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United Nations Департамент по экономическим и социальным вопросам Устойчивое развитие
Displaying 649 - 666 of 844
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844 results
Création et opérationnalisation des Agences des Barrages et Bassins Hydrographiques (ANBBH)
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Global Commission on the Economics of Water
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The Zambia Water Investment Programme
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The Cluster Strategy for Practical Integrated Water Resources Management to Resolve Water-related Issues in the Field by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
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The Cluster Strategy for Supporting the Growth of Water Utilities by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
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Water as Leverage Cartagena - Contruyendo con el Agua
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Capacity Building in Groundwater Education
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Implement the interactive platform for the visualization of the indicator 6.3.2 percentage of the body of water of good environmental quality at the water observatory – ANA Peru.
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Strengthening the process of formalization of water use rights for population purposes in Peru.
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Implement a remote monitoring system to improve the regulation of drinking water services in Peru.
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Strengthening strategies to encourage wastewater reuse in a circular economy approach in Peru.
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Implement a system of annual calculation of the "Safety of Potable Water Supply" indicator in Peru.
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Develop a regulation that enables water efficiency at the level of hydraulic infrastructure operators and water users in Peru
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Strengthening the mechanism to boost the granting of water use rights in Peru
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Realize the annual calculation of the Effective Water Treatment Indicator (TEAR) in Peru in accordance with target 6.3 of SDG 6.
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Accelerate safe, reliable and affordable access to water services for all in the Danube region
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Vebego Cleaning Services Made Blue
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Sustainable technology development and research initiatives to mitigate environmental challenges: Moving towards a climate-resilient future
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