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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

STREETS Hubs - Sports – Training – Recruitment – Education – Employment – Technology - Sustainability. Talent Identification & Community Development Programme

Private sector

    International Sports Management Consultancy (ISMC) is a pioneering organization dedicated to identify talent through sports and sustainable development. With a global perspective and a passion for transformation, ISMC's flagship project, STREETS, stands as a beacon of innovation and collaboration. Our mission is to accelerate the awareness and implementation of the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by leveraging the power of sports and community engagement.

    Objective of the practice

    The primary objective of the STREETS project, classified by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) as an SDG Good Practice, is to accelerate the awareness and implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To achieve this overarching objective, the STREETS project utilizes a multifaceted approach encapsulated in its seven strategic objectives:

    1. Sports: To promote sports as a vehicle for positive change, talent identification, personal development, and community engagement.

    2. Training: To provide training, coaching, and skill development opportunities for grassroots athletes and community members.

    3. Recruitment: To identify and nurture talent at the grassroots level, offering pathways to careers in sports and other careers.

    4. Education:To improve enrichment programmes at educational establishments and access to quality education and educational resources within communities.

    5. Employment: To create employment opportunities in all sectors, particularly in sports-related fields for athletes, contributing to economic growth.

    6. Technology: To leverage technology for communication, training, data collection, and outreach.

    7. Sustainability: To promote sustainability practices within communities and hubs, focusing on environmental, social, and economic sustainability.

    Through these seven strategic objectives, the STREETS project aims to create new hubs or reform existing hubs, typically located in community centres, faith centres, or educational establishments. These hubs serve as focal points for implementing project activities and engaging with the community.

    The project seeks to empower communities by addressing local issues, fostering inclusivity, and improving the overall well-being of community members. It does so by promoting sports, education, employment, and sustainability while actively collaborating with statutory and local organisations to create a network of support and resources.

    By aligning its objectives with the 17 SDGs and working collaboratively with a wide range of stakeholders, the STREETS project demonstrates a commitment to advancing sustainable development, social inclusion, and positive change within communities, ultimately contributing to the global effort to achieve the SDGs.


    UK Partners:

    England & Wales Cricket Board

    The Shared Learning Trust

    Cricket East

    Active Luton

    Northamptonshire County Cricket Club

    Luton Borough Council

    Luton Adult Learning

    Luton Youth Offending Service

    Bedfordshire Police

    142 collaborations partnerships for SDG awareness and implementation

    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    Implementing and delivering the International Sports Management Consultancy's STREETS project involves a comprehensive methodology that aligns with its seven strategic objectives. The purpose is to accelerate awareness and implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), empower communities, and identify sports talent at the grassroots level. Below is a step-by-step guide to implementing the project:

    1. Needs Assessment and Community Engagement:
       - Purpose: Understand the specific needs, challenges, and aspirations of target communities.
       - Methodology:
         - Conduct surveys, interviews, and focus group discussions with community members.
         - Engage community leaders and stakeholders to build trust and gather input.

    2. Stakeholder Identification and Partnerships:**
       - Purpose: Identify and collaborate with statutory and local organizations to establish hubs and support project activities.
       - Methodology:
         - Research and identify potential partners in the sports, education, and community development sectors.
         - Hold meetings and negotiations to formalize partnerships.

    3. Hub Establishment or Reform:
       - Purpose: Create new hubs or reform existing ones to serve as focal points for project activities.
       - Methodology:
         - Assess and upgrade infrastructure, equipment, and facilities as needed.
         - Develop hub management structures and guidelines.

    4. Talent Identification and Training:
       - Purpose: Identify and nurture sports talent at the grassroots level, ensuring equal access to opportunities.
       - Methodology:
         - Organise talent identification camps and competitions.
         - Provide training and coaching to promising athletes.

    5. Educational Establishment Enrichment & Employment Programmes:
       - Purpose: Enhance educational enrichment programmes and create pathways for sustainable employment through a broad spectrum of different careers including sports.
       - Methodology:
         - Offer scholarships, vocational training, and life skills education.
         - Facilitate internships and job placements in sports-related fields.

