2123 results
Declaracin de reas de recuperacin pesquera
Implementar campaa educativa a 25 centros educativos en Municipio de Roatn y Santos Guardiola
Reducir y prevenir la contaminacin por desechos slidos en el rea costero marina Motagua-Omoa
Scaling up the Marine Conservation fund launched on October 2015-Improving marine scientific research and safeguarding marine resources of the Maldives through sustainable harvest
Strengthening scientific research on ecosystems in the marine waters of Cyprus
SOA's Commitment to SDG14
Promote public policy and raise international awareness on the important of the Ocean and human health
Joint conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal resources in the proposed transboundary conservation area between Kenya and Tanzania
Support of the research project: Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC)
Sea and beach exploration
A commitment to reduce ocean noise pollution
European Commission and IOC/UNESCO
Integrated Aerial Surveillance as part of the Australian Government Pacific Maritime Security Program
Declaration on Marine Reserves
Singapore's management of water pollution and quality in inland water bodies and coastal areas
Climate Field School for Fishermen
Profundizar la Reglamentacion de la explotacion pesquera mediante la implementacion de Especies con Captura Maxima Permisible (CMP) y Certificados de captura legal y control de carga