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United Nations إدارة الشؤون الاقتصادية والاجتماعية التنمية المستدامة
Displaying 1639 - 1656 of 2123
2123 results
Sustainably manage Montserrat's ocean resources through marine spatial planning, no-take marine reserves, and improved fisheries management
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Crear una cadena de compra eficiente y transparente para que los pescadores artesanales vendan su producto en el mercado
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Establishing integrated nitrogen management systems for the Gulf of Riga
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Samoas Community-based Fisheries Management Programme
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Cooperation towards fossil fuel free businesses
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Reduce marine pollution through the development of technological platforms and tools that promote the circular economy of the sea
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Fisheries and Shrimp Aquaculture Improvement in Asia
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A commitment to reduce ocean noise pollution
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European Commission and IOC/UNESCO
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Integrated Aerial Surveillance as part of the Australian Government Pacific Maritime Security Program
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Declaration on Marine Reserves
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Singapore's management of water pollution and quality in inland water bodies and coastal areas
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Climate Field School for Fishermen
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Profundizar la Reglamentacion de la explotacion pesquera mediante la implementacion de Especies con Captura Maxima Permisible (CMP) y Certificados de captura legal y control de carga
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Management options for protection of the Last Ice Area
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Maritime Green Team 01
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TARA MEDITERRANEAN : Mediterranean Sea as a research laboratory for marine plastic debris
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Estrategia para la Conservacin de Tortugas Marinas de Costa Rica
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