    6. Technology Integration:
       - Purpose: Leverage technology to enhance project impact and outreach.
       - Methodology:
         - Develop a digital platform for project communication, data collection, and reporting.
         - Provide access to technology and digital literacy programs for community members.

    7. Sustainability Initiatives:
       - Purpose: Foster sustainability practices within the hubs and communities.
       - Methodology:
         - Implement environmental and resource conservation programmes.
         - Promote income-generating activities related to sustainability.

    8. Monitoring and Evaluation:
       - Purpose: Continuously assess project progress and impact to inform decision-making.
       - Methodology:
         - Establish a robust monitoring and evaluation framework with key performance indicators.
         - Regularly collect and analyse data from various sources.

    9. Capacity Building and Training:
       - Purpose: Build the capacity of project staff, community leaders, and athletes.
       - Methodology:
         - Conduct training sessions on project management, coaching, community development, and sustainability.
         - Offer mentorship programs for aspiring athletes.

    10. Awareness and Advocacy:
        - Purpose: Raise awareness about the STREETS project and its contribution to the 17 SDGs.
        - Methodology:
          - Develop a comprehensive communication and outreach strategy.
          - Engage with local media, social media, and community events.

    11. Reporting and Documentation:
        - Purpose: Maintain transparent reporting and documentation of project activities and outcomes.
        - Methodology:
          - Compile regular progress reports, case studies, and success stories.
          - Share findings with stakeholders and the United Nations DESA.

    12. Community Empowerment and Ownership:
        - Purpose: Ensure that communities take ownership of the project and its sustainability.
        - Methodology:
          - Involve community members in decision-making and project governance.
          - Encourage active participation in project activities.

    13. Continuous Improvement:
        - Purpose: Adapt and refine project strategies based on feedback and lessons learned.
        - Methodology:
          - Conduct periodic reviews and evaluations.
          - Use findings to make necessary adjustments and enhancements.

    By following this methodology, the STREETS project can effectively implement its seven strategic objectives, engage with communities, and make a meaningful impact in accelerating awareness and implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals while empowering grassroots athletes and communities to tackle local issues and become more sustainable.


    The STREETS project is designed to create new hubs or reform existing ones with the following results, outputs, and impacts:

    Results :

    1.  Talent Identification : The project successfully identifies and nurtures sports talent at the grassroots level, providing opportunities for aspiring athletes to develop their skills and potentially pursue careers in sports.

    2.  Community Empowerment : Communities in which the project operates become more empowered to address local issues and challenges through sports-based initiatives. This empowerment leads to increased community cohesion and a sense of ownership over their development.

    3.  Awareness of SDGs : The project raises awareness of the 17 SDGs among participants, stakeholders, and the wider community. It educates individuals about the importance of sustainable development and encourages them to take action.

    4.  Collaborative Partnerships : Collaborative partnerships are established with statutory, sports and local organisations, fostering cooperation and synergy in addressing community needs and promoting sustainability.

    5.  Infrastructure Development : The project may lead to the development or improvement of community centres, faith centres, or educational establishments, enhancing these facilities as hubs for community engagement and development.

     Outputs :

    1.  Sports and Enrichment Programmes : The project audits and delivers structured sports and enrichment programmes that include coaching, competitions, and skill development activities, contributing to the growth of sports talent.

    2.  Training and Education : Participants receive training and educational opportunities, both in sports-related fields and in areas related to sustainable development. This equips them with valuable skills and knowledge.

    3.  Recruitment and Employment : The project supports recruitment and employment opportunities in all industries but also within the sports industry, creating pathways for individuals to pursue careers in sports management, coaching, and related fields.

    4.  Technology Integration : Technology is integrated into project activities, potentially enhancing talent identification, training delivery, and sustainability initiatives.

    5.  Sustainability Initiatives : Various sustainability initiatives are implemented, such as environmental conservation, resource efficiency, and community development projects aimed at improving the overall well-being of the community.

