the National Statistic and Census Institute. Key stakeholders engaged are: Unites Nations Agencies at the country, Pampa 2030 (articulation platform of unions, civil society organizations, NGOs; feminist, faith-based and youth organizations, social and indigenous movements, cultural sectors, among others) and the academy.Other beneficiaries are sub-national focal points and statistical and international relations areas at the ministries.
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