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United Nations 经济和社会事务部 可持续发展
Displaying 631 - 648 of 2123
2123 results
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity - TEEB Aruba
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Open Ocean Database - Commitment on Sharing Surplus Data on the Oceans from Merchant Vessels for Public Scientific Use.
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A joint ACCOBAMS/GFCM approach to mitigate bycatch and depredation in the Mediterranean Sea
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Reduction of nutrient and hazardous substances discharge in Austrian rivers and lakes
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Proyecto de gestión integral de residuos sólidos para la Isla de Taboga
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Ocean Health Network for Samoa
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Cleanup of Itaquitanduva beach
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Revision of Belgium's Marine Spatial Plan
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National Environmental Science Programme: Tropical Water Quality Hub
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Fight against plastic bags
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Mozambican Marine Spatial Planning for coastal and ocean management
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Ratification of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM)
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Se han impartido 12 charlas acerca de la salud arrecifal en Honduras
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Realizar 3 monitoreos de mega-fauna marina en la Isla de Roatn, Honduras
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Strengthening regional cooperation for the protection of the marine and coastal environment in the Northwest Pacific
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Marine litter management through TEMM (the Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting among China, Japan and Korea)
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Strengthen capacities for green nautical tourism (green boating) and implement pilot project of the green nautical tourism concept (green boating), defined in the National Strategy for Integrated Coastal Zone Management of Montenegro, prepared by the Mini
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