Displaying 289 - 306 of 844
844 results
Providing Equitable Access to Clean Water in Rural, Climate-Vulnerable Communities through the Installation of Solar Water Farms
Water4allSDGs, a tool to assess the impacts of any water project/policy on ALL the SDGs
ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability will work through CitiesWithNature (CWN) and RegionsWithNature (RWN) and partners in these initiatives to support and enable cities and sub-national local government for enhanced action for Water Resilience and S
Mountain Re-hydration Movement as a local action for the protection of mountain fires as a Private-Public-Partnership
Duplicate MAG water availability through the restoration of the current water supply system, and creation of new water supply sources.
Monitoring of micropollutants and water quality in the Hydrographic Basin of the Itaipu Reservoir