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United Nations 经济和社会事务部 可持续发展
Displaying 1351 - 1368 of 2123
2123 results
Programa de saneamiento ambiental en microcuencas y ros urbanos
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Mecanismos de aplicacin de las Polticas Ocenicas y Costeras.
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Pesca sostenible
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Promover el desarrollo de capacidades y establecimiento de cadenas de valor
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United Nations - The Nippon Foundation Sustainable Ocean Programme - Building capacities to reinforce ocean governance for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals
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RED ELCTRICAS SUBSEA FOREST: Recovery of posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows Balearic Islands, Spain
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Comprometidos con el uso sostenible del recurso pesquero
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Implementation of the Niue Treaty Subsidiary Agreement (NTSA) for monitoring, control and surveillance of fishing in the region, supporting Target 14.4 and 14.6
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Having five new fisheries certified against a scheme approved by GSSI in Latin America
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Coral Art - Underwater Living Sculptures
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Care of the Oceans
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Promote, sustainably use, and protect kadalamma-the Mother Sea-with indigenous fisherfolk
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Promote better understanding and advocacy on the organic linkages between oceans and mountains
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Community dialogue intervention to stop waste disposal into Rivers in the community
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Poltica Nacional de Costas y Mares
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Taking Action to Increase Mangrove Habitat 20% by 2030
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