     Impacts :

    1.  Social Cohesion : Increased community engagement and empowerment foster social cohesion, leading to stronger, more resilient communities capable of addressing local challenges collectively.

    2.  Talent Development : The project contributes to the development of sports talent, potentially leading to the discovery of future athletes who can represent their communities and countries on a global scale.

    3.  Awareness and Advocacy : The project's emphasis on SDGs raises awareness and inspires advocacy efforts for sustainable development goals at local, national, and international levels.

    4.  Economic Opportunities : By providing training, education, and employment opportunities, the project may contribute to economic development within communities and regions.

    5.  Environmental Sustainability : Sustainability initiatives result in positive environmental impacts, such as reduced waste, improved energy efficiency, and community-led conservation efforts.

    6.  Replicability : The successful implementation of the STREETS project may serve as a model for other communities, both nationally and internationally, looking to replicate similar initiatives that integrate sports, education, and sustainable development.

    Overall, the STREETS project has the potential to create a positive and lasting impact by empowering communities, fostering talent development, raising awareness of the SDGs, and promoting sustainability at multiple levels.

    Below is some evidence of the work delivered using the STREETS methodology since May 2021:

    In June 2021, following the lockdown, a multi-agency festival was arranged to entice communities to come out and indulge in physical activity.

    In July 2021, in partnership with Active Luton, the HAF programme enabled us to support 180 young children and their families throughout the Easter, summer and Christmas school holidays.  This holiday provision is for school-aged children from reception to year 11 (inclusive) who receive benefits-related free school meals.

    In August 2021, to empower women & girls, the region's first festival was arranged with local partners to reduce inequalities.

    In October 2021, due to an influx of newly arrived Afghani refugees support was provided to assist them to integrate into society using sport.

    In November 2021, due to complaints of neglect, the newly arrived Afghan refugees were provided with support on how to stay safe and how to stay healthy.

    In January 2022, the Luton Steelbacks Cricket Academy was launched to provide young people from disadvantaged backgrounds the opportunity to excel in cricket and secure an educational pathway. Masterclasses and taster sessions will take place until September 2022 and then first scholars will begin their A-Levels or CTEC qualification which will commence for two years.



    The Luton Steelbacks Cricket Academy | The Sixth Form (

    Monty Panesar and David Ripley head into bat for Luton | The Cricketer

    In January 2022, in partnership with Active Luton & Sports England, free sports sessions have been arranged until March 2022 to provide the newly arrived Afghani refugees residing in hotels the opportunity to stay fit, acquire life skills and employment opportunities.

    In 2023 the focus is to develop Women & Girls sports hubs across the UK with the first being established in Luton.

    An excellent example of empowering a young lady to participate in sport which then inspires her to do more is Maryam.  She started as a volunteer, developed into a coach, and then got inspired by social media during her online sports sessions during the COVID pandemic.  Since 2021, her endeavors have led her to develop the confidence to become a global influencer:

    Instagram Profile: Maryam Malik ( • Instagram photos and videos

    TikTok profile: Maryam ( TikTok | Watch Maryam's Newest TikTok Videos



    Enabling factors and constraints

    Enabling Factors:

    1.  UN Accreditation:  Being accredited by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) lends credibility to the project and opens doors to various resources, networks, and opportunities for collaboration related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

    2.  Clear Objectives:  The project's clear and well-defined objectives, encapsulated in the seven strategic objectives (STREETS), provide a structured framework for implementation and evaluation.

    3.  Collaborative Partnerships:  Collaborative partnerships with statutory and local organisations are a significant enabling factor. These partnerships bring diverse expertise, resources, and support to the project, enhancing its impact.

    4.  Community Engagement:  Actively engaging with the communities and empowering them in decision-making and implementation fosters ownership and commitment among community members.

    5.  Local Presence:  Establishing hubs in community centres, faith centres, and educational establishments allows the project to be physically present in the communities it serves, facilitating direct engagement and accessibility.

