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United Nations 经济和社会事务部 可持续发展

The SDG Actions Platform is a global registry of voluntary policies, commitments, multi-stakeholder partnerships and other initiatives made by governments, the UN system and a broad range of stakeholders to support acceleration of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Governments and other actors are encouraged to register their policies, initiatives or commitments that accelerate the implementation of one or multiple SDGs on the platform by filling out a form that seeks detailed information about each policy/initiative, including details of implementation, beneficiaries, budget and resources, timeline and evaluation.

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Displaying 685 - 702 of 8145
Entity Types
Action Networks
8145 results
United Nations of Rivers, Deltas and Estuaries
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VITO WaterClimateHub as partner of Water4all
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Moving the Blended Finance Needle to Generate Financeable Water Plans
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Creating a Resilient Water Supply System for the Western Area, in Sierra Leone
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Water source of life and development
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Mainstreaming Nature-based Solutions
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Commitments of the PCJ Consortium towards Sustainable Water Management
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Global and Local Water Management Partnerships to Accelerate Implementation
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Community projet to support awareness of Young leaders on importance of rational management of national ressources
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SDSN & UN SIDS Resident Coordinators Network Partnership on SDG performance, vulnerability and financing gaps in SIDS
Small Island Developing States
Supporting groundwater resources studies, knowledge exchange, management and governance
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Promoting and coordinating R&D and Innovation in the Ocean Economy Sector
Small Island Developing States
Promoting and coordinating R&D and Innovation in the Ocean Economy Sector
Ocean conference wheel logo
Rising Nations Initiative
Small Island Developing States
Príncipe@EDU: Access and Connectivity Reinforcement Project - Príncipe Sustainable@EDU EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROJECT including providing 4000 Computer Devices and Training to all Teachers and Students
Small Island Developing States
Pacific Climate Change Migration and Human Security programme (Phase II)
Small Island Developing States
Water Temples Initiative
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