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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development



    Imagine2030 is a movement of people who believe that we can achieve the SDGs, are aware of their power as changemakers and want to be part of building this exciting future. We are creating a strong positive narrative around the 2030 Agenda sharing stories of people who are leading this change in order to inspire and mobilize people. We are also building a network of changemakers we call Antennas. To be an Antenna means to unleash and potentialize their power to promote change, acting locally and engaging people from their personal network. Our goal is to become a global movement.

    Objective of the practice

    2030 is a short deadline and it carries an ambitious goal: to solve all planet&#39;s major problems. If you focus on recent news about what&#39;s happening in Brazil you may think that this could never happen. But everyday we meet people who believe that this future is possible and who are taking action to make it happen. Imagine2030 is a movement of people that share this belief, are aware of their power as changemakers and want to build this exciting future. <br />
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    To bring this movement to life, we are focusing on: <br />
    _ creating a strong positive narrative around the 2030 Agenda, bring it closer to the people. To do so we are producing content (short videos, podcasts, e-book, film) sharing stories, ideias and experiences of people who are innovating and leading this change in order to inspire and mobilize other people.<br />
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    _ workshops in public and private schools inviting young people to exercise imagination and to create their own version of this positive 2030. It&#39;s a fun way of learning about the Agenda and it&#39;s importance and urgency. <br />
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    _ building a network of changemakers we call Antennas. To be an Antenna means to actively be part of the movement, acting locally and engaging people from their personal network. People connect with us through Whatsapp and engage in a journey to unleash or to potentialize their power to promote change. We also promote connections between the Antennas based on territory or subject/SDG of interest. <br />
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    The project has only started 8 weeks ago and we already have over 300 Antennas from more than 90 brazilian cities and 5 countries (Australia, US, Japan, Peru, Portugal). Our goal is to become a global movement mobilizing all people that imagine and believe that this future is possible. So far we&#39;ve been able to have conversations about the 2030 Agenda with many people that were not aware that it existed. The feedback has been great and people are excited to be part of a positive movement that guide them to take real action.

    Imagina Coletivo and Belive.Earth teamed up to bring Imagine2030 to life. Imagina Coletivo is a brazilian non-profit that exists to activate people's power as changemakers, having our ability to imagine a better world as our guide. Believe.Earth fosters positive narratives, to strengthen socio-environmental causes, building partnerships and co-creating campaigns with other groups around the world. Imagina is leading the project and set up a diverse team of researchers, videomakers, communicators, designers with different backgrounds and from different brazilian regions, most of them are recognized activists in different causes.
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    The most important activities for implementing Imagine2030 are:

    Creating a strong positive narrative around the 2030 Agenda: understanding the Agenda and adapting language and creating our own material to spread this narrative (like a manifest video); mapping people that are being innovative and already promoting change, connect with thins innovators; as part of the investigation, we invite this innovators for a 2 hours conversation in with we can deeply understand their work, thoughts and imagination. This conversation is recorded and shared in short videos (12 so far) and a podcast (soon to be lauched). We had 17 conversations so far and plan to have at least 13 more.
    We selected 6 innovators for 5 different realities to take a deep dive and really get to know them. These are people that are already living part of this positive future. From this part of the investigation we will produce a film (80min documentary to be launched in the begging of 2020), an e-book communicating how everyone can take action by exercising different choices, and real images of this positive future. All these activities are about to start next week!

    Workshops in public and private schools: development of the workshop exercises and approach; we tested the methodology with different groups (8 year old kids, 12 to 18 years old teenagers, young adults); the connection to the schools happens mainly through teachers; communicate and gather partnerships to take the workshop to as many people as possible.

    Building a network of changemakers we call Antennas: communicate that everyone can be a part of this movement if theiy share this belief and is wiiling to take action; get to know everyone that connect with us, what are their interests, what SDGs they feel more passionate about, what they are already doing to promote change; share the content that provide them the &quot;Antenna experience&quot; (manifest, form to understand how they feel, what they imagine and what they expect form this network, inspirational short videos, information about the sdgs, invitation to meetings); save and organize all this information (information is key to an individualized experience as we are bulding relationships with these people); to get started: match the Antennas in groups to share their experiences, feelings, fears, doubts with other people that are in the same process as they are. These is supposed to be a trust environment in with they can open themselves and also come up with strategies and ideas for collective action. Match people from different territories to make the most of the diversity of the group, match people from the same territory to strength local actions.

    Other important activities: talking about the 2030 Agenda in institutional spaces, so we can bring this approach to the table and in some cases shift the conversation towards embracing change, in front of the importance and urgency of these Agenda we are facing the challenge of changing ourselves and our own choices, personally and professionally. Participating in events, interviews, meetings, conferences.