    6.  Multi-Dimensional Approach:  The project's focus on multiple dimensions, including sports, education, employment, technology, and sustainability, addresses a wide range of community needs and interests.

    7.  Technology Integration:  Leveraging technology for communication, training, data collection, and outreach enhances the project's efficiency, scalability, and impact.

    8.  Sustainability Focus:  Promoting sustainability practices aligns with the global sustainability agenda and can lead to long-term benefits for the communities and the environment.


    1.  Resource Limitations:  Limited funding, personnel, and resources can constrain the project's ability to fully implement its ambitious objectives and reach a broader audience.

    2.  Community Resistance:  Resistance or skepticism within communities may hinder project acceptance and active participation, especially if there is a lack of understanding or trust in the project's goals.

    3.  Infrastructure Challenges:  In some areas, the lack of adequate infrastructure, such as sports facilities or reliable internet access, may pose challenges to project implementation.

    4.  Cultural and Religious Sensitivities:  Implementing the project in faith centres may sometimes require careful navigation of cultural and religious sensitivities, potentially affecting community engagement.

    5.  Competing Priorities:  Communities may sometimes have competing priorities and challenges that divert their attention and resources away from project activities.

    6.  Political and Regulatory Issues:  Local political dynamics and regulatory requirements can sometimes impact the ease of establishing and maintaining collaborative partnerships.

    7.  Data Privacy and Security:  Leveraging technology for data collection and communication requires robust data privacy and security measures to protect sensitive information.

    8.  Sustainability Implementation:  Achieving sustainability goals may sometimes require behaviour change and community buy-in, which can be challenging to instill and maintain.

    9.  Monitoring and Evaluation:  Ensuring effective monitoring and evaluation, especially in diverse community settings, can be resource-intensive and require ongoing commitment.

    10.  Long-Term Sustainability:  Ensuring the sustainability of project outcomes beyond its initial duration may be challenging, particularly if the project's interventions are not fully embraced and continued by the communities themselves.

    Managing and mitigating these constraints while capitalising on enabling factors will be essential for the successful implementation and impact of the STREETS project in accelerating awareness and implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

    Sustainability and replicability

    To make the STREETS project more sustainable and replicable at the local, national, and international levels, we consider the following methods:

    1. Standardisation of Processes and Documentation:

       - Develop standardised operating procedures, documentation, and toolkits that clearly outline how to replicate the project. This makes it easier for other organisations or communities to adopt the model.

    2. Local Adaptation:

       - We allow for flexibility in project implementation to accommodate the unique needs and cultural contexts of each local community. Provide guidance on how to tailor the project to fit different settings while still achieving the same core objectives.

    3. Capacity Building:

       - We offer training and capacity-building programmes to empower local leaders, coaches, community members and project managers. This ensures that they have the skills and knowledge necessary to sustain and replicate the project.

    4. Knowledge Sharing Platforms:

       - We aim to create online platforms or networks where different project hubs can share experiences, best practices, and lessons learned. Encourage regular communication and collaboration among project stakeholders.

    5. Monitoring and Evaluation Framework:

       - We aim to establish a robust monitoring and evaluation framework with key performance indicators (KPIs) that can be easily adapted to different contexts. Ensuring that data collection methods are standardised and user-friendly.

    6. Funding Diversification:

       - We provide guidance on how to secure funding from various sources, including government grants, private sector partnerships, and international donors. We encourage local hubs to explore sustainable funding models.

    7. Local Partnerships:

       -We help local hubs identify and establish partnerships with relevant local organisations and stakeholders. Provide guidance on building these collaborations effectively.

    8. Social and Environmental Responsibility:

       - We encourage local hubs to integrate social and environmental responsibility into their operations. This could include promoting fair labor practices, reducing carbon footprints, and addressing community issues beyond sports talent identification.

    9. Evaluation and Feedback Loops:

       - We will implement continuous feedback loops at all levels of the project to gather input from community members, participants, and stakeholders. Use this feedback to refine and improve project implementation.

