2123 results
Legal Rights for Our Ocean
Asegurar la descarga y manejo adecuado de al meno 6000 toneladas por ao de desechos slidos
Publicar y hacer entrar en vigencia la Nueva Ley de Pesca y Acuicultura en el Diario Oficial La Gaceta
Campaa concientizacin para uso de bolsas reutilizables en las Islas de la Baha, con el fin de reducir el uso de bolsas de plstico desechables.
Creacin de lineamientos de ordenamiento del sector pesquero
The complete seizure of discharging treated sewage in the marine environment.
Blue Solutions for a Healthy Blue Planet
Grupos organizados de pescadores de baja escala implementan tecnicas sostenibles de pesca
Scoping Processs: Blue Ocean
Create an evaluation and monitoring system of the Blue Fund that is aligned with Goal 14 targets
Strengthening Marine Protected Areas in South-East China to conserve globally significant coastal biodiversity
Full deployment of European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) by 2020
Oceans and Us Conference at the UN
Development of a Multi-Organism and Multi-Level Biomarker System for Biomonitoring of Marine Ecosystem Health
Turkey's Marine Litter Action Plans to Reduce Sea-based and Land-based pollution loads
Plastic Mining Cooperation is committed to start the Plastic Mining recycling program on all SIDS member states by 2025.
Port Waste Management Plan for the Port of Port Louis