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United Nations 经济和社会事务部 可持续发展
Displaying 217 - 234 of 2123
2123 results
Strengthen Peruvian artisanal fishing, especially for its contribution to food security, by capacity building using a Collaborative Learning Network.
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Facilitate the use of an Ocean Observation, Prediction and Early Warning System for Climate Impacts on Fisheries to ensure enhanced resilience and improved adaptive management of resources in the Humboldt Current Large Marine Ecosystem.
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Atolls and Ocean Management Strategy for Tokelau
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Youth ocean leadership in Peru
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Inclusive Niue Ocean Management (Blue Economy) Strategy
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Promote improvements to Peruvian public policies for sustainable fishing and aquaculture via the implementation of an ecosystem-based approach, including climate change adaptation with an emphasis on sustainable artisanal fisheries management.
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Sea Grapes/Limu Acceleration under REDSAF Project
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Downscaling Climate and Ocean Change to Services
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Reduce underwater noise from e.g. shipping, boating and marine construction activities and reduce its impact on marine fauna through spatial and/or time-specific regulations.
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Reduce plastic and microplastic input to the marine environment by improving waste collection in near-shore recreational areas and from marinas, agriculture, artificial turfts, roads, urban storm water and wastewater systems.
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Improve the effectiveness of marine conservation measures and expand the existing marine protected area network
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Restoration of important areas for fish and improving sustainable coastal fisheries
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Reduce input of hazardous substances into the sea by improved regulation, and by giving guidance for better handling of antifouling agents
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Improve the status of marine habitats and species e.g. by restoration measures and by reducing pressures from different human activities, in particular from boating, shipping and dredging
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Take actions to reduce the environmental impact of conventional, chemical and explosive munitions dumped at sea and in shipwrecks in the Baltic Sea
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Increase and improve marine literacy, to add knowledge and understanding of the ocean's influence on all of us, our influence on it, and provide guidance on how all of us can improve the environmental status of the ocean and seas, and act sustainably
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Improve the preparedness and ability to combat oil and other chemical spills in marine and coastal areas and improve the surveillance of these risks.
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The Netherlands aims to start at the source to save the sea through funding the S2S Platform Secretariat
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