    10. Marketing and Awareness:

       - We develop a comprehensive marketing and communication strategy to raise awareness of the project at the local, national, and international levels. Showcase success stories and impact to attract interest and support.

    11. Scalability Assessment:

       - We conduct scalability assessments to identify key factors that influence successful replication. This includes analysing what aspects of the project can be scaled up and which may require adaptation.

    12. Policy Advocacy:

       - We engage in policy advocacy at the national and international levels to promote the importance of sports-based community development and the SDGs. Collaborate with relevant government bodies and organisations to create an enabling environment for such initiatives.

    13. Global Partnerships:

       - We leverage the project's accreditation by the United Nations to establish global partnerships and collaborations with other accredited organisations working towards the SDGs. This can help share knowledge and resources on a broader scale.

    By implementing these methods, the STREETS project can become a more sustainable and replicable initiative with the potential to create positive impacts not only locally but also nationally and internationally.


    In conclusion, the International Sports Management Consultancy's STREETS project, represents a commendable and holistic approach to addressing the multifaceted challenges of sustainable development. Through its seven strategic objectives, STREETS endeavours to empower communities, nurture sports talent, and raise awareness of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Here are some key conclusions about the project:

    1. Holistic Approach: STREETS combines sports, education, technology, and sustainability into a comprehensive framework, recognising the interconnectedness of these elements in achieving sustainable development.

    2. Grassroots Empowerment: The project's focus on grassroots talent identification and community empowerment not only promotes sports excellence but also fosters local leadership, resilience, and self-reliance.

    3. SDG Advocacy: By aligning its mission with the SDGs, STREETS plays a crucial role in disseminating information about sustainable development, fostering a sense of responsibility, and encouraging concrete actions among participants and communities.

    4. Collaboration and Partnerships: The establishment of collaborative partnerships with statutory and local organisations reflects the importance of collective efforts in addressing complex challenges. These partnerships enhance the project's reach and impact.

    5. Community-Centreed: The choice of community centres, faith centres, and educational establishments as hubs underscores a commitment to meeting communities where they are. This approach ensures accessibility and cultural relevance.

    6. Long-Term Sustainability: The integration of sustainability into the project's objectives and activities signifies a forward-looking perspective that considers the project's long-term impact on communities and the environment.

    7. Replicability: The project's emphasis on standardisation, documentation, and knowledge sharing provides a foundation for replication in various contexts, allowing other communities and organisations to adopt similar initiatives.

    8. Global Relevance: Being accredited by the United Nations adds a global dimension to the project's efforts, potentially inspiring similar projects worldwide and contributing to the global advancement of the SDGs.

    In summary, the STREETS project exemplifies the power of sports as a catalyst for positive change, demonstrating how a well-rounded approach that includes education, employment, technology, and sustainability can drive sustainable development at the grassroots level. Its impact extends beyond the realm of sports, influencing communities, individuals, and the broader global community in their pursuit of a more sustainable and equitable future. The project serves as an inspiring model for others seeking to make a meaningful contribution to the achievement of the SDGs.

    In 2023 the focus is to develop Women & Girls sports hubs across the UK with the first being established in Luton.

    An excellent example of empowering a young lady to participate in sport which then inspires her to do more is Maryam.  She started as a volunteer, developed into a coach, and then got inspired by social media during her online sports sessions during the COVID pandemic.  Since 2021, her endeavors have led her to develop the confidence to become a global influencer:

    Instagram Profile: Maryam Malik ( • Instagram photos and videos

    TikTok profile: Maryam ( TikTok | Watch Maryam's Newest TikTok Videos

    COVID-19 Impact

    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on projects and initiatives worldwide, including the International Sports Management Consultancy's STREETS project. Here are some key ways in which the project has been affected:

    1.  Disruption of Activities : The pandemic disrupted the normal flow of project activities. Lockdowns, social distancing measures, and restrictions on gatherings may have limited the ability to conduct in-person training, sports events, and community engagement initiatives.

