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United Nations Департамент по экономическим и социальным вопросам Устойчивое развитие

The SDG Actions Platform is a global registry of voluntary policies, commitments, multi-stakeholder partnerships and other initiatives made by governments, the UN system and a broad range of stakeholders to support acceleration of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Governments and other actors are encouraged to register their policies, initiatives or commitments that accelerate the implementation of one or multiple SDGs on the platform by filling out a form that seeks detailed information about each policy/initiative, including details of implementation, beneficiaries, budget and resources, timeline and evaluation.

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Displaying 1477 - 1494 of 8149
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Action Networks
8149 results
Canada is hosting the 5th International Marine Protected Areas Congress, February 3-9 2023 in Vancouver, which will aim to define a roadmap for achieving ocean conservation targets to protect at least 30 per cent of the world’s land and ocean by 2030
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Canada is committed to the extension of the Dark Vessel Detection platform to support Ecuador's efforts against illegal, unreported, unregulated in the Galapagos Islands
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Canada is committed to contributing to the International Monitoring, Control, and Surveillance Network to host four virtual seminars over 2022 bringing over 70 countries and non-governmental organizations, and over 500 participants together
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Canada will disburse $30 million under the Marine Litter Mitigation Fund
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Canada joined the zero emission shipping by 2050 initiative
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Canada supports the Green Shipping Challenge to galvanize global action to decarbonize the international shipping industry
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Canada is committed to introducing amendments to the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 including to enable proactive management of marine emergencies and to cover more types of pollution
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Canada contributes $9 million to the Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance to help Small Island Developing States and coastal developing countries increase their resilience to the impacts of climate change through nature-based solutions
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The Government of Canada is proud to commit $10 million to combat ghost gear through Canada’s Ghost Gear Fund and by partnering with the Global Ghost Gear Initiative
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Canada is investing $183.1 million over five years, to reduce plastic waste and increase plastic circularity by developing and implementing regulatory measures, and conducting scientific research to inform policy-making
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Indian Traditional Arts - 5R (Research, Revive, Rejuvenate, Restore and Retention)
Engaging the global event sector in the UN SDGs
SDG Acceleration Actions
Promoting Ocean Education: Ocean Bachelor - meet the Ocean now!
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Conscious Fashion and Lifestyle Network
Canada is committed to the creation of the Eastern Canyons Marine Refuge, covering a 43,976 square kilometers area off the coast of the Province of Nova Scotia
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Canada is committed to conserving 25 per cent of our oceans by 2025, and 30 per cent by 2030
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Canada joined the Clydebank Declaration at the 26th Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
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