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United Nations Департамент по экономическим и социальным вопросам Устойчивое развитие
Displaying 1639 - 1656 of 2123
2123 results
Implementacin del Plan de Accin para el Control y Aprovechamiento del Pez Len
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Reduction of POPs and green house gas emissions through improvements in waste management in the Cook Islands GEF SGP
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The Sacred Waters of the AfroAtlantic Treaty
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Expansion of maritime area declared as marine protected area under national legislation
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Reducing the risk of collisions between boats and large cetaceans
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Strengthening institutional capacity to enhance governance of the fisheries sector in Africa
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Designation of the Jomard entrance as a particularly sensitive sea area
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Tonga will progressively implement its 2016-2024 Tonga Fisheries Sector Plan in pursuit of targets 14.4; 14.7; 14.b;
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Decent work in the fishing sector
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Ocean Data Alliance
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Year of Polar Prediction
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ARCS Program - Autonomous Refuse Collection and Shipping
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Network of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean in action
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Workshop on Seafood Products Safety and Quality
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Ocean Literacy Campaign in Bangladesh: School Project
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A new global programme for private/public sponsorship: Take OFF, Take Ocean For Future
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Tethered Plastic Cap Solution Implementation WorldWide
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