Humanitarian Aid and Development Aid projects in 14 countries
Fundacao de Assistencia Medica Internacional (AMI Foundation)
Non-governmental organization (NGO)
AMI Foundation was founded in 1984, with Mankind as its main focus. Since 1987, it has intervened in 82 countries, having sent hundreds of volunteers and tones of aid (medicines and medical equipment, food, clothes, vehicles, generators, etc.). In the international arena, AMI carries out three large kinds of interventions: Emergency Missions (Humanitarian Aid), Development Missions with expatriate teams and International Projects in Partnership with Local Organizations, aiming to adjust its operation to the characteristics and needs of the context. With all of its international projects, AMI has benefited in 2020 a total of 2,081,156 people, of which 98,450 directly and 1 982 706 indirectly.
In 2020, AMI developed a total of 25 international projects, with 22 organizations in 14 countries, of which, 1 development mission with expatriate teams in the field (Guinea-Bissau), 2 humanitarian missions (Mozambique and Uganda) in partnership with local organizations, 13 International Projects in Partnership with Local Organizations in 9 countries and 9 actions to fight Covid-19. In Uganda, the Project “Talk2Me: Awareness and Promotion of the Best Practices in Sexual and Reproductive Health in Ugandan Refugee Camps” was implemented between March 2019 and February 2020. The total budget was €121,176. AMI implemented an emergency mission in Beira, Mozambique, in response to Cyclone Idai, with the implementation of the project “Mangwana - Prevention of Potential Epidemic Diseases, Post Cyclone Idai”, composed of 2 phases: phase 1, emergency response with expatriate teams and phase 2, community intervention with a local organization. This project lasted 14 months and ended on May 31, 2020. The total budget was 162.085€.7 In Guinea-Bissau, the project “High Impact Interventions: Community Health in Quinara”, co-financed by UNICEF, ongoing since 2014, and which sought to contribute to the availability of health services close to pregnant women and children under 5 years of age, in the Sanitary Region of Quinara, came to an end in 2020. The 4th phase of implementation of the project took place between 10 February and 30 June 2020, counted on the collaboration of a coordination team composed of two expatriate elements (coordinator and assistant coordinator) and a local team of 6 elements and had a total budget of 57.454 €. The projects in Partnership with Local Organizations had only local teams and a total budget of nearly €400.000.
Among other results, we highlight the training of 30 Community activists in appropriate personal and environmental prevention practices for priority infectious diseases and active case detection with referral to the health Centre, the referral of 550 cases of malaria and 322 cases of diarrhea by Community Activists to the Health Center in Mozambique; the performance of 108 sessions of youth conversations and the implementation of 490 awareness-raising sessions on sexual and reproductive health and hygiene through community agents and youth clubs, the referral of 375 people by community agents and young people informed to health centers to receive specialized medical attention or health condition assessment in Uganda; and the referral of over 500 children under 1 year for vaccination by community health workers and 293 births attended by qualified personnel in Guinea-Bissau.
In 2020, in the face of the pandemic by COVID-19, which caused constraints and prevented travel to the field, we’ve organized three online meetings with partners from Lusophone, Anglophone and Francophone countries to know the situation in each country and understand the main problems of the partners. In these sessions, it was possible to bring together partners from Bangladesh, Brazil, Cameroon, Chile, Colombia, India, Mozambique, Niger, Senegal, Syria, Sri Lanka and Uganda. In addition to supporting new actions, AMI maintained all the support given to local organizations.
In 2019, we have launched the first edition of Project Cycle Management training for local Civil Society Organizations in developing countries. The aim was to empower these organizations to obtain more external funding. The first actions were carried out in Sri Lanka, Uganda, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau. In 2020, it was possible to carry out training to the partners in Uganda and Guinea-Bissau, but the initiative had to be interrupted due to the pandemic. In Mozambique, the community intervention was implemented in close coordination with the Directorate and health technicians of the Reference Health Center, as well as with the teachers of the schools and the leaders of the communities involved. In Guinea-Bissau, the intervention was framed in the national health strategy, aiming at the reduction of maternal and infant morbidity and mortality in the Quinara region. In Uganda, the project was implemented in partnership with a local organization working at the refugee camps.……………
Aware of its responsibilities and its vocation in the area of Humanitarian Aid, AMI has assumed its responsibility towards international partners who were already facing the serious consequences of the pandemic in their country. In addition to supporting new actions, AMI maintained all the support given to local organizations and associations, having accepted to redirect efforts, at the request of some of the partners, to stop the spread of Covid-19 in the regions where the projects were implemented.
SDGS & Targets
Deliverables & Timeline
Resources mobilized
Partnership Progress

Other beneficiaries
The international projects in partnership with local organizations benefited directly 64578 people. The missions with expatriate teams benefited directly 20756 people, of which 14728 young people between 10 and 24 years old in Uganda; 2514 people, namely users of the local health Centre, Health Technicians, General Service Agents, Community Leaders in Mozambique; and approximately 2955 pregnant women and 8734 children under 5 in Guinea-Bissau.
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