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United Nations Департамент по экономическим и социальным вопросам Устойчивое развитие
Displaying 829 - 846 of 2123
2123 results
Promoting maritime spatial planning to achieve good environment status of oceans and seas.
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AGIR pour la mise en oeuvre des Aires Marines Protgs
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Supporting capacity building to minimize the impact of marine acidification in the coastal areas of small island countries in the Pacific
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Sa Moana Folauga
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A Holistic Solution for the Eradication of Destructive Fishing Practices in South-East Asia
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Commit to provide the most sustainable advisory service to at least five countries and companies wishing to maximize the use of their natural resource s by 2020 and 10 countries and companies by 2030.
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Review Existing Policies, Legal and Institutional Framework for Sustainable Use and Development of Marine Fisheries Resources
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150 nios han recibido visitas guiadas para conocer el arrecife coralino
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Desarrollar dos investigaciones cientficas por ao acerca de tema marinos
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Marine environment protection through CERAC (Special Monitoring & Coastal Environmental Assessment Regional Activity Centre) of NOWPAP(North-west Pacific Action Plan)
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Building up the national infrastructure to ensure the effective implementation of the Ballast Water Convention
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Improvement of the sewage network and waste water treatment in Municipality of Bar, defined in the National Action Plan of Montenegro (NAP) for the implementation of the LBS Protocol and its Regional Plans in the Framework of the SAP-MED with the aim to
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Acting for the Health of the Environment and the Protection of Oceans
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Adhesin a los convenios internacionales relativos a las indemnizaciones en caso de derrames de hidrocarburos
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Develop a marine spatial plan for Seychelles' Exclusive Economic Zone
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Red de Pescadores con capacidades para la pesca bajo lineamientos de sostenibilidad, pesca responsable y de acceso a mercados.
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Expansion of sea cucumber grow-out operations to support coastal community livleihoods
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Baltic Sea region: Soil carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling to combat eutrophication and climate change
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