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United Nations Département des Affaires Économiques et Sociales Développement Durable
Displaying 1171 - 1188 of 2123
2123 results
Mangroves, marine and freshwater systems conservation and rehabilitation
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Maritime boundaries and zones finalised for Solomon Islands
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PPP initiative to release 30,000 fish in protected areas
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Mobilise cities and the innovation community to clean up the Baltic Sea and capture economic and social gains.
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Localidades con modelo de Gestin Local Compartida de reas costeras marinas, con los planes asumidos por las comunidades: 14 al 2020 en seguimiento a las Metas Presidenciales del Ministerio.
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Project Sagarmala - Coastal Community Development
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Monitoreo de los Planes de Manejo Ambiental
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Realizar la zonificacin o sectorizacin de los espacios que conforman las zonas costeras y marinas
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Restauracin de ecosistemas de coral en Cayo Farola Cayo Levantado, Saman.
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Marine Ecosystems Protected Area (MEPA) Trust's Biodiversity Is Our Business Project - Valuing Ecosystem Services for Biodiversity Protection
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Sistemas de monitoreo de contaminacin marina
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Aumentar el conocimiento cientfico sobre sistemas costeros y marinos
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South African Offshore Trawl Bycatch Fishery Conservation Project
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Encouraging sustainable tourism to protect migratory species and support local communities
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Establishment of the International Marine Training Centre for Innovative Science and Technology for Sea Dumped Weapons, and Shipborne Disposal Solutions to Support the Eradication of all Underwater Munitions
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Creating more informed and aware citizenry
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The Explorers Club Ocean related Grants
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