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United Nations 经济和社会事务部 可持续发展
Displaying 1603 - 1620 of 2123
2123 results
Beach clean-ups
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Legal Services for IWON- Island Women Open Network (IWON)
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Flanders-UNESCO Science Trust Funds (FUST) - marine programme/projects
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Organize regular volunteering campaigns to clean up beaches and coastal marine environment by students
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Beach Cleanup - San Pedro in Lima, Per
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Turtle Hatchery at the Sister's Island Marine Park
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Qlik Commits Data Visualization Software Supporting the Implementation of SDG 14
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Water Smart Foundation
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SAVE THE OCEANS Stop Plastic pollution - The International Design Co-operation with 35 universities from all five continents
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Research strategy related to fisheries and aquaculture for the 2035 horizon
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TARA OCEANS: Research and outreach program on plankton
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Engaging Civil Society in the delivery of the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem plus Strategic Action Programme (CLME+ SAP) Implementation
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Development of effective area-based conservation measures in marine areas
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Regulacin del ruido ocenico producido por actividades antropognicas tales como las plataformas de explotacin de suelo marino
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Enhance the International Marine Cooperation in Asia Pacific Region
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The Conservation and Management of Sea Turtles within Fijian Waters
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Support marine protected areas and a sustainable, climate resilient, ocean-based economy in Pacific Small Islands Developing States (PSIDS)
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Impulso y fortalecimiento de la educacin martima
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