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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Our Villages, alleys and backyards


    The Nossas Vilas, Vielas and Quintais project is a set of transversal actions that aim to lead and promote citizenship in the villages and favelas of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. We will work on the following topics:Citizen training and training;Health and wellness;Sports/leisure;Arts/culture;Thematic educational campaigns;Environment;Struggle for a more humane, just and fraternal community;Gender equality and respect for sexual diversity;Labor, decent and decent work;Fight for peace and human rights;Sustainable communities and conscious consumption; 2019 Census: OUR VILLAGES, VIELAS AND QUINTAIS;Women's Empowerment;I encourage cooperativism and voluntarism.

    Objective of the practice

    - First steps:<br />
    To carry out the first scientific and academic research with visits in all the domiciles, knowing the individuality to understand the collective;<br />
    Provide UN / IDB and other international and national organizations with a unique research base for decision-making applications and public policies aimed at this layer of the population.<br />
    Contribute positively to the construction of a better, more just, equitable and fraternal world and society, always respecting the diversity of culture, race, belief and sexual orientation, based on citizen participation and voluntarism as a form of social integration.<br />
    Training, orientation and training of the population of the villages and favelas;<br />
    Family and Financial Planning;<br />
    Promote the continuous improvement of housing and essential community services;<br />
    Increase and develop the role as citizens and subjects of rights;<br />
    Female empowerment and gender equality;<br />
    Building a more just, fraternal and peaceful society;<br />
    Development of art, sport, culture and leisure;<br />
    Guarantee fundamental rights, fundamental and respecting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;<br />
    Encourage entrepreneurship and innovation and research projects;<br />
    Cultural and gastronomic valorization;<br />
    Encourage and ensure that all children are in school and strengthen their relationship with custodial councils;<br />
    Preserve the environment and contribute to the reduction of climate change according to local conditions;<br />
    Forming a more responsible consumption;<br />
    Support for sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

    Strategic partners:
    Non-governmental organizations, private initiative and public administration bodies. In addition to an extensive network of volunteers.
    Protagonists of the project, it is the population itself that participated in the project and the execution
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    Project our villages, alleys and backyards - intersectorial, popular participation and integration:
    The intersectoral paradigm has influenced the format and processes in public organizations, especially at the local level. This is because, the implementation of the intersectoral model generally implies, and often intends, the intensification of the processes of decentralization and incorporation of popular participation in the management.
    Fundamentally, the intersectoral paradigm seeks to address social problems in an interconnected way. and in an interdependent manner. For it is part of the recognition of the complexity of such problems and the inseparability of certain activities and functions. Thus, strong emphasis is given to the areas of intersection between the various policies. A vision of a whole, being answered promptly, we can say it. The project was conceived by several actors who initially developed material to broaden the discussion with the population and the community involved. After this first step, the project was represented by a group of leaders whose task is to present all favelas.
    We can affirm that actions that were carried out in a more participative way, is the CENSO that will contemplate all the residences and, thus, making the participation of all. The steps will be measured by reports and the implementation of the ZOPP model, originating in German (Ziel Orientierte Projekt Planung), means &quot;goal oriented project planning&quot;, this methodology was adopted by the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ - Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit) in 1981 and subsequently used by international institutions such as the World Bank and the European Commission, ZOPP aims to:
    Enable a clear vision of project objectives with a long-term perspective; Improve communication and cooperation among project participants through joint planning, using accurate documents and clear definitions;
    Define the area of responsibility of the project team;
    Establish project monitoring and evaluation indicators.
    ZOPP uses 3 basic principles:
    Consensus among stakeholders based on clearly defined objectives; Focus on the root cause of problems, analyze their causes and effects, and formulate feasible and effective goals;
    Involvement of affected people, groups and institutions in planning.

    As a consequence, the project will benefit from: r nn) Greater involvement of all with planned actions;
    Greater commitment of each member to the planned actions; projected results;
    Common desire for changes guided by defined objectives;
    Development of more consistent and more transparent projects;
    Definition of clear and realistic goals based on problem analysis reflecting a current situation;
    Definition of objectively verifiable indicators to monitor and evaluate actions and results and expected objectives;
    Improvement in communication, integration and cooperation between partner institutions, groups and people involved;
    Integration between different levels of partners;
    Definition of the responsibilities and duties of all partners;
    Higher probability of plan success;
    Increased sustainability guarantees;
    Monitoring of results and evolution of indicators.

    The Project is in its initial phase of execution, but as our advanced research system, it will be possible to verify a huge diversity of information cross-referencing and knowledge sharing.

