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United Nations Departamento de Asuntos Económicos y Sociales Desarrollo Sostenible
Displaying 1441 - 1458 of 2123
2123 results
Establecer e implementar el sistema de monitoreo permanente de los ecosistemas marinos en las localidades con impactos significativos causados actividades antrpicas en 6 provincias costeras.
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Canadas Oceans Protection Plan- Investments in New Research Activities to Reduce Impacts on Marine Mammals from Shipping and Improve Response to Emergency Pollution Incidents
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Ocean Plastics Lab - Scientific Insights on Marine Plastic Pollution
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Instalacin contenedores con tapas para la disposicin de desechos en Los Cacaos, Saman
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Green coastal shipping private public partnership on eco-friendly transport
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Estrategias para la biodiversidad marina
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Continuar la participacin en la Iniciativa Regional Reto del Caribe, para la proteccin del 20 % de la plataforma marina nacional.
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Sea Pact funding support for Responsible Aquaculture Foundation (RAF) Global Responsible Aquaculture On-Line Training
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Improving international cooperation to conserve and better manage sharks and rays
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Paul Gauguin Cruises partnership with Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) to provide educational programming on select sailings in 2017 and 2018
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Comprometidos con el uso sostenible del recurso pesquero
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Implementation of the Niue Treaty Subsidiary Agreement (NTSA) for monitoring, control and surveillance of fishing in the region, supporting Target 14.4 and 14.6
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Having five new fisheries certified against a scheme approved by GSSI in Latin America
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Coral Art - Underwater Living Sculptures
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Human Rights on the Hill International Human and Peoples Rights Law Program
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Voluntary Marine Conservation Areas (VMCAs)
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Establish the Local Environmental Observer (LEO) Network in all oceans and along all of the world's coastlines within 5 years
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Force des femmess
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