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United Nations Département des Affaires Économiques et Sociales Développement Durable

The SDG Actions Platform is a global registry of voluntary policies, commitments, multi-stakeholder partnerships and other initiatives made by governments, the UN system and a broad range of stakeholders to support acceleration of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Governments and other actors are encouraged to register their policies, initiatives or commitments that accelerate the implementation of one or multiple SDGs on the platform by filling out a form that seeks detailed information about each policy/initiative, including details of implementation, beneficiaries, budget and resources, timeline and evaluation.

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Displaying 847 - 864 of 8145
Entity Types
Action Networks
8145 results
Youth Water Forum
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Sustainable development of small hydropower promotes international cooperation in water conservancy
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Decarbonatization in desalination sector in KSA
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Addressing Water security in arid and water stressed in KSA
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Accelerating UN SDG 6 in public & private markets
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WASH Systems for Health
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Smart Water Utilization for Smart and Precision Farming, Urban Farming and Food Security Innovation
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Ensuring safe drinking water supply to all citizens by 2030
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Promote accession to the Protocol on Water and Health
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Building Towards Recognition of the Nature Rights of the River Shannon
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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in the Workplace: WASH@Work
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Scaling-up Water as Leverage Globally for worldwide urban climate resilience
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Better global water information through the Global Hydrological Status and Outlook System (HydroSOS) & Reporting
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Partners for Water 2022-2027 – Driving water security worldwide
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Catalyzing the Transformation to Water Resilience
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International Cooperation Model and Methods to Address Karst Groundwater System Vulnerabilities and Hazards
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Educate one million youngsters on water annually until 2030 – together.
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