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United Nations Departamento de Asuntos Económicos y Sociales Desarrollo Sostenible
Displaying 1999 - 2016 of 2123
2123 results
By 2020 establish a conservation target of 5 % of marine & coastal areas.
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Identification of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSA) in the Baltic Sea
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Effective implementation of Monitoring, Control, Surveillance and Enforcement programmes for Samoas fishery waters
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Sustainable tuna fisheries
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Address Barriers to Floating Offshore Wind Energy Development through Inter-Industry Dialogue and Action
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Beach Observation Network 'SeaWatch-B'
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Updating the National Action Plan to Combat Marine Pollution from Land-based Activities
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Young Ocean Professionals for Sustainable Development
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Enhancing National Development through Environmentally Resilient Islands (ENDhERI)
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Implementar el Plan de recuperacion de Merluccius hubbsi del norte
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Strengthening Community Participation in the Protection of the Belize Barrier Reef Complex through Capacity Building and Supporting Implementation of Managed Access - GEF funded project
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Bycatch Mitigation Initiative
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Iintegracin de una autoridad mxima de articulacin y gestin integrada entre las diferentes instancias del sector pblico, que hacen parte de la institucionalidad marina costarricense (CONAMAR)
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Marine Protected Areas in the UK and our Overseas Territories
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UK Commitments on Marine Litter
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Eco Labeling/ Catch Certification
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Finalization of Fijis Maritime Boundaries and ECS Claims
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Enhance fishery management, control and surveillance in Uruguay and South Atlantic Ocean
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