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United Nations 经济和社会事务部 可持续发展
Displaying 127 - 144 of 2123
2123 results
Contribute to a hybrid governance to protect and manage remarkable areas of the high seas: the Thermal Dome and Sargasso Sea (SARGADOM project)
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Voluntary Commitment on ocean acidification: OSPAR
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OSPAR’s North-East Atlantic Environment Strategy 2030
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OSPAR’s second Regional Action Programme on Marine Litter (RAP-ML2)
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Profundizar las investigaciones cientificas en el Mar Argentino mediante la iniciativa Pampa Azul.
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Avanzar en un proceso de Consulta Nacional sobre Planificacion Marina Espacial.
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Implementar una Estrategia Federal de Manejo Costero Integrado
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Implementar el Proyecto Fortalecimiento de la Gestion y Proteccion de la Biodiversidad Costero Marina en Areas Ecologicas Clave y la Aplicacion del Enfoque Ecosistemico de la Pesca (EEP) (GCP/ARG/025/GFF)
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Implementar el Sistema Nacional de Areas Marinas Protegidas
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Implementar la Estrategia Nacional sobre la Biodiversidad y Plan de Accion, que incluye ampliar el porcentaje de cobertura de proteccion de zonas marinas y costeras de los espacios martimos argentinos
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Reviving oceans by cleaning the garbage patches in a sustainable and economical way
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Approve the National Aquaculture Policy
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Certification label "Sustainable Aquaculture"
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Sweden supports The Keep Sweden Tidy Foundation to raise awareness on littering and plastic pollution
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Viet Nam proactively prepares and participates in the development of a global treaty on marine plastic pollution
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Addressing systemic inequity in ocean science capacity through EquiSea
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Promulgation of a regulation aiming to extend three national parks on the marine part
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Creating long-term resilience to ocean acidification through training, equipment, and network-building
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