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United Nations إدارة الشؤون الاقتصادية والاجتماعية التنمية المستدامة
Displaying 937 - 954 of 2123
2123 results
Male 3R Declaration of Private Tourist Resorts towards Sustainable Tourism and protection of Marine and Coastal Ecosystem
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Strengthen capacities for adaptation to climate change impacts and implement pilot project for adaptation to climate change impacts, defined in the National Strategy for Integrated Coastal Zone Management of Montenegro (NS ICZM), prepared by the Ministry
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Development of maritime spatial plan, defined in the National Strategy for Integrated Coastal Zone Management of Montenegro, prepared by the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism in cooperation with UN Environment/MAP
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Control of marine litter inflow via rivers Bojana and Sutorina into the sea, defined in the National Action Plan of Montenegro (NAP) for the implementation of the LBS Protocol and its Regional Plans in the Framework of the SAP-MED with the aim to achieve
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Se ha validado el Plan de Manejo para la Pesquera de la Langosta Espinosa del Caribe de Honduras
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Apport de limagerie satellitaire dans la gestion durable des cosystmes de mangroves au large de Toukouzou Ozalem, dans les dpartements de Grand-Lahou et Jacqueville, au sud de la Cote dIvoire
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Crear, reforzar, socializar y establecer planes de gobernanza de las reas marinas protegidas y zonas de recuperacin pesquera en la Baha de Tela
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La administracin de los recursos marinos dispone de protocolos de investigacin de objetos de conservacin marina claves.
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Towards a fully integrated marine and coastal management in the Mediterranean region
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Global Seafood Ratings Alliance
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Thailand towards sustainable management of marine and coastal habitats
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Seafood Stewardship Index
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Partnership for Implementing SDG14 in the Western Indian Ocean
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Development of Locally Managed Areas for Restoration and Sustainable Use of Coastal Eco-systems with Involvement of Local Stakeholders
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Reduce by-catches and discards from fisheries
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Atlantic Interactions A strategic research agenda Integrating Space, Climate-Energy, Oceans and Data Sciences through North-South / South-North Cooperation
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International Centre for Education, Marine and Atmospheric Sciences for Africa: ICEMASA
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