    Every process effectively involves the population, where it is universally contemplated by the project. In addition, each activity will have a project evaluation form, which can evaluate positive and negative actions.

    After completing the first stage that will be the case in the Census, we can provide international and national organizations with information such as:
    1 - Domestic violence;
    2 - Income x Profession, income per capita;
    3 - How many people know the ODS;
    4 - Nursery school attendance at higher education;
    5 - Number of electrical connections, sanitation and sanitary conditions;
    6 - Various evaluations of public services;
     7 - So many other questions.

    Project scope: Vila and Favelas, capital of the State of Minas Gerais - Brazil.

    Evaluation system, with audio and photographic recording.
    Enabling factors and constraints
    All project has been developed by volunteers and financial resources of the project coordinator. It will be presented to future funders.

    We can say that the main driver of the project are the citizens of the towns and favelas.

    The technology developed for this project was tailor made and will soon be made available for other projects.
    Sustainability and replicability
    Brazil is going through a difficult time where governments can not pay their own payroll, making it difficult to do so.

    To begin the project, one of the five largest communities of slums and villages in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, was chosen, called the Santa Lúcia Agglomerate. Where there are about 14,000 inhabitants, totaling 3,848 residences.

    The project was modeled to be disseminated in the other 76 local communities and could be taken to other states and countries. Totally modular design, therefore, we know that the particularities and problems of each community are different.

    After the first stage of the project, we will seek national and international partners to complete all communities, reaching about 400,000 inhabitants, more than 1/3 of the population of the city.

    Every democratic ideal contains within itself an ideal of society. We can reverse this formulation to say that every model of society contains in itself a democratic model. This means that if we want an egalitarian, participatory, sustainable society based on human dignity, with free, emancipated individuals, truly masters and masters of their destinies, we must build democratic models and institutional configurations that express this ideal.<br />
    Participatory democracy is a form of exercising power, based on citizen participation in decision-making. It is an educational process: constructing arguments, formulating proposals, hearing other points of view, reacting, debating and reaching consensus are attitudes that transform all those that integrate the participatory processes.<br />
    Within this analysis, it is fundamental the interaction of men and women in the public space, in the construction of everyday life, it produces solidarity and common identities, adding social groups that begin to act as transforming subjects, with their own perspectives and constructions, claiming recognition, rights, redistribution of income and power before the structures of dominant interests in society and in the State. For Pizzorno (1975, p.39), &quot;democratic participation is an action that is carried out in solidarity with others, within a state, locality or class, with a view to preserving or modifying the structure (and, therefore, the values) of the system of dominant interests &quot;.<br />
    <br />
    We also have three other fundamental aspects of a participatory and integrated democratic conception (Pateman, 1992, p.41-51):<br />
    1. Participation allows collective decisions to be more easily accepted by the individual, since they have taken part in the decision-making process;<br />
    2. Participation would produce greater social integration, insofar as it generates a feeling of belonging of each isolated citizen to its community or organized group (association, union, social movement);<br />
    3. In order for individuals to be able to effectively participate in the government of a national state, the qualities necessary for such participation must be fostered and developed at the local level &quot;by democratizing the structures of authority in all political systems.&quot; (p.51)<br />
    We can say that the main strategic objective of participatory democracy and the project is the integration of society, the universalization of citizenship, and therefore the construction of a daily democracy. Democracy can not be abstract in people&#39;s lives. It should provide citizens with full participation in issues that concern them, in addition to promoting their sovereignty, self-determination and autonomy.<br />
    The Project represents this well, participation, teaching, research and search for rights. This is the wish of many Brazilians, but we want to break through borders and help build a better world.

    Other sources of information
    The project is only being divulged internally in the Santa Lúcia Agglomerate, the publicity and publications after the end of the first stage of the Census.

    There is a multidisciplinary team, involving university students, teachers, community leaders and other important agents.

    An information newspaper is being structured, where the 17 ODS will be added in order to present the population more clearly.
    Other, please specify
    Doações realizadas pelo coordenador executivo do projeto e com apoio de voluntários mão de obras e tecnologia.
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    Name Description
    17.14 Enhance policy coherence for sustainable development
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 2019 (start date)
    31 December 2020 (date of completion)
    Fundação Talysson Zebral
    7 9 4 8 6 2 10 11 5 16 17 1 12 3
    1. Latin America and the Caribbean
    Geographical coverage
    Villages and Favelas. Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais - Brazil
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    Talysson Zebral, Mr.