602 results
SDSN & UN SIDS Resident Coordinators Network Partnership on SDG performance, vulnerability and financing gaps in SIDS
Promoting and coordinating R&D and Innovation in the Ocean Economy Sector
Rising Nations Initiative
Príncipe@EDU: Access and Connectivity Reinforcement Project - Príncipe Sustainable@EDU EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROJECT including providing 4000 Computer Devices and Training to all Teachers and Students
Pacific Climate Change Migration and Human Security programme (Phase II)
Local community engagement in climate action and building water security leveraging clean technology innovation
Using Advance Technology and AI for Reef Restoration: Implications of Active Management to declare a Marine Protected Area in Mauritius
University of Mauritius Led Partnership for the Marine Biodiversity Active Restoration
Think Green while Reading
Project for Water Reuse for Agriculture on Santa Cruz Wastewater Plant, Cabo Verde
Enhancing the role of women in marine scientific research through capacity-building
Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON)
Roadmap for Carbon Sustainability of Principe Island
SIDS Lighthouses Initiative (SIDS LHI)
Italy - Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) Fellowship - Building Lasting Capacity in AOSIS Member Governments
Supporting Pacific Leadership for Climate Action