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United Nations Département des Affaires Économiques et Sociales Développement Durable
Displaying 451 - 468 of 2123
2123 results
Programme to combat marine litter and microplastics
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Innovating, connecting and scaling fishers’ solutions for healthy oceans and resilient communities
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Industry and research driven development and introduction of selective and low impact fishing gears
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Norway launching Global Action Network on Sustainable Food from the Ocean for Food Security and Nutrition
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COLLECT – Citizen Observation of Local Litter in Coastal ECosysTems
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Ocean futures: solutions from science
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“#RevitalizaLosOcéanos” Coastal cleaning and knowledge sharing
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UN Global Compact Sustainable Ocean Principles
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UN Global Compact Sustainable Ocean Principles
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Produce a FiTI Report by the end of 2022
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Marshaling best-available data to minimize fisheries bycatch of critically endangered Pacific leatherbacks and identifying opportunities for species conservation and recovery.
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Youth engagement for comprehensive ocean conservation from climate change and water security in Asia Pacific.
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Implementation of Ten-point Plan of Action for Marine Conservation and Sustainable Fisheries of German Development Cooperation
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Blue Action Fund
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Save Our Mangroves Now!
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Fighting Against Ocean Pollution
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Fighting Against Ocean Pollution
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