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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Education For de Future


    Supply of Structures, for the seapration of waste in Municipal Schools of the Municipality of Montenegro, in the South of Brazil.<br />
    Project Idealized and operated by the Montepel Company, financed by the company Hexion Química do Brasil in partnership with the Secretariats of Environment and Education of the Municipality.<br />
    The project contemplated the collection and recovery of waste collected by schools and lectures on Sustainable Development for all participating schools.

    Objective of the practice

    To stimulate the practical change of attitudes and the formation of new habits regarding the<br />
    use of the natural resources and to favor the reflection on the ethical responsibility of the<br />
    human being with the own planet as a whole, offering an efficient instrument for the<br />
    formation of the environmental conscience for children and adolescents from public<br />
    schools in Montenegro.<br />
    The proposal to work selective collection and Environmental education, supported by the<br />
    17 Global Objectives, seeks to contribute to enable the Public School Students of<br />
    Montenegro to:<br />
    • Intervene in the reality that surrounds them;<br />
    • Minimize the environmental impacts caused by the inadequate management of municipal<br />
    solid waste in the Municipality;<br />
    • Create in the children an audience of Multipliers, so that they take home examples of<br />
    citizenship and respect for nature, contributing to the proper disposal of waste.<br />
    • To promote in children a conscience capable of observing and analyzing facts and<br />
    situations of all types of garbage from the environmental point of view, in a critical way,<br />
    recognizing the need and opportunities to act in a proactive manner, to guarantee a healthy<br />
    environment and good quality of life;<br />
    • Understand reality by seeking solutions to social issues, making it possible to take a<br />
    position on fundamental and urgent problems of social life;<br />
    • Modifying students&#39; personal attitudes and practices through the use of knowledge about<br />
    the environment, adopting postures at work, at home and in their community that lead to<br />
    constructive interactions in society;<br />
    • Establish programs and actions of Environmental Education by raising the awareness of<br />
    the resident population about their social and environmental responsibility;<br />
    • Multiply information for communities, families and their environment;

    The project was developed and operated by Montepel, sponsored by Empresa Hexion Química do Brasil with the support of the Secretariats of Environment and Education of the Municipality of Montenegro.
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    Steps for Project Deployment
    • Step 1: Presentation of the Project to the City Hall and other partners
    • Step 2: Definition of Participating Schools
    • Step 3: Delivery of the structures in the schools participating in the projects
    • Step 4: Training Planning and dissemination of the Program to schools and Municipal
    • Step 5: Presentations in participating schools of the Waste Problems in the World and in
    the Region where they live, based in SDG´s
    • Step 6: Waste Collection Operation in schools
    • Step 7: Project Launch Event
    • Step 8: Remuneration of collected waste
    • Step 9: Calculation of the amounts and remuneration of schools
    • Step 10: Monitoring and Evaluation

    17.5 tons of collected waste

    2,276 children trained in separation and qualification of waste and in Sustainable Development

    More than US $ 3,000 passed on to schools on account of the collected waste
    Enabling factors and constraints
    Partnership with the project financing company and with schools was the strong point.
    The openness that teachers and managers gave to the project and especially the value were essential for the result that is not final, since the project continues in 2019. The Structure is ready in these 10 schools and the training will be distributed throughout 2019.
    Sustainability and replicability
    Due to success, the practice will be extended to another 10 schools in 2019, sponsored by Hexion Química do Brasil.

    The children have made the project successful and have been transformed into multipliers, leading to their communities the importance of the correct disposal of waste and care for the environment.

    Staff / Technical expertise
    9 persons - Include Presentations and people to the take de waste in the Schools
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    Name Description
    14.1 By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 March 2018 (start date)
    31 December 2019 (date of completion)
    1. Latin America and the Caribbean
    Geographical coverage
    Held in the Municipality of Montenegro. Montenegro is bathed by the Caí River, considered the eighth most polluted of Brazil, which ends at Lagoa dos Patos and later in the Atlantic Ocean.
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    Joao Batista Dias, Education for the Future