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United Nations 经济和社会事务部 可持续发展

The SDG Actions Platform is a global registry of voluntary policies, commitments, multi-stakeholder partnerships and other initiatives made by governments, the UN system and a broad range of stakeholders to support acceleration of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Governments and other actors are encouraged to register their policies, initiatives or commitments that accelerate the implementation of one or multiple SDGs on the platform by filling out a form that seeks detailed information about each policy/initiative, including details of implementation, beneficiaries, budget and resources, timeline and evaluation.

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Displaying 1153 - 1170 of 8149
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Action Networks
8149 results
Develop and implement a Global Campaign on Salinization
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Low-Carbon and Climate Resilient Water and Wastewater Management – LCCR Water
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Water for Sustainable Development: innovative Solutions to the water crisis in Africa
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Sanitation and Judicious use of water campaign, rain harvesting, Resilience and Ecosystems Restoration Awareness Campaign, Resource Management Irrigation & Drainage Systems, etc
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Implementation of the Water and Climate Youth Development Plan and Agenda (YDPA)
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Water & Sanitation – Essential to Improve Maternal and Child Health
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Private Water Operators, federated in AquaFed, will advance the implementation of the human rights to safe drinking water and safely managed sanitation in all its dimensions through two specific programmes
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Building small dams
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Accelerating sustainable water technologies
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Water at the Heart of Climate Action
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National Water Roadmaps towards the 2030 Agenda
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Time Saving Initiatives!
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Promote spaces for the valuation of ancestral practices of sustainable water use and management, as a basis for the creation of innovative techniques that contribute to climate resilience and adaptation and conservation of natural and cultural heritage
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Waterknowledge Risk Prepardness
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Capacity Building of Water Utilities for Accelerating SDG6 Implementation - The Danube Learning Partnership (D-LeaP)
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Promoting inclusivity on water and sanitation to sub-Saharan marginalized communities.
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Indigenous Peoples Global Coalition Commitment for the UN Water Action Agenda
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City Water Index and associated resources to enhance urban water resilience, access and management
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