    In only 12 weeks after launching Imagine2030 we have: connected more than 300 people as Antennas (more than 90 brazilian cities and 5 countries); shared 12 inspirational videos of people promoting change in 11 different SDGs; listed more than a 100 innovative people in Brazil nominated by activists; hosted 11 workshops in partnership with schools and social organizations with over 100 participants; over 2100 followers on Instagram (growing organically, no money invested).
    We are also measuring if people are getting more excited about the future, learning about the 2030 Agenda and taking action. For this we have a form that the Antennas fill out as they begin their journey (50% of response rate) and a new form to be sent after 6 months of being engaged in the network. We are also gathering feedback from the workshops and spontaneous testimonials on the impact that our content is having on people. What we hear is that people are getting inspired and changing their perception of what they can to do as individuals. Many people that did not know about the SDGs are joining the conversation and starting to work together to take collective action and share their processo of changing themselves.
    Enabling factors and constraints
    Enabling factors:
    In Brazil, the conversations around SDGs are mainly institutional and most of the people are not aware that this agenda exists. Imagine2030 is focused on communicating and engaging people right away, regardless of being connected to any organization.
    We already have a background on creating a movement. Most of what we are doing now is based on our own experience doing the Imagina na copa (Imagine it during the world cup) a movement of young people who were promoting change in Brasil (the larger documentation of young social entrepreneurs initiatives at the time) and Jornadas Imagina Você (imagine yourself journeys) in which we gathered an extensive network of activists to create content that inspire action, coming up with a journey for people who want to experiment change in diffenret causes.
    The partnership betwen Believe. Earth and Imagina also enabled the project to happen. As we found out that we were working in the same direction and sharing our beliefs, we teamed up and combined resources to bring this movement to life.
    We are using Whatsapp as a platform to connect with the Antennas and share content, which is innovative. We are promoting work groups and meeting to connect people and strength their believe that this future is possible.

    We still don't have the money to invest in translation and subtitles for all the content that we produced and have planned so far. That only allows us to organically grow to poutuguese language countries and through brazilians living abroad. We are also learning about the Antennas network as we bring it to life, so there is a learning process that takes time and experimentation and don't allow us to scale faster. We also need partner and financial support to organize the workshop method and form the Antennas as multipliers.
    Sustainability and replicability
    We have a strong partnership with Believe.Earth that invested the financial resources that we need to bring this movement to life. Because of our previous projects, we already have an engaged network of activist and people who are still finding their way but already now that they can promote positive impact. In Brazil right now, most of the people are negative about the present and the future and many are looking for a light of hope or something positive to rescue them from paralysation or giving up. This creates an atmosphere in with the movement can grow rapidly and this narrative can spread fast. We are also connected and listed many brazilian innovators that are leading the way and can serve as inspiration for others.

    We are investing everything to have a strong base for Imagine2030, very good quality materials (everything is very professional), very good quality connection with the Antennas spread throught Brazil. We are already experimenting a few Antennas producing content that wi share with the rest of the network (for exempla Talita Pinotti, international relation teacher expert in the SDGs making videos explaning the Agenda). Our plan is that we can more an more count with the power of this network, its collective intelligence and embrace them as producers as well. In this cenario we won't need to invest much more money producing ourselves.

    The investment that we are looking for the near future is to take the project further geographically. To circulate throughout Brazil with the worrkshops, the film, to join and star local conversation, to promote and be part of local Antennas meetings. We want to invest in this network because these are the people that actually give meaning to everything. The are many of us, we are apart from each other and thats good cause it means we are spread in different groups and can make this change happens faster mobilizing more people and more territories.

    As Imagine2030 is an innovative approach to communicate and engage people with the SGDs we hope to partner with many organization that are investing and committed with the 2030 Agenda.

    If we can not imagine that the future of the world can be completely different in a good way, we&#39;ll never believe that this can happen and we won&#39;t do anything about it. By inviting people to imagine and take action, we want shift this feeling of disbelief and paralysis. Once a person understands their power as changemakers, it is changed for life and inspires other people, promoting a collective change. Considering the huge challenges we are facing today, the SDGs provide us a narrative that can aggregate efforts of different people in all kind of causes and this collective effort is fundamental. By connecting simple actions to achieving the SDGs, we invite people to promote change. Not only we want everyone to understand about the 2030 Agenda, but we also want to lead the way towards taking action locally and engaging local communities - an innovative approach that allow us to connect with many people outside the typical bubble. We believe that as the SDGs become an important agenda for individuals it will became an important agenda for all kinds of organizations and companies (that can move from making marketing campaigns to embracing real change, even changing the way they do business).

    Staff / Technical expertise
    Communicators, researches, producers, visual artists, filmmakers, activists, teachers, indicators and measurement consultant.
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    Name Description
    14.1 By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution
    14.c Enhance the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources by implementing international law as reflected in United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which provides the legal framework for the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources, as recalled in paragraph 158 of "The future we want"
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    05 December 2018 (start date)
    31 December 2030 (date of completion)
    Imagina Coletivo
    1. Latin America and the Caribbean
    Geographical coverage
    As a movement and a network of changemakers we are spread throughout Brazil and 5 more different countries in the world. Today our focus in on Brazil, but we soon want to became global.
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    Fernanda Cabral de Melo Oliveira, co-founder