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United Nations إدارة الشؤون الاقتصادية والاجتماعية التنمية المستدامة
Displaying 721 - 738 of 844
Entity Types
844 results
IAH Strategic Plan
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Regional agreement for the promotion of the efficient use of water in the private sector of South America.
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Accelerating Women's Inclusion in Water
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Asia and the Pacific Water Resilience Initiative
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Feeding the Future; Sustainable and Water-Efficient Food Production
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Accelerating Access to Safe Water in Decentralized Communities
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Youths' Water Resource Capacity Expansion Activities and Future Projections in the Face of the Planet's Triple Crisis
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Implementation of Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Resilient and Flood Risk Management in Pakistan
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Clean Water for Manasari
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Full access to safe drinking water and sanitation for all in Mugina and Rugombo (Cibitoke, Burundi)
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Water Justice Fund
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Produce and disseminate open, global groundwater datasets
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Water Rights for riparian states sharing international water systems
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Building a Future Planet. Water Curse or Blessing?
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Enabling Women as actors in the water domain
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Making water resources research and scientific knowledge more accessible to and usable by practitioners, policymakers and the public at large.
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L'EAU C'EST LA VIE : Redonner la sourire aux personnes en situation difficile et contribuer au bien - être pour tous.
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Alien invasive vegetation clearing to increase rainfall runoff into dams supplying Cape Town with water - a climate resilience and catchment rehabilitation initiative
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