    2.  Postponement of Events : Sporting events, competitions, and recruitment activities were postponed or canceled, affecting the project's ability to identify and develop sports talent.

    3.  Digital Transformation : To adapt to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, the project could not accelerated its adoption of digital technologies, such as online training and virtual events. 

    4.  Financial Challenges : The economic impact of the pandemic have affected funding sources and sponsorships for the project, potentially requiring adjustments in budgeting and financial planning.

    5.  Community Engagement : While community centres, faith centres, and educational establishments remain essential hubs for engagement, the pandemic had limited access to these venues, necessitating alternative methods for community outreach and empowerment.

    6.  Shift in Priorities : The pandemic caused a shift in community priorities from sports and talent development to more immediate concerns, such as health and economic stability. This required the project to adapt its messaging and activities to address these pressing needs.

    7.  Health and Safety Protocols : The project had to implement stringent health and safety protocols to protect participants, staff, and volunteers. These measures could include testing, PPE requirements, and modifications to facilities.

    8.  Impact on Sustainability Initiatives : Sustainability efforts were affected by the pandemic, with disruptions in waste management, environmental conservation projects, and resource efficiency due to limited resources and manpower.

    9.  Challenges in Collaboration : Collaborative partnerships with statutory and local organisations faced challenges due to shifting priorities, reduced resources, and changes in the operating environment.

    10.  Impact on Awareness and Advocacy : Raising awareness of the SDGs was affected, as the pandemic shifted global attention to public health and economic recovery. Advocacy efforts related to the SDGs faced competition for attention and resources.

    11.  Long-Term Implications : The pandemic's long-term socioeconomic effects have influenced the project's sustainability and the ability of communities to tackle local issues effectively. The project needs to reassess its long-term strategies in light of these changes.

    In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the International Sports Management Consultancy's STREETS project, as it did with many initiatives globally. To continue its mission of accelerating awareness and implementation of the SDGs while adapting to the new reality, the project has needed to be flexible, innovative, and responsive to the evolving needs of the communities it serves. Ongoing monitoring and adaptation will be crucial to navigate the challenges posed by the pandemic effectively.


    Eight community values that will help NHS combat COVID 19 in 2021 - YouTube




    The deliverables for the International Sports Management Consultancy's STREETS project encompass a wide range of outputs and outcomes aimed at achieving its seven strategic objectives and contributing to the awareness and implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Here are the key deliverables for the project:

    1. Community Hubs Establishment or Reform:
       - Deliverable: Functional and upgraded community hubs at community centres, faith centres, or educational establishments.
       - Purpose: Provide accessible and well-equipped spaces for project activities and community engagement.

    2. Talent Identification and Development:
       - Deliverable: A talent identification programme for grassroots athletes, including training, coaching, and mentorship.
       - Purpose: Identify and nurture sports talent, offering opportunities for personal and professional development.

    3. Education and Training Programmes:
       - Deliverable: Educational and vocational training programmes for community members.
       - Purpose: Improve access to quality education and empower individuals to pursue sports-related careers.

    4. Employment Opportunities:
       - Deliverable: Pathways to sustainable employment through a variety of careers or where there are skills shortages.
       - Purpose: Create job opportunities for individuals in areas that will positively impact their skillsets as well as the needs of the communities they serve.

    5. Technology Integration:
       - Deliverable: Digital platform for communication, training, and data collection.
       - Purpose: Leverage technology to enhance project impact and outreach.

    6. Sustainability Initiatives:
       - Deliverable: Implementation of sustainability practices within the hubs and communities.
       - Purpose: Promote environmental, social, and economic sustainability.

    7. Collaborative Partnerships:
       - Deliverable: Established partnerships with statutory and local organisations.
       - Purpose: Leverage resources, expertise, and networks to support project activities.

    8. SDG Awareness and Advocacy:
       - Deliverable: Increased awareness of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
       - Purpose: Advocate for the implementation of SDGs and align project activities with SDG targets.

