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United Nations 经济和社会事务部 可持续发展
Displaying 1639 - 1656 of 2123
2123 results
Reduction of Plastic pollution
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Ocean Science, Protection and Effective Management
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Aruba Plastic Bag Ban
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Data management services for ocean acidification and the Essential Ocean Variable Inorganic Carbon
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Restauracin ecolgica de 100 hectreas del manglar Bajo Yuna
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Revisin del marco jurdico nacional
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Promise to Paeʻ Āina o Hawaiʻiʻ - A Collective Commitment
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Sensibilizar a los gobiernos locales acerca de los objetivos y metas asociadas a los ODS
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Commitment between the Secretariats of the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission and the OSPAR Commission under the collective arrangement
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Tuvalu - Near-shore Fish-Aggregating Devices (FADs)
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National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP)
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Bootless Bay Managed Marine Area
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Address the issue of marine debris and ghost gear through a conservation management measure at Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission
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How Karnataka coastal communities can solve marine debris issue
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Gift to Our Children! Scaling up locally managed marine areas to 100% of Fiji's customary marine areas
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RIO Acoustics: Developing the Latin American and Caribbean network for ocean acoustics and acoustical oceanography
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Implementing a Pan-Pacific Network of Traditionally Designed Sustainable Sea Transportation
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