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United Nations Departamento de Asuntos Económicos y Sociales Desarrollo Sostenible
Displaying 109 - 126 of 2123
2123 results
$1 billion to protect 30% by 2030
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Establish the National Reserve "Mar Tropical de Grau"
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Implement the "Fishing and Aquaculture Traceability System" (SITRAPESCA)
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Blue Leaders Campaign Group, High Ambition Coalition for People and Nature, Commonwealth Blue Charter and Global Ocean Alliance
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Blue and Aquatic Food
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Formulation and implementation of Mexico´s National Action Plan for the UN Decade of Ocean Sciences
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“Critical Coastal Ecosystem Conservation Through A Community Integrated Approach”.
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Operation of FMC : Republic of Korea's Commitment to deter, prevent and effectively control IUU fishing
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The Republic of Korea has pledged to implement a project to support Peru's climate change adaptation capacity-building via fisheries and aquaculture education.
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The Republic of Korea will implement a project to support Samoa's capacity building in ocean acidification observation in response to climate change.
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The Republic of Korea plans to reduce marine plastics in the Seas of East Asia.
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Project of Fishery Community-Oriented Zhubujiang Estuary Wetland Conservation in Danzhou City, Hainan
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Qingdao Langya Township Offshore Community Conserved Area Management and Fishery Sustainable Development Project
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Citizen Science- based Beibu Gulf Coastal Wetland Conservation Action
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OceanTeacher Global Academy Regional Training Center, Tianjin, China
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WMO-IOC Centre for Marine-Meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data Tianjin, China (CMOC/China)
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Blue Economy and Industrial Symbiosis as Enablers of Ocean Health
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Ocean and Coastal Observation and Monitoring at scale: Co-Designing the value chain from data to impact through a partnership approach
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