2123 results
Enhancing the role of women in marine scientific research through capacity-building
Advancing deep-sea taxonomy in support of the stewardship of the Area and its resources for the benefit of humankind
Publication of Mexico´s Initiative of Sustainable Ocean-based Tourism Activities
Joint Roadmap to accelerate Marine/Maritime Spatial Planning worldwide
MSP Challenge/MSPglobal training network on Marine Spatial Planning
Improving the assessment of essential ecological functions of the deep sea oceans through long-term underwater oceanographic observatories in the Area.
Arctic Deep Observation for Multi-sphere Cycling
Strengthening the stewardship of an economically and biologically significant high seas area – the Sargasso Sea
Partnership for Regional Ocean Governance: International Forum for Advancing Regional Ocean Governance
Southern Islands Biodiversity Survey
Dell Commits to Scaling Commercial Use of Ocean Bound Plastic
Promoting the Creation of Highly Protected Marine Reserves
WMO-IOC Regional Marine Instrument Centre for Asia-Pacific region
Compiling and publishing the annual China Ocean Development Report
International Symposium on Scientific and Legal Aspects of the Regimes of the Continental Shelf and the Area
Blue Book on China and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
Deep Ocean mesoPelagic Habitat (DOPH): quantitative study on the Ocean Twilight Zone
Response of typical ecosystems to climate change in the Southern Ocean