    9. Capacity-Building Programmes:
       - Deliverable: Trained and skilled project staff, coaches, mentors, and community members.
       - Purpose: Build the capacity of individuals and communities to effectively contribute to project goals.

    10. Monitoring and Evaluation Framework:
        - Deliverable: Establish monitoring and evaluation framework with key performance indicators.
        - Purpose: Continuously assess project progress, measure impact, and inform decision-making.

    11. Sustainable Community Ownership:
        - Deliverable: Empowered communities actively engaged in project activities.
        - Purpose: Foster a sense of ownership, participation, and sustainability within the communities.

    12. Data and Reporting:
        - Deliverable: Regular progress reports, data collection, and analysis.
        - Purpose: Maintain transparency and accountability, and inform stakeholders about project outcomes.

    13. Technology Access and Digital Literacy:
        - Deliverable: Improved technology access and digital literacy within communities.
        - Purpose: Ensure community members can effectively use digital tools for learning and communication.

    14. Capacity for Sustainability Beyond the Project:
        - Deliverable: Enhanced capacity within communities to continue project-related activities independently.
        - Purpose: Empower communities to sustain project initiatives beyond the project's duration.

    15. Feedback Mechanisms:
        - Deliverable: Established mechanisms for community feedback and input.
        - Purpose: Ensure continuous community engagement and responsiveness to their needs and concerns.

    These deliverables collectively contribute to the successful implementation of the STREETS project, aligning with its mission to accelerate awareness and implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals while empowering communities, identifying sports talent at the grassroots level, and addressing local issues for a more sustainable future.

    No progress reports have been submitted. Please sign in and click here to submit one.
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    04 January 2018 (start date)
    19 December 2029 (date of completion)
    STREETS Methodology
    1. Global
    Geographical coverage
    Europe, Asia, Africa, Americas
    Other beneficiaries

    The beneficiaries of the International Sports Management Consultancy's STREETS project are diverse and include various stakeholders, each benefiting in different ways:

    1. Grassroots Athletes:Young and aspiring athletes at the grassroots level are among the primary beneficiaries. STREETS offers them access to training, mentoring, and opportunities to develop their sports skills. This support can lead to potential careers in sports and related fields.

    2. Local Communities: STREETS empowers local communities by addressing their specific needs and challenges. Community centres, faith centres, and educational establishments are transformed into hubs for positive change. These communities benefit from improved facilities, access to education, employment opportunities, and a sense of unity and purpose.

    3. Educational Institutions: Schools and educational establishments play a crucial role in STREETS, benefiting from enhanced enrichment activities, sports programmes and resources. This helps promote physical fitness and personal development among students.

    4. Local Organisations:Collaborative partnerships with local organisations and statutory bodies are established to support the STREETS project. These organisations benefit from shared resources, knowledge exchange, and the opportunity to fulfill their corporate social responsibility by contributing to community development.

    5. Employment Opportunities:The project creates employment opportunities in various sports-related roles, from coaches and trainers to administrative staff, contributing to economic growth and sustainability within the communities where the hubs are established.

    6. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):The STREETS project is accredited by the United Nations Department of Economic & Social Affairs to accelerate the awareness and implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. As such, the project contributes directly to the global effort to achieve these goals, benefiting populations worldwide by addressing issues such as poverty, education, gender equality, health, and environmental sustainability.

    7. Society at Large:By empowering individuals and communities, the STREETS project has a broader positive impact on society. It promotes social cohesion, inclusivity, and sustainability, ultimately contributing to a more equitable and prosperous world.

    In summary, the STREETS project has a multi-faceted approach that aims to benefit a wide range of stakeholders, from individual athletes and local communities to global initiatives focused on sustainable development. It embodies the principle of sports as a tool for positive change, creating a ripple effect of benefits that extend far beyond the initial participants and hubs.


    Empowering Communities Worldwide Link Up Luton Steelbacks Academy
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    United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    International Sports Management Consultancy, 43 Fairford Avenue, Luton, LU2 7ES
    Contact Information

    Amran Malik, Founder/CEO