The Global Online Stakeholder Consultation is now closed.
The Conference Secretariat is currently preparing region-specific papers and a comprehensive global input summary to facilitate informed decision-making. Please find the regional snapshots below:
- Atlantic, Indian Ocean and South China Sea (AIS) Region
- Caribbean Region
- Pacific Region
- SIDS4 Conference Global Online Stakeholder Consultation Report
On 30 December 2022, the General Assembly adopted resolution A/RES/77/245 on the follow-up to and implementation of the SAMOA Pathway and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small island Developing States where it decided to convene the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) in 2024. The Conference, to be held in Antigua and Barbuda, will review the progress of SIDS towards achieving their sustainable development priorities, identify new opportunities for achieving these priorities and renew the political commitment of the international community to effectively address the special needs of small island developing states. Member States have reiterated the importance of multi-stakeholder engagement in the conference and its preparatory processes.
To create a space for stakeholders, especially those in SIDS countries, to engage with the substantive preparations for the Conference, UN DESA, in collaboration with OHRLLS, has organized a global online stakeholder consultation to solicit inputs from stakeholders from different sectors to contribute to the substantive preparatory process, including the regional and inter-regional preparatory meetings.
The goal was to ask stakeholders to identify key challenges that SIDS face in achieving their sustainable development priorities and to solicit policy recommendations and examples of game-changing actions that can accelerate progress towards sustainable development in SIDS.
The online consultation was open to all stakeholders from 13 June to 7 July 2023. Please view all received answers here:
The online consultation was open to all stakeholders from 13 June to 7 July 2023. Please view all received answers here: