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United Nations Département des Affaires Économiques et Sociales Développement Durable
Displaying 739 - 756 of 844
Entity Types
844 results
Dutch Fund for Climate and Development - Climate Investor 2
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Soil Fertility Grant Programme, including the link with water management, climate adaptation and agrobiodiversity
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Dakar Action Plan for the basins of lakes, rivers and aquifers
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Achieve water savings through predictive maintenance with Swiss made precision down to a drop, making water matter to people.
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Increasing access to safe water for 1,000,000 residents in low-income urban communities, schools, health facilities and public places in Ghana, through innovative financing and inclusion by 2030.
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Global Water Analysis Laboratories (GloWAL) Network
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Catalysing Private Capital for Water and Sanitation
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Nature-based solutions in integrated water resource management and climate in Central and Eastern Europe
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Accelerating the Sanitation Economy and Menstrual Hygiene Marketplace
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The IRCAI Water Observatory - AI in the service of SDG 6
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Feeding the Future; Sustainable and Water-Efficient Food Production
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Strengthen Regional Training Centers and Networks of Training Centers
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Kumamoto Initiative for Water - Promoting both climate change adaptation and mitigation measures and measures to improve people’s basic living environment -
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Contribution and roles of Indigenous Peoples in protection and management of water resources and biodiversity
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Empowering Communities in Monitoring for Watershed Security and Adaptation in River Basins
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International High-Level Panel on Water Investments for Africa
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International Blended Water Investment Facility for Africa: Feasibility Study on the Fund
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Continental Africa Water Investment Programme